

Miss Nadene Dermody

University Position
PhD student


Despite the wealth of information available to us at any one time, we are able to navigate through these sensory-laden environments in a purposeful way. How do our brains select what is relevant to our current goal, direct our behaviour accordingly, and then update this once the goal changes? Using fMRI and MEG-fMRI fusion, I study how the representation of task information is affected by the manner in which we direct our attention (e.g., towards a location, and/or to a feature) in a core frontoparietal network (multiple-demand" (MD) regions)

Key Publications


Toward an Individualized Neural Assessment of Receptive Language in Children.

Journal: J Speech Lang Hear Res
E-pub date: 20 Jul 2020
Authors: S Petit, NA Badcock, T Grootswagers, AN Rich, J Brock, L Nickels, D Moerel, N Dermody, S Yau, E Schmidt, A Woolgar

Representational dynamics of object recognition: Feedforward and feedback information flows.

Journal: Neuroimage
E-pub date: 1 Mar 2016
Authors: E Goddard, TA Carlson, N Dermody, A Woolgar