Join us for a lively networking lunch for Early Career Researchers working in any area of public health. When: 12.00-2.00, Wednesday 22nd May Where: James Dyson Building Seminar Room Department of Engineering, Trumpington…
You’re a Postdoc. What’s next? Want to have an impact beyond publishing? Curious about career options outside of academia? Interested in a legit ‘side-hustle’ as you further your research? Then…
The XII Cajal Conference on Sex and Epigenetics in Mental Disorders will take place 22-24 May and will feature András Lakatos from Clinical Neurosciences.
The Kinds of Intelligence and Social AI reading group will re-convene for Easter term this week onwards. As always, the meetings will be held at the CFI Boardroom, 16 Mill Ln on…
We’re pleased to share the line-up for our next edition of Neurotalks, an extra special session in collaboration with CHIA (The Centre for Human-Inspired AI). The theme will of course be of…
On Saturday, 16th March at Robinson College, please join us at the 2024 BBMS Conference – Bridging Bench to Bedside. SIGN UP …
In 2020, the Royal Society conducted a study on ethnicity in…
You are cordially invited to the first talk given by the ADHD society! Our guest speaker will be Professor Barbara Sahakian with her talk titled “Busting Myths on Attention Deficit…