
BBSRC DTP: Call for iCASE projects – extended deadline

Image for BBSRC DTP: Call for iCASE projects – extended deadline

We recently sent out a call for potential iCASE projects to support our BBSRC DTP3 reapplication. We thank those colleagues and departments/institutes who have supported the bid by submitting iCASE project proposals ahead of last Friday’s deadline. However, we would ideally like to assemble a larger portfolio of potential projects, so that we are able to demonstrate that there will be competition for these studentships. We are therefore extending the deadline for submission of potential CASE projects to Friday April 22, though ideally we would like to receive proposals earlier. The original text of the call is pasted below, with a couple of minor clarifications in the text.

We will be applying to BBSRC in May for renewed DTP funding to support admission of two cohorts of DTP3 students to start in Oct 2023 and 2024. We will be applying for both standard DTP studentships as well as iCASE studentships. In order to strengthen the application we would like to assemble a portfolio of iCASE projects ahead of the application. In the event of a successful outcome, iCASE projects could be advertised in the admissions round at the end of this year. In contrast to previous DTPs there will be a single admissions and interview process involving standard, targeted and iCASE studentships. This will ensure a level playing field and will allow us to address our Widening Participation objectives. Please note that if more than one iCASE proposal will be submitted by a single Department/PI, then a Department/PI ranking would be helpful although the DTP Research Committee will make the final decisions.

If members of your Department/Institute have existing or proposed industrial/non-academic partners and would like to be included in the iCASE bid, please complete the form at: by Friday, 22 April 2022 at the very latest. Ideally, we would like responses earlier.

Please approach your proposed non-academic partner to assess their potential interest and willingness to provide a letter of support. Non-academic partners should be able to provide students with distinctive research training and experience not available in an academic setting. Industrial partner companies should have an established UK-based research and/or commercial production capability. In exceptional cases, organisations based overseas may be eligible, but only where they can provide the student with an opportunity to gain skills not currently available in the UK.

Partners are expected to provide:

Best wishes,
Chris Smith
BBSRC DTP Director

Posted on 01/04/2022