Applications are open for the 2024 INSPIRE Symposium! Apply by November 22, 2023 » INSPIRE is a prestigious symposium sponsored by the Department of Neuroscience at Washington
MRC Confidence in Concept call open – deadline 29th November 2023 Applications are invited from PIs and early career researchers employed in any University department for Confidence in Concept (CiC)
Internal Call: Isaac Newton Trust / University of Cambridge Early Career Support Scheme for the Schools of Technology and the
Following on from the pre-announcement about the Sir Jules Thorn Award for Biomedical Research call (see email below), this is to announce that the funder has now opened this call and so
Deadline for Applications: 6th October 2023 Funding of up to £15,000 is available from the Wellcome Institutional Translation Partnership Award (iTPA) for University of Cambridge departments/institutes to support activities related to the
Deadline for Application: 6th October 2023 Applications are invited for the CATS administrated Access to Expertise call (AtE). Up to £15K (up to £20K in exceptional circumstances) can be obtained to
The Wellcome Trust has awarded the University of Cambridge an Institutional Translation Partnership Award (iTPA). Funding of up to £20,000 is available for projects in the remit of the Future of
Application deadline: 5 October The Vice Chancellor’s Awards for Research Impact and Engagement were established in 2016. They recognise outstanding achievement, innovation and creativity in devising and implementing ambitious engagement
Application deadline: 6 October, 09:00 As part of a new challenge-led research funding initiative, we’re inviting researchers across the University of Cambridge to submit concept papers setting out their idea for
Announcement of 2023 Loulou Foundation Junior Fellowship Programme The Loulou Foundation is pleased to announce the CDKL5 Forum 2023 Junior Fellowships Programme, to recognize leading young researchers who are making