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    Dr Nicole Horst

    University Position
    Research Associate


    I am interested in investigating the role of cortico-striatal circuits in flexible behaviour in order to understand how disruption of these circuits and their modulation by various neurotransmitters may underpin the inflexible behaviours observed in conditions like Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.

    Key Publications

    Controlling one’s world: Identification of sub-regions of primate PFC underlying goal-directed behavior.

    Journal: Neuron
    E-pub date: 4 Aug 2021
    Authors: LY Duan, NK Horst, SAW Cranmore, N Horiguchi, RN Cardinal, AC Roberts, TW Robbins


    Differential Effects of the Inactivation of Anterior and Posterior Orbitofrontal Cortex on Affective Responses to Proximal and Distal Threat, and Reward Anticipation in the Common Marmoset.

    Journal: Cereb Cortex
    E-pub date: 30 Mar 2022
    Authors: ZM Stawicka, R Massoudi, L Oikonomidis, L McIver, K Mulvihill, SKL Quah, GJ Cockcroft, HF Clarke, NK Horst, CM Wood, AC Roberts

    Differential Contribution of Anterior and Posterior Midcingulate Subregions to Distal and Proximal Threat Reactivity in Marmosets.

    Journal: Cereb Cortex
    E-pub date: 26 Aug 2021
    Authors: SS Rahman, K Mulvihill, CM Wood, SKL Quah, NK Horst, HF Clarke, GJ Cockcroft, AM Santangelo, AC Roberts

    Ventromedial prefrontal area 14 provides opposing regulation of threat and reward-elicited responses in the common marmoset.

    Journal: Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
    E-pub date: 6 Oct 2020
    Authors: ZM Stawicka, R Massoudi, NK Horst, K Koda, PLR Gaskin, L Alexander, AM Santangelo, L McIver, GJ Cockcroft, CM Wood, AC Roberts