
BNA-Brain Carer Grants

Image for BNA-Brain Carer Grants

The BNA is currently inviting applications for BNA-Brain Carer Grants to help cover expenses associated with caring responsibilities and enable participation in either BNA-hosted or external neuroscience events.

BNA-Brain Carer Grants are inclusive of varied circumstances and different caring responsibilities to support the diverse needs of all neuroscientists.

Thanks to extended support from the Guarantors of Brain we are now able to offer BNA-Brain Carer Grants of up to £300 to neuroscientists with children or other caring responsibilities throughout 2022, for either BNA events or relevant activities held by other organisations.

Moreover, the BNA-Brain Carer grants will support attendance of either in-person or online events. This is in recognition that, although online events have the potential to widen participation, significant challenges remain for working parents and others with caring responsibilities even when they can access content online.

Posted on 14/02/2022