
Huo Family Foundation – Effects of the Usage of Digital Technology on Brain Development, Social Behaviours and Mental Health in Children and Young People

Image for Huo Family Foundation – Effects of the Usage of Digital Technology on Brain Development, Social Behaviours and Mental Health in Children and Young People
Restricted Call: Huo Family Foundation Special Project on the Effects of the Usage of Digital Technology on Brain Development, Social Behaviours and Mental Health in Children and Young People (internal deadline: 10 March, 2025)
The aim of this opportunity is to help advance the research and the field of knowledge in this area, both by strengthening existing, as well as creating new, methods and approaches to better model and unpick the complexities of this topic. The funder will make awards of up to £1,200,000 for projects that last up to 4 years. The funder encourages multi-disciplinary work from researchers across all relevant fields, including, but not limited to, neuroscience, psychology, psychiatry, epidemiology, public health, computer science, social science, economics. The applicants should have a permanent, open-ended or long-term rolling contract, or the guarantee of one. Their contracts should not be conditional on receiving this award. Grant funds are not to be used to support the lead applicant’s salary or that of the co-applicants.
For more information, see the funder’s scheme page.
University Internal selection:
The University of Cambridge can only lead on 1 application where the lead applicant is from the University of Cambridge. Therefore, this call will be managed according to the University’s restricted calls procedure.
To take part in the internal selection, please complete our online form by 10 March, 2025 (NB: if asked to log-in, please use your crsid/Raven details; note that a Form cannot be saved and returned to).
You will need the following documents and information to complete the Form:
  • Please provide the names, departments and institutions/organisations of your collaborators on the project.
  • a project summary (max 750 words) addressing the following:
    • research proposal
    • skills and experience – previous research outputs and contributions to the research community, and how you will develop these during the award.
    • research environment –  how the host institution will support you to deliver your research programme and develop you as a researcher. This may include how you align to the strategic aims of your organisation, and/or how you contribute to a positive research culture.
  • a support letter from the Head of the Department that will host the award confirming their support for the project and agreement to host the award.
Internal Assessment Criteria:
Please note that the assessment of internal applications will focus on the following core funder criteria:
  • The research proposal – the research proposal is bold, innovative, novel and high quality.
  • Skills and experience – previous research outputs and contributions to the research community, and how you will develop these during the award.
  • Research environment – how the host institution will support you to deliver your research programme and develop you as a researcher. This may include how you align to the strategic aims of your organisation, and/or how you contribute to a positive research culture.
Funder deadline: 23 May 2025.
If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

Posted on 12/02/2025