

Lennart R. B. Spindler

University Position
PhD student


After previous work in neurotransmitter and neuromodulator systems from micro-, meso- and macroscopic angles, Lennart is currently working with multimodal neuroimaging approaches to develop a framework to understand how neurotransmitter and neuromodulator nuclei from the brainstem change their relationship with one another, and the rest of the brain ? in altered states of consciousness (such as anaesthesia, disorders of consciousness etc) and various pathologies. By combining fMRI, MRS, DTI and other imaging techniques, he is characterising what prognostic, diagnostic and treatment-informing value these brainstem areas, their connectivity, and structural integrity may hold for disorders that entail arousal or awareness disruptions. He is interested to enter clinical practice after finishing his PhD.

Key Publications

Neuroinflammation is linked to dementia risk in Parkinson’s disease.

Journal: Brain
E-pub date: 1 Mar 2024
Authors: A Kouli, LRB Spindler, TD Fryer, YT Hong, M Malpetti, FI Aigbirhio, SR White, M Camacho, JT O'Brien, CH Williams-Gray

Dopaminergic brainstem disconnection is common to pharmacological and pathological consciousness perturbation.

Journal: Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
E-pub date: 27 Jul 2021
Authors: LRB Spindler, AI Luppi, RM Adapa, MM Craig, P Coppola, ARD Peattie, AE Manktelow, P Finoia, BJ Sahakian, GB Williams, J Allanson, JD Pickard, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis


Correction: Mechanisms Underlying Disorders of Consciousness: Bridging Gaps to Move Toward an Integrated Translational Science.

Journal: Neurocrit Care
E-pub date: 1 Jun 2022
Authors: AI Luppi, J Cain, LRB Spindler, UJ Górska, D Toker, AE Hudson, EN Brown, MN Diringer, RD Stevens, M Massimini, MM Monti, EA Stamatakis, M Boly, Curing Coma Campaign and Its Contributing Collaborators

The Inert Brain: Explaining Neural Inertia as Post-anaesthetic Sleep Inertia.

Journal: Front Neurosci
E-pub date: 1 Aug 2021
Authors: AI Luppi, LRB Spindler, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis

Mechanisms Underlying Disorders of Consciousness: Bridging Gaps to Move Toward an Integrated Translational Science.

Journal: Neurocrit Care
E-pub date: 1 Jul 2021
Authors: AI Luppi, J Cain, LRB Spindler, UJ Górska, D Toker, AE Hudson, EN Brown, MN Diringer, RD Stevens, M Massimini, MM Monti, EA Stamatakis, M Boly, Curing Coma Campaign and Its Contributing Collaborators

Neuroanatomical substrates of generalized brain dysfunction in COVID-19.

Journal: Intensive Care Med
E-pub date: 1 Jan 2021
Authors: VFJ Newcombe, LRB Spindler, T Das, S Winzeck, K Allinson, EA Stamatakis, DK Menon, Cambridge NeuroCovid Imaging Collaborators