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    Dr Lucy Cheke

    University Position
    Associate Professor


    I research Learning and Memory in Health and Disease, with a particular emphasis on sub-clinical learning and memory deficits and how to measure and model them. As part of this I research memory deficits associated with particular disorders (such as Obesity and Long Covid) as well as pursuing methods to adequately measure and model subclinical learning and memory deficits. These include the development of translational assessments that can be used across animal models, human participants and computational simulations/models. Part of my current research also focuses on the measurement of cognitive abilities within AI models, and exploration of how the capabilities of these models can be assessed and understood.

    Key Publications


    Specifying a Causal Role for Angular Gyrus in Autobiographical Memory.

    Journal: J Neurosci
    E-pub date: 5 Dec 2018
    Authors: HM Bonnici, LG Cheke, DAE Green, THMB FitzGerald, JS Simons

    Obesity and insulin resistance are associated with reduced activity in core memory regions of the brain.

    Journal: Neuropsychologia
    E-pub date: 1 Feb 2017
    Authors: LG Cheke, HM Bonnici, NS Clayton, JS Simons

    Higher body mass index is associated with episodic memory deficits in young adults.

    Journal: Q J Exp Psychol (Hove)
    E-pub date: 1 Nov 2016
    Authors: LG Cheke, JS Simons, NS Clayton

    Effects of the mu-opioid receptor antagonist GSK1521498 on hedonic and consummatory eating behaviour: a proof of mechanism study in binge-eating obese subjects

    Journal: Mol Psychiatry
    E-pub date: 1 Dec 2014
    Authors: H Ziauddeen, SR Chamberlain, PJ Nathan, A Koch, K Maltby, M Bush, WX Tao, A Napolitano, AL Skeggs, AC Brooke, L Cheke, NS Clayton, I Sadaf Farooqi, S O'Rahilly, D Waterworth, K Song, L Hosking, DB Richards, PC Fletcher, ET Bullmore

    Effects of the mu-opioid receptor antagonist GSK1521498 on hedonic and consummatory eating behaviour: a proof of mechanism study in binge-eating obese subjects.

    Journal: Mol Psychiatry
    E-pub date: 1 Dec 2013
    Authors: H Ziauddeen, SR Chamberlain, PJ Nathan, A Koch, K Maltby, M Bush, WX Tao, A Napolitano, AL Skeggs, AC Brooke, L Cheke, NS Clayton, I Sadaf Farooqi, S O'Rahilly, D Waterworth, K Song, L Hosking, DB Richards, PC Fletcher, ET Bullmore