
September 29th 2022


Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge


Welcome Back! – Cambridge Neuroscience Seminar at Fitzwilliam College

Cambridge Neuroscience is delighted to announce the 32nd Cambridge Neuroscience Seminar, ‘New Horizons’, which will be held in person at Fitzwilliam College in Cambridge.

Neuroscience within Cambridge covers a wide array of topics, specialities, disciplines and techniques and it is spread across Departments and Schools. The strategic vision of the Cambridge Neuroscience IRC (Interdisciplinary Research Centre) is to deliver research innovation in neuroscience and enhance health and quality of life. Central to this vision is the aim to develop an integrated framework that will promote cutting-edge research in marrying discovery and translational neuroscience, celebrate our diverse and cross-disciplinary approach, bolster our integrative community and attract new funding and talent to develop into new horizons.

In meeting this challenge, we have developed key new themes cutting across discovery and translational research to represent Cambridge Neuroscience and showcase the highly collaborative and integrative character of our research community.

The themes aim to:

  1. cover unique areas of expertise within Cambridge Neuroscience
  2. target areas of research with clinical and societal impact
  3. straddle techniques and disciplines across Departments and Schools as well as the clinical-basic science division

Following consultations across Schools and a series of interdisciplinary workshops, we have identified 6 interdisciplinary cross-cutting themes as follows:

  1. Neuronal Circuits and Networks
  2. Adaptive Brain Computations
  3. Beyond the Neurone: glia, vascular and immune cells
  4. Lifelong Brain Development
  5. Social Behaviour and Communication
  6. Brains and Machines

Interdisciplinary programme at CNS 2022

All of these themes will be introduced at CNS2022 across 18 short talks – an overview of the theme will be given in the context of the research happening across Cambridge in addition to talks on the future directions and scope of each theme.

Data Blitz at CNS 2022

There will be a data blitz for early career researchers held during the main programme. Abstracts will be selected from submitted poster abstracts. Research can cover can cover any of the six new themes of Cambridge Neuroscience (see above). Deadline for Abstract submission is Thursday September 8th 2022 and presenters will be notified of selection by Friday September 16th (Early abstract submission is advisable) to ensure adequate preparation time. Selected presenters will be allowed to speak for a maximum of 3 minutes.

Poster exhibition at CNS 2022

There will be a poster exhibition held during the conference with generous prizes (2 x £200). Posters can cover any of the six new themes of Cambridge Neuroscience (see above). Deadline for Abstract submission is Thursday September 8th 2022.

Please note that poster boards will be 1 metre (w) by 2 metres (h). Please note that the optimum size for posters is A0 portrait (i.e. 841mm (w) x 1189mm (h)). If your poster is already printed and does not fit these requirements, please contact Dervila Glynn.

Reception and Conference Dinner at Fitzwilliam College

There will be a drinks reception and conference dinner at Fitzwilliam College following the meeting (extra fee payable). Places are available for this reception and dinner.

An opportunity to reconnect at CNS 2022

Come along and reconnect with colleagues after a difficult 2 years and make some new connections – take advantage of the amazing community right on our doorstep!