The Loulou Foundation is pleased to announce the CDKL5 Forum 2023 Junior Fellowships Programme, to recognize leading young researchers who are making a significant impact in the field of CDKL5 research.
As in previous years, up to five fellowships with an award of US$ 10,000 (ten thousand US dollars) will be granted to young investigators at the doctoral, post-doctoral, or junior faculty level who are active in labs working on CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder. The award funds will go to the lab of the awardee and must be used to directly advance research into CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder, with no deductions permitted for indirect costs, as per the policy set by the Trustees of the Loulou Foundation.
Nominations will be accepted from now until Fri, October 6, 2022, from the principal investigators of the labs of which the candidate is a member. The nomination should be in the form of a one-page (maximum) letter outlining the candidate’s eligibility based on three criteria: 1) work ethic; 2) track record of research; and 3) commitment to CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder. The fellowship awardees will be announced publicly at the CDKL5 Forum 2023 Awards Dinner on Monday, November 6, 2023.
Please send all nominations or questions by e-mail to: with the Subject line: CDKL5 Forum 2023 Junior Fellowship Programme Nominations
Posted on 21/09/2023