The EPSRC IAA Early-stage Commercialisation Fund aims to enhance the commercial exploitation of Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) research areas. This funding helps bridge the gap between academic research and commercialisation by supporting the early stages of commercialisation of technologies, to make ideas more attractive for further commercial investment. Awards up to £100,000 per application are funded, with a 9-month project start date of 9 January 2023-28 February 2023. Applications are welcomed from staff employed in any University department to develop ideas that fall within EPSRC’s remit. The project must be based on identifiable intellectual property, for example a patent application or a considerable body of software. Applications from Early Career Researchers with PIs as co-applicants are encouraged.
Successful applications should; demonstrate the potential to significantly increase the probability of commercialisation; be based on a ‘proof-of-concept’ model and/or aim to demonstrate technical viability alongside the preparation of a robust business plan. To apply, visit the EPSRC IAA website for guidance, application forms and terms and conditions. If you have any queries, please contact: Amaya Camara-Campos.
Posted on 07/10/2022