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I am an Early Career Fellow funded by the Leverhulme Trust and Isaac Newton Trust at the Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit. My research interests include speech and auditory perception, temporal cognition, and how auditory and motor rhythmic processes relate to speech production and perception. I am currently working with Dr. Matt Davis and Dr. Tobias Goehring on my project, "Finding the Flow: Temporal Contributions to Speech Perception and Intelligibility". Previously, Dr. Goehring and I investigated the neural correlates of speech perception in cochlear implant users. Before coming to the CBU, I undertook my PhD with Professor Sophie Scott at the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience at University College London, where I researched speech breathing using behavioural and physiological methods, as well as developed automated approaches for the analysis of the speech and speech breathing time series. My other interests include sequential and procedural learning, as well as cross-disciplinary topics such as Deaf studies, voice studies, and ethnomusicology.