
Interested in watching a film? – Volunteers required

Image for Interested in watching a film? – Volunteers required

Interested in watching a film?

We are looking for participants for a study about the impact of immersing ourselves in films. During your visit to our lab at the Department of Psychology, you will be asked to watch a short film, which may be of disturbing content. Afterwards, you will complete various computer tasks. The study will take up to 2:20 hours of your time (2h in the lab, 20 min from home) and you’ll be reimbursed at £11.44/hour. If you are healthy and aged between 18-67 years, we’d like to hear from you!

Could you tell me more about the study?

The purpose of the study is to examine how people process film material. We may show you neutral films, negative films, or both. We are interested in the impact each type of film has on people, and whether this impact is affected by completing simple computer tasks. The outcome of this study has implications for aiding people after distressing events.

How can I sign up?

We use a specific platform to organise sign-ups, named SONA. To view more information about the study and to sign up, you would have to create an account on the website. Once your account is created, you will be asked to complete a short form with further details about you, which help us determine whether you’re eligible for the study. Once that is completed, you will be able to see available time-slots for the study.
Please follow this link to access SONA and the study.
If you have any questions or trouble accessing SONA, you can contact Hannah

Posted on 17/07/2024