BBSRC Impact Acceleration Account (IAA): Pump Priming
This call is now OPEN. The deadline for application is 18 September 2023 at 16.00.
Who can apply:
- Principal Investigators.
- Postdoc Researchers with PIs as co-applicant.
Awards: up to £40,000.
Project duration: up to 9 months.
What we fund:
A wide range of activities can be funded by this award, including, but not limited to:
- Engaging with stakeholders to influence their resources/procedures, encouraging adoption of your methods/guidance,
- Testing models/diagnostics in real world settings or conditions,
- Repurposing existing technology for new applications beyond the laboratory,
- Engaging with non-academic partners and end users through workshops/demonstrations to enable impact (e.g. prototype/process/tool refinement),
- Pursuit of commercialisation, such as undertaking market validation, access to expertise to enable exploitation and commercialisation, and understanding the regulatory landscape.
Posted on 21/06/2023