Dear Cambridge Neuroscience community,
Last year, a group of postgrads from Psychiatry, Psychology, and the CBU put on Summer CAMP (Cambridge Access to Mental Health & Psychology), a widening participation summer programme at the university.
We admitted 17 students from underrepresented backgrounds in academia to a two-week virtual programme. The core part of the programme was writing a (hypothetical) research proposal with supervision from a postgraduate student at Cambridge. We also put on a variety of events, including talks from faculty, Q&A on postgraduate life, etc. Full details can be found on our website
The programme was a big success and received unanimously positive feedback from the participants. We are therefore planning to rerun it this year and are hoping it will continue to run in future years when the current organising committee have completed their degrees and left Cambridge.
To that end, we are looking for people who are interested in joining the team and take responsibility for running the programme in 2023 and beyond. The following roles must be filled:
Ideally, you would observe some of the work this year, participate in some meetings etc., and then take over from next year (with continued support from the current committee).
If this sounds at all interesting, please get in touch with me ( or Nina Lutz ( I personally thought it was incredibly fun and rewarding to help run this programme last year and gained many valuable skills. It’s also a great way to connect with the Neuroscience community at the University.
If you are a postgraduate student and you are interested in supervising during this year’s programme (four one-hour supervisions with a CAMP undergraduate participant between 22nd of August and 2nd of September), please complete this form by the 15th of April.
Apologies for the long email. Do not hesitate to contact me or Nina if you have any questions.
We hope to hear from you!
Best wishes,
Posted on 05/04/2022