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    Professor Barbara Sahakian FMedSci DSc

    University Position


    My research is aimed at understanding the neural basis of cognitive, emotional and behavioural dysfunction in order to develop more effective pharmacological and psychological treatments. The focus of my lab is on early detection, differential diagnosis and proof of concept studies using cognitive enhancing drugs. This research utilises neuropsychological tests, such as the CANTAB tests, which I co-invented and a focus remains on the development of novel tests. Current study participants include healthy volunteers and patient groups with brain injury, Alzheimer?s disease, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), obsessive compulsive disorder, substance abuse, depression and mania. Techniques used include psychopharmacological, neuropsychological, neuroimaging (fMRI and PET) and genetic ones. Results from recent studies of ecstasy use and cognitive enhancement using methylphenidate, modafinil and atomoxetine have led to an interest in pharmacogenomics and neuroethics.

    Key Publications

    Atomoxetine reduces decisional impulsivity in human cocaine addiction.

    Journal: Biol Psychiatry
    E-pub date: 15 Mar 2025
    Authors: TV Lim, RN Cardinal, H Ziauddeen, R Regenthal, BJ Sahakian, TW Robbins, KD Ersche

    Methylphenidate ameliorates behavioural and neurobiological deficits in executive function for patients with chronic Traumatic Brain Injury

    Journal: J Clin Med
    E-pub date: 29 Jan 2024
    Authors: A Peattie, A Manktelow, B Sahakian, D Menon, E Stamatakis

    Chronic escitalopram in healthy volunteers has specific effects on reinforcement sensitivity: a double-blind, placebo-controlled semi-randomised study.

    Journal: Neuropsychopharmacology
    E-pub date: 1 Mar 2023
    Authors: C Langley, S Armand, Q Luo, G Savulich, T Segerberg, A Søndergaard, EB Pedersen, N Svart, O Overgaard-Hansen, A Johansen, C Borgsted, RN Cardinal, TW Robbins, DS Stenbæk, GM Knudsen, BJ Sahakian

    Dopaminergic brainstem disconnection is common to pharmacological and pathological consciousness perturbation.

    Journal: Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
    E-pub date: 27 Jul 2021
    Authors: LRB Spindler, AI Luppi, RM Adapa, MM Craig, P Coppola, ARD Peattie, AE Manktelow, P Finoia, BJ Sahakian, GB Williams, J Allanson, JD Pickard, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis

    The profile of executive function in OCD hoarders and hoarding disorder.

    Journal: Psychiatry Research
    E-pub date: 30 Mar 2014
    Authors: S Morein-Zamir, M Papmeyer, A Pertusa, SR Chamberlain, NA Fineberg, BJ Sahakian, D Mataix-Cols, TW Robbins

    Quantification of receptor-ligand binding potential in sub-striatal domains using probabilistic and template regions of interest.

    Journal: NeuroImage
    E-pub date: 1 Mar 2011
    Authors: N del Campo, RJ Tait, J Acosta-Cabronero, YT Hong, D Izquierdo-Garcia, R Smith, FI Aigbirhio, BJ Sahakian, U Müller, TW Robbins, TD Fryer


    Comparable roles for serotonin in rats and humans for computations underlying flexible decision-making.

    Journal: Neuropsychopharmacology
    E-pub date: 1 Feb 2024
    Authors: Q Luo, JW Kanen, A Bari, N Skandali, C Langley, GM Knudsen, J Alsiö, BU Phillips, BJ Sahakian, RN Cardinal, TW Robbins

    Common roles for serotonin in rats and humans for computations underlying flexible decision-making

    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2023
    Authors: Q Luo, J Kanen, A Bari, N Skandali, C Langley, GM Knudsen, J Alsiö, B Phillips, B Sahakian, R Cardinal, T Robbins

    Study protocol: How does cognitive flexibility relate to other executive functions and learning in healthy young adults?

    Journal: PLoS One
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2023
    Authors: K Tong, YN Chan, X Cheng, B Cheon, M Ellefson, R Fauziana, S Feng, N Fischer, B Gulyás, N Hoo, D Hung, K Kalaivanan, C Langley, KM Lee, LL Lee, T Lee, I Melani, N Melia, JY Pei, L Raghani, YL Sam, P Seow, J Suckling, YF Tan, CL Teo, R Uchiyama, HS Yap, G Christopoulos, H Hendriks, A Chen, T Robbins, B Sahakian, Z Kourtzi, V Leong, CLIC Phase 1 Consortium

    Depressive symptoms following traumatic brain injury are associated with resting-state functional connectivity.

    Journal: Psychol Med
    E-pub date: 1 Apr 2023
    Authors: L Luo, C Langley, L Moreno-Lopez, K Kendrick, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis, BJ Sahakian

    Distributed harmonic patterns of structure-function dependence orchestrate human consciousness

    Journal: Commun Biol
    E-pub date: 28 Jan 2023
    Authors: AI Luppi, J Vohryzek, ML Kringelbach, PAM Mediano, MM Craig, R Adapa, RL Carhart-Harris, L Roseman, I Pappas, ARD Peattie, AE Manktelow, BJ Sahakian, P Finoia, GB Williams, J Allanson, JD Pickard, DK Menon, S Atasoy, EA Stamatakis

    Prefrontal Cortex Activation and Stopping Performance Underlie the Beneficial Effects of Atomoxetine on Response Inhibition in Healthy Volunteers and Those With Cocaine Use Disorder.

    Journal: Biol Psychiatry Cogn Neurosci Neuroimaging
    E-pub date: 1 Nov 2022
    Authors: P Zhukovsky, S Morein-Zamir, H Ziauddeen, E Fernandez-Egea, C Meng, R Regenthal, BJ Sahakian, ET Bullmore, TW Robbins, JW Dalley, KD Ersche

    Alterations in white matter microstructure in alcohol and alcohol-polydrug dependence: Associations with lifetime alcohol and nicotine exposure

    Journal: Addiction Biology
    E-pub date: 1 Sep 2022
    Authors: K Agunbiade, L Fonville, J McGonigle, R Elliott, KD Ersche, R Flechais, C Orban, A Murphy, DG Smith, J Suckling, EM Taylor, B Deakin, TW Robbins, DJ Nutt, AR Lingford-Hughes, LM Paterson, A Lingford-Hughes, L Paterson, R Elliott, A Murphy, E Taylor, K Ersche, D Smith, L Reed, F Passetti, L Faravelli, D Erritzoe, I Mick, N Kalk, A Waldman, L Nestor, S Kuchibatla, V Boyapati, A Metastasio, Y Faluyi, E Fernandez-Egea, S Abbott, B Sahakian, V Voon, I Rabiner

    Altered centromedial amygdala functional connectivity in adults is associated with childhood emotional abuse and predicts levels of depression and anxiety.

    Journal: J Affect Disord
    E-pub date: 15 Apr 2022
    Authors: L Luo, T Yang, X Zheng, X Zhang, S Gao, Y Li, EA Stamatakis, B Sahakian, B Becker, Q Lin, KM Kendrick

    Serotonin depletion impairs both Pavlovian and instrumental reversal learning in healthy humans.

    Journal: Mol Psychiatry
    E-pub date: 1 Dec 2021
    Authors: JW Kanen, AM Apergis-Schoute, R Yellowlees, FE Arntz, FE van der Flier, A Price, RN Cardinal, DM Christmas, L Clark, BJ Sahakian, MJ Crockett, TW Robbins

    Perseverative behavior under uncertainty is enhanced by tryptophan depletion but diminished with subclinical obsessive–compulsive symptoms

    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2021
    Authors: J Kanen, Q Luo, R Yellowlees, F Arntz, D Christmas, B Sahakian, A Apergis-Schoute, R Cardinal, T Robbins

    Effect of Tryptophan Depletion on Conditioned Threat Memory Expression: Role of Intolerance of Uncertainty.

    Journal: Biol Psychiatry Cogn Neurosci Neuroimaging
    E-pub date: 1 May 2021
    Authors: JW Kanen, FE Arntz, R Yellowlees, DM Christmas, A Price, AM Apergis-Schoute, BJ Sahakian, RN Cardinal, TW Robbins

    Serotonin depletion amplifies distinct human social emotions as a function of individual differences in personality.

    Journal: Transl Psychiatry
    E-pub date: 1 Feb 2021
    Authors: JW Kanen, FE Arntz, R Yellowlees, RN Cardinal, A Price, DM Christmas, AM Apergis-Schoute, BJ Sahakian, TW Robbins

    Understanding the relationship between cognitive performance and function in daily life after traumatic brain injury.

    Journal: J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry
    E-pub date: 2 Dec 2020
    Authors: L Wilson, L Horton, K Kunzmann, BJ Sahakian, VF Newcombe, EA Stamatakis, N von Steinbuechel, K Cunitz, A Covic, A Maas, D Van Praag, D Menon, CENTER-TBI participants and investigators

    Chronic alcohol exposure differentially modulates structural and functional properties of amygdala: A cross-sectional study

    Journal: Addiction Biology
    E-pub date: 20 Nov 2020
    Authors: C Orban, J McGonigle, RSA Flechais, LM Paterson, R Elliott, D Erritzoe, KD Ersche, A Murphy, LJ Nestor, F Passetti, LJ Reed, AS Ribeiro, DG Smith, J Suckling, EM Taylor, AD Waldman, VC Wing, JFW Deakin, TW Robbins, DJ Nutt, AR Lingford-Hughes, D Nutt, A Lingford-Hughes, L Paterson, J McGonigle, R Flechais, C Orban, B Deakin, R Elliott, A Murphy, E Taylor, T Robbins, K Ersche, J Suckling, D Smith, L Reed, L Faravelli, D Erritzoe, I Mick, N Kalk, A Waldman, L Nestor, S Kuchibatla, V Boyapati, A Metastasio, Y Faluyi, E Fernandez-Egea, S Abbott, B Sahakian, V Voon, I Rabiner

    Effect of tryptophan depletion on conditioned threat memory expression: role of intolerance of uncertainty

    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2020
    Authors: J Kanen, F Arntz, R Yellowlees, D Christmas, A Price, A Apergis-Schoute, B Sahakian, R Cardinal, T Robbins

    Serotonin depletion impairs both Pavlovian and instrumental reversal learning in healthy humans

    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2020
    Authors: J Kanen, A Apergis-Schoute, R Yellowlees, F Arntz, F van der Flier, A Price, R Cardinal, D Christmas, L Clark, B Sahakian, M Crockett, T Robbins

    Distributed harmonic patterns of structure-function dependence orchestrate human consciousness

    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2020
    Authors: A Luppi, J Vohryzek, M Kringelbach, PAM Mediano, M Craig, R Adapa, R Carhart-Harris, L Roseman, I Pappas, ARD Peattie, A Manktelow, B Sahakian, P Finoia, G Williams, J Allanson, J Pickard, D Menon, S Atasoy, E Stamatakis

    Depression following traumatic brain injury is characterised by dominant and recurring brain loops in self-referential areas

    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2020
    Authors: I Pappas, L Moreno-López, E Carroll, A Manktelow, J Outtrim, J Coles, V Newcombe, B Sahakian, D Menon, E Stamatakis

    Probabilistic reversal learning under acute tryptophan depletion in healthy humans: a conventional analysis.

    Journal: J Psychopharmacol
    E-pub date: 1 May 2020
    Authors: JW Kanen, FE Arntz, R Yellowlees, RN Cardinal, A Price, DM Christmas, BJ Sahakian, AM Apergis-Schoute, TW Robbins

    Naltrexone differentially modulates the neural correlates of motor impulse control in abstinent alcohol-dependent and polysubstance-dependent individuals.

    Journal: Eur J Neurosci
    E-pub date: 31 Aug 2019
    Authors: LJ Nestor, LM Paterson, A Murphy, J McGonigle, C Orban, L Reed, E Taylor, R Flechais, D Smith, ET Bullmore, KD Ersche, J Suckling, R Elliott, B Deakin, I Rabiner, A Lingford Hughes, BJ Sahakian, TW Robbins, DJ Nutt, ICCAM Consortium

    Dopaminergic modulation of reinforcement learning in stimulant drug addiction

    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2019
    Authors: TV Lim, RN Cardinal, C Meng, GK Murray, KJ Craig, S Abbott, SS Shabbir, J Suckling, BJ Sahakian, ET Bullmore, TW Robbins, KD Ersche

    Noradrenergic modulation of stopping impulsivity in cocaine use disorder

    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2019
    Authors: R Rodrigues, S Morein-Zamir, C Meng, H Ziauddeen, E Fernandez-Egea, R Regenthal, BJ Sahakian, ET Bullmore, TW Robbins, KD Ersche

    Dissociable effects of acute SSRI (escitalopram) on executive, learning and emotional functions in healthy humans.

    Journal: Neuropsychopharmacology
    E-pub date: 1 Dec 2018
    Authors: N Skandali, JB Rowe, V Voon, JB Deakin, RN Cardinal, F Cormack, L Passamonti, WR Bevan-Jones, R Regenthal, SR Chamberlain, TW Robbins, BJ Sahakian

    Novel Smartphone Interventions Improve Cognitive Flexibility and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Symptoms in Individuals with Contamination Fears.

    Journal: Sci Rep
    E-pub date: 23 Oct 2018
    Authors: B Jalal, A Brühl, C O'Callaghan, T Piercy, RN Cardinal, VS Ramachandran, BJ Sahakian

    Methylphenidate-mediated motor control network enhancement in patients with traumatic brain injury.

    Journal: Brain Inj
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2018
    Authors: CL Dorer, AE Manktelow, J Allanson, BJ Sahakian, JD Pickard, A Bateman, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis

    Personalised treatments for traumatic brain injury: cognitive, emotional and motivational targets.

    Journal: Psychol Med
    E-pub date: 1 Jul 2018
    Authors: G Savulich, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis, JD Pickard, BJ Sahakian

    Default Mode Network Engagement Beyond Self-Referential Internal Mentation.

    Journal: Brain Connect
    E-pub date: 1 May 2018
    Authors: D Vatansever, A Manktelow, BJ Sahakian, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis

    Spectral Diversity in Default Mode Network Connectivity Reflects Behavioral State.

    Journal: J Cogn Neurosci
    E-pub date: 1 Apr 2018
    Authors: MM Craig, AE Manktelow, BJ Sahakian, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis

    Atomoxetine effects on attentional bias to drug-related cues in cocaine dependent individuals.

    Journal: Psychopharmacology (Berl)
    E-pub date: 31 Aug 2017
    Authors: L Passamonti, M Luijten, H Ziauddeen, ITS Coyle-Gilchrist, T Rittman, SAE Brain, R Regenthal, IHA Franken, BJ Sahakian, ET Bullmore, TW Robbins, KD Ersche

    SLC6A2 genotype variation and the modulatory effects of atomoxetine on inhibitory control in individuals with and without cocaine use disorder

    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2017
    Authors: AN Le, H Ziauddeen, E Fernandez-Egea, R Regenthal, BJ Sahakian, ET Bullmore, TW Robbins, KD Ersche

    Neural correlates of visual memory in patients with diffuse axonal injury.

    Journal: Brain Inj
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2017
    Authors: J Lauer, L Moreno-López, A Manktelow, EL Carroll, JG Outtrim, JP Coles, VF Newcombe, BJ Sahakian, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis

    Working Memory after Traumatic Brain Injury: The Neural Basis of Improved Performance with Methylphenidate.

    Journal: Front Behav Neurosci
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2017
    Authors: AE Manktelow, DK Menon, BJ Sahakian, EA Stamatakis

    Neural basis of impaired safety signaling in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

    Journal: Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
    E-pub date: 21 Mar 2017
    Authors: AM Apergis-Schoute, CM Gillan, NA Fineberg, E Fernandez-Egea, BJ Sahakian, TW Robbins

    Anything goes? Regulation of the neural processes underlying response inhibition in TBI patients.

    Journal: Eur Neuropsychopharmacol
    E-pub date: 1 Feb 2017
    Authors: L Moreno-López, AE Manktelow, BJ Sahakian, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis

    Angular default mode network connectivity across working memory load.

    Journal: Hum Brain Mapp
    E-pub date: 1 Jan 2017
    Authors: D Vatansever, AE Manktelow, BJ Sahakian, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis

    Atomoxetine restores the response inhibition network in Parkinson’s disease.

    Journal: Brain
    E-pub date: 31 Aug 2016
    Authors: CL Rae, C Nombela, PV Rodríguez, Z Ye, LE Hughes, PS Jones, T Ham, T Rittman, I Coyle-Gilchrist, R Regenthal, BJ Sahakian, RA Barker, TW Robbins, JB Rowe

    Depression following traumatic brain injury: A functional connectivity perspective.

    Journal: Brain Inj
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2016
    Authors: L Moreno-López, BJ Sahakian, A Manktelow, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis

    Carrots and sticks fail to change behavior in cocaine addiction.

    Journal: Science
    E-pub date: 17 Jun 2016
    Authors: KD Ersche, CM Gillan, PS Jones, GB Williams, LHE Ward, M Luijten, S de Wit, BJ Sahakian, ET Bullmore, TW Robbins

    Cognitive Flexibility: A Default Network and Basal Ganglia Connectivity Perspective.

    Journal: Brain Connect
    E-pub date: 1 Apr 2016
    Authors: D Vatansever, AE Manktelow, BJ Sahakian, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis

    Impulsivity in abstinent alcohol and polydrug dependence: a multidimensional approach.

    Journal: Psychopharmacology (Berl)
    E-pub date: 1 Apr 2016
    Authors: EM Taylor, A Murphy, V Boyapati, KD Ersche, R Flechais, S Kuchibatla, J McGonigle, A Metastasio, L Nestor, C Orban, F Passetti, L Paterson, D Smith, J Suckling, R Tait, AR Lingford-Hughes, TW Robbins, DJ Nutt, JFW Deakin, R Elliott, ICCAM Platform

    Predicting beneficial effects of atomoxetine and citalopram on response inhibition in Parkinson’s disease with clinical and neuroimaging measures.

    Journal: Hum Brain Mapp
    E-pub date: 1 Mar 2016
    Authors: Z Ye, CL Rae, C Nombela, T Ham, T Rittman, PS Jones, PV Rodríguez, I Coyle-Gilchrist, R Regenthal, E Altena, CR Housden, H Maxwell, BJ Sahakian, RA Barker, TW Robbins, JB Rowe

    Dynamic Changes in White Matter Abnormalities Correlate With Late Improvement and Deterioration Following TBI: A Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study.

    Journal: Neurorehabil Neural Repair
    E-pub date: 1 Jan 2016
    Authors: VFJ Newcombe, MM Correia, C Ledig, MG Abate, JG Outtrim, D Chatfield, T Geeraerts, AE Manktelow, E Garyfallidis, JD Pickard, BJ Sahakian, PJA Hutchinson, D Rueckert, JP Coles, GB Williams, DK Menon

    Default Mode Dynamics for Global Functional Integration.

    Journal: J Neurosci
    E-pub date: 18 Nov 2015
    Authors: D Vatansever, DK Menon, AE Manktelow, BJ Sahakian, EA Stamatakis

    Default mode network connectivity during task execution.

    Journal: Neuroimage
    E-pub date: 15 Nov 2015
    Authors: D Vatansever, DK Menon, AE Manktelow, BJ Sahakian, EA Stamatakis

    The impact of neuroscience on society: cognitive enhancement in neuropsychiatric disorders and in healthy people.

    Journal: Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci
    E-pub date: 19 Sep 2015
    Authors: BJ Sahakian, AB Bruhl, J Cook, C Killikelly, G Savulich, T Piercy, S Hafizi, J Perez, E Fernandez-Egea, J Suckling, PB Jones

    The Imperial College Cambridge Manchester (ICCAM) platform study: An experimental medicine platform for evaluating new drugs for relapse prevention in addiction. Part A: Study description.

    Journal: J Psychopharmacol
    E-pub date: 1 Sep 2015
    Authors: LM Paterson, RSA Flechais, A Murphy, LJ Reed, S Abbott, V Boyapati, R Elliott, D Erritzoe, KD Ersche, Y Faluyi, L Faravelli, E Fernandez-Egea, NJ Kalk, SS Kuchibatla, J McGonigle, A Metastasio, I Mick, L Nestor, C Orban, F Passetti, EA Rabiner, DG Smith, J Suckling, R Tait, EM Taylor, AD Waldman, TW Robbins, JFW Deakin, DJ Nutt, AR Lingford-Hughes, ICCAM Platform

    Semi-Metric Topology of the Human Connectome: Sensitivity and Specificity to Autism and Major Depressive Disorder.

    Journal: PLoS One
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2015
    Authors: T Simas, S Chattopadhyay, C Hagan, P Kundu, A Patel, R Holt, D Floris, J Graham, C Ooi, R Tait, M Spencer, S Baron-Cohen, B Sahakian, E Bullmore, I Goodyer, J Suckling

    Atomoxetine reduces attentional bias to cocaine-related cues irrespective of norepinephrine transporter gene polymorphism

    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2015
    Authors: CH Popham, M Luijten, H Ziauddeen, SAE Brain, R Regenthal, IH Franken, BJ Sahakian, ET Bullmore, TW Robbins, KE Ersche

    Investigating ‘waiting impulsivity’ in cocaine addiction: are the effects of atomoxetine mediated by genotype?

    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2015
    Authors: MI Pollard, H Ziauddeen, IT Coyle-Gilchrist, T Rittman, R Regenthal, S Abbott, BJ Sahakian, ET Bullmore, TW Robbins, KD Ersche

    Effects of oxytocin on attention to emotional faces in healthy volunteers and highly socially anxious males.

    Journal: Int J Neuropsychopharmacol
    E-pub date: 31 Oct 2014
    Authors: R Clark-Elford, PJ Nathan, B Auyeung, K Mogg, BP Bradley, A Sule, U Müller, RB Dudas, BJ Sahakian, S Baron-Cohen

    Counterfactual processing of economic action-outcome alternatives in obsessive-compulsive disorder: further evidence of impaired goal-directed behavior.

    Journal: Biological Psychiatry
    E-pub date: 15 Apr 2014
    Authors: CM Gillan, S Morein-Zamir, M Kaser, NA Fineberg, A Sule, BJ Sahakian, RN Cardinal, TW Robbins

    A positron emission tomography study of nigro-striatal dopaminergic mechanisms underlying attention: implications for ADHD and its treatment.

    Journal: Brain
    E-pub date: 10 Oct 2013
    Authors: N del Campo, TD Fryer, YT Hong, R Smith, L Brichard, J Acosta-Cabronero, SR Chamberlain, R Tait, D Izquierdo, R Regenthal, J Dowson, J Suckling, J-C Baron, FI Aigbirhio, TW Robbins, BJ Sahakian, U Müller

    Investigation of attentional bias in obsessive compulsive disorder with and without depression in visual search.

    Journal: PLoS One
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2013
    Authors: S Morein-Zamir, M Papmeyer, A Durieux, NA Fineberg, BJ Sahakian, TW Robbins

    Punishment promotes response control deficits in obsessive-compulsive disorder: evidence from a motivational go/no-go task.

    Journal: Psychol Med
    E-pub date: 1 Feb 2013
    Authors: S Morein-Zamir, M Papmeyer, CM Gillan, MJ Crockett, NA Fineberg, BJ Sahakian, TW Robbins

    Disruption in the balance between goal-directed behavior and habit learning in obsessive-compulsive disorder.

    Journal: Am J Psychiatry
    E-pub date: 1 Jul 2011
    Authors: CM Gillan, M Papmeyer, S Morein-Zamir, BJ Sahakian, NA Fineberg, TW Robbins, S de Wit

    Hippocampal dysfunction in patients with mild cognitive impairment: a functional neuroimaging study of a visuospatial paired associates learning task.

    Journal: Neuropsychologia
    E-pub date: 1 Jun 2011
    Authors: M de Rover, VA Pironti, JA McCabe, J Acosta-Cabronero, FS Arana, S Morein-Zamir, JR Hodges, TW Robbins, PC Fletcher, PJ Nestor, BJ Sahakian

    Neuroethical issues in cognitive enhancement.

    Journal: J Psychopharmacol
    E-pub date: 1 Feb 2011
    Authors: BJ Sahakian, S Morein-Zamir

    Traumatic brain injury alters the functional brain network mediating working memory.

    Journal: Brain Injury
    E-pub date: 1 Jan 2011
    Authors: M Kasahara, DK Menon, CH Salmond, JG Outtrim, JVT Tavares, TA Carpenter, JD Pickard, BJ Sahakian, EA Stamatakis

    Impaired visuospatial associative memory and attention in obsessive compulsive disorder but no evidence for differential dopaminergic modulation.

    Journal: Psychopharmacology (Berl)
    E-pub date: 1 Oct 2010
    Authors: S Morein-Zamir, KJ Craig, KD Ersche, S Abbott, U Muller, NA Fineberg, ET Bullmore, BJ Sahakian, TW Robbins

    The role of dopamine in sustained attention: Imaging the effects of methylphenidate in ADHD patients and healthy controls

    Journal: NEUROIMAGE
    E-pub date: 31 Aug 2010
    Authors: N del Campo, T Fryer, Y Hong, D Izquierdo, R Smith, L Brichard, S Chamberlain, JC Baron, F Aigbirhio, T Robbins, B Sahakian, U Muller

    Altered functional connectivity in the motor network after traumatic brain injury.

    Journal: Neurology
    E-pub date: 13 Jul 2010
    Authors: M Kasahara, DK Menon, CH Salmond, JG Outtrim, JV Taylor Tavares, TA Carpenter, JD Pickard, BJ Sahakian, EA Stamatakis

    Neuroethics and public engagement training needed for neuroscientists.

    Journal: Trends Cogn Sci
    E-pub date: 1 Feb 2010
    Authors: S Morein-Zamir, BJ Sahakian

    Inhibition of thoughts and actions in obsessive-compulsive disorder: extending the endophenotype?

    Journal: Psychol Med
    E-pub date: 1 Feb 2010
    Authors: S Morein-Zamir, NA Fineberg, TW Robbins, BJ Sahakian

    Neuroscientists need neuroethics teaching.

    Journal: Science
    E-pub date: 10 Jul 2009
    Authors: BJ Sahakian, S Morein-Zamir

    Professor’s little helper.

    Journal: Nature
    E-pub date: 20 Dec 2007
    Authors: B Sahakian, S Morein-Zamir

    A review of the effects of modafinil on cognition in schizophrenia.

    Journal: Schizophr Bull
    E-pub date: 1 Nov 2007
    Authors: S Morein-Zamir, DC Turner, BJ Sahakian

    Lack of deleterious effects of buspirone on cognition in healthy male volunteers.

    Journal: J Psychopharmacol
    E-pub date: 1 Mar 2007
    Authors: SR Chamberlain, U Müller, JB Deakin, PR Corlett, J Dowson, RN Cardinal, MRF Aitken, TW Robbins, BJ Sahakian

    Differences in orbitofrontal activation during decision-making between methadone-maintained opiate users, heroin users and healthy volunteers.

    Journal: Psychopharmacology (Berl)
    E-pub date: 1 Oct 2006
    Authors: KD Ersche, PC Fletcher, JP Roiser, TD Fryer, M London, TW Robbins, BJ Sahakian

    Impaired cognition and decision-making in bipolar depression but no ‘affective bias’ evident.

    Journal: Psychol Med
    E-pub date: 1 May 2006
    Authors: JS Rubinsztein, A Michael, BR Underwood, M Tempest, BJ Sahakian

    Imaging of cerebral blood flow and metabolism in brain injury in the ICU.

    Journal: Acta Neurochirurgica, Supplementum
    E-pub date: 1 Jan 2005
    Authors: JD Pickard, PJ Hutchinson, JP Coles, LA Steiner, AJ Johnston, TD Fryer, MR Coleman, P Smielewski, DA Chatfield, F Aigbirhio, GB Williams, K Rice, JC Clark, CH Salmond, BJ Sahakian, PG Bradley, TA Carpenter, R Salvador, A Pena, JH Gillard, AS Cunningham, S Piechnik, M Czosnyka, DK Menon

    Decision making and neuropsychiatry.

    Journal: Trends Cogn Sci
    E-pub date: 1 Jun 2001
    Authors: S Rahman, B J Sahakia, R N Cardinal, R Rogers, T Robbins