Funding for impact is available for BBSRC remit projects
The BBSRC IAA Pump-Priming Funding Call 2022 is now open to support early-stage impact projects and knowledge exchange with users in industry, policy and third sector organisations, with a view to accelerating the translation of research outputs into impacts.
Who can apply?
Funding is open to Principal Investigators employed within a University department with project proposals within the BBSRC remit. Please note that, in contrast to previous BBSRC IAAs, previous/current BBSRC funding is NOT a requirement. Applications from ECRs with PIs as co-applicants are encouraged.
What activities can be funded?
How to apply
To apply, visit the BBSRC IAA webpage for guidance, application forms and terms and conditions.
If you have any queries, please contact: Marwah Hassan,
Please also contact us if you have a potential project which does not fit the timescale or budget for this call, as there may be future funding opportunities.
Posted on 12/10/2022