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    Professor Paul Fletcher

    University Position

    Key Publications

    The Presence of Real Food Usurps Hypothetical Health Value Judgment in Overweight People.

    Journal: eNeuro
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2016
    Authors: N Medic, H Ziauddeen, SE Forwood, KM Davies, AL Ahern, SA Jebb, TM Marteau, PC Fletcher


    Distinct alterations in probabilistic reversal learning across at-risk mental state, first episode psychosis and persistent schizophrenia.

    Journal: Sci Rep
    E-pub date: 30 Jul 2024
    Authors: JD Griffin, KMJ Diederen, J Haarsma, IC Jarratt Barnham, BRH Cook, E Fernandez-Egea, S Williamson, ED van Sprang, R Gaillard, F Vinckier, IM Goodyer, NSPN Consortium, GK Murray, PC Fletcher

    Brain charts for the human lifespan

    Journal: Nature
    E-pub date: 1 Apr 2022
    Authors: RAI Bethlehem, J Seidlitz, SR White, JW Vogel, KM Anderson, C Adamson, S Adler, GS Alexopoulos, E Anagnostou, A Areces-Gonzalez, DE Astle, B Auyeung, M Ayub, G Ball, S Baron-Cohen, R Beare, SA Bedford, V Benegal, F Beyer, J Bin Bae, J Blangero, M Blesa Cábez, JP Boardman, M Borzage, JF Bosch-Bayard, N Bourke, VD Calhoun, MM Chakravarty, C Chen, C Chertavian, G Chetelat, YS Chong, JH Cole, A Corvin, E Courchesne, F Crivello, VL Cropley, J Crosbie, N Crossley, M Delarue, S Desrivieres, G Devenyi, MA Di Biase, R Dolan, KA Donald, G Donohoe, K Dunlop, AD Edwards, JT Elison, CT Ellis, JA Elman, L Eyler, DA Fair, PC Fletcher, P Fonagy, CE Franz, L Galan-Garcia, A Gholipour, J Giedd, JH Gilmore, DC Glahn, I Goodyer, PE Grant, NA Groenewold, FM Gunning, RE Gur, RC Gur, CF Hammill, O Hansson, T Hedden, A Heinz, R Henson, K Heuer, J Hoare, B Holla, AJ Holmes, R Holt, H Huang, K Im, J Ipser, CR Jack, AP Jackowski, T Jia, KA Johnson, PB Jones, DT Jones, R Kahn, H Karlsson, L Karlsson, R Kawashima, EA Kelley, S Kern, K Kim, MG Kitzbichler, WS Kremen, F Lalonde, B Landeau, S Lee, J Lerch, JD Lewis, J Li, W Liao, DP Linares, C Liston, MV Lombardo, J Lv, C Lynch, TT Mallard, M Marcelis, RD Markello, B Mazoyer, P McGuire, MJ Meaney, A Mechelli, N Medic, B Misic, SE Morgan, D Mothersill, J Nigg, MQW Ong, C Ortinau, R Ossenkoppele, M Ouyang, L Palaniyappan, L Paly, PM Pan, C Pantelis, MM Park, T Paus, Z Pausova, A Pichet Binette, K Pierce, X Qian, J Qiu, A Qiu, A Raznahan, T Rittman, CK Rollins, R Romero-Garcia, L Ronan, MD Rosenberg, DH Rowitch, GA Salum, TD Satterthwaite, HL Schaare, RJ Schachar, AP Schultz, G Schumann, M Schöll, D Sharp, RT Shinohara, I Skoog, CD Smyser, RA Sperling, DJ Stein, A Stolicyn, J Suckling, G Sullivan, Y Taki, B Thyreau, R Toro, KA Tsvetanov, NB Turk-Browne, JJ Tuulari, C Tzourio, É Vachon-Presseau, MJ Valdes-Sosa, PA Valdes-Sosa, SL Valk, T van Amelsvoort, SN Vandekar, L Vasung, LW Victoria, S Villeneuve, A Villringer, PE Vértes, K Wagstyl, YS Wang, SK Warfield, V Warrier, E Westman, ML Westwater, HC Whalley, AV Witte, N Yang, BTT Yeo, HJ Yun, A Zalesky, HJ Zar, A Zettergren, JH Zhou, H Ziauddeen, A Zugman, XN Zuo, AF Alexander-Bloch, AIBL, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, Alzheimer’s Disease Repository Without Borders Investigators, ASRB, CALM Team, Cam-CAN, CCNP, 3R-BRAIN, COBRE, ENIGMA Developmental Brain Age working group, FinnBrain, Harvard Aging Brain Study, IMAGEN, KNE96, NSPN, OASIS-3, OpenPain Project, POND, The PREVENT-AD Research Group, VETSA, Bullmore, E.T

    Characterizing cerebral metabolite profiles in anorexia and bulimia nervosa and their associations with habitual behavior.

    Journal: Translational Psychiatry
    E-pub date: 15 Mar 2022
    Authors: ML Westwater, AG Murley, KMJ Diederen, TA Carpenter, H Ziauddeen, PC Fletcher

    Dissociable hormonal profiles for psychopathology and stress in anorexia and bulimia nervosa.

    Journal: Psychol Med
    E-pub date: 1 Dec 2021
    Authors: ML Westwater, F Mancini, J Shapleske, J Serfontein, M Ernst, H Ziauddeen, PC Fletcher

    Precision weighting of cortical unsigned prediction error signals benefits learning, is mediated by dopamine, and is impaired in psychosis.

    Journal: Mol Psychiatry
    E-pub date: 1 Sep 2021
    Authors: J Haarsma, PC Fletcher, JD Griffin, HJ Taverne, H Ziauddeen, TJ Spencer, C Miller, T Katthagen, I Goodyer, KMJ Diederen, GK Murray

    Characterizing cerebral metabolite profiles in anorexia and bulimia nervosa and their associations with habitual behavior

    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2021
    Authors: M Westwater, A Murley, KMJ Diederen, A Carpenter, H Ziauddeen, P Fletcher

    Prefrontal Responses during Proactive and Reactive Inhibition Are Differentially Impacted by Stress in Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa.

    Journal: J Neurosci
    E-pub date: 19 May 2021
    Authors: ML Westwater, F Mancini, AX Gorka, J Shapleske, J Serfontein, C Grillon, M Ernst, H Ziauddeen, PC Fletcher

    Reinforcement learning as an intermediate phenotype in psychosis? Deficits sensitive to illness stage but not associated with polygenic risk of schizophrenia in the general population.

    Journal: Schizophr Res
    E-pub date: 31 Aug 2020
    Authors: M Montagnese, F Knolle, J Haarsma, JD Griffin, A Richards, PE Vertes, B Kiddle, PC Fletcher, PB Jones, MJ Owen, P Fonagy, ET Bullmore, RJ Dolan, NSPN Consortium, M Moutoussis, IM Goodyer, GK Murray

    Combined effects of age and BMI are related to altered cortical thickness in adolescence and adulthood.

    Journal: Dev Cogn Neurosci
    E-pub date: 1 Dec 2019
    Authors: ML Westwater, R Vilar-López, H Ziauddeen, A Verdejo-García, PC Fletcher

    BMI-related cortical morphometry changes are associated with altered white matter structure.

    Journal: Int J Obes (Lond)
    E-pub date: 1 Mar 2019
    Authors: N Medic, P Kochunov, H Ziauddeen, KD Ersche, PJ Nathan, L Ronan, PC Fletcher

    Disaggregating physiological components of cortisol output: A novel approach to cortisol analysis in a clinical sample – A proof-of-principle study.

    Journal: Neurobiol Stress
    E-pub date: 1 Feb 2019
    Authors: VB Dobler, SAS Neufeld, PF Fletcher, J Perez, N Subramaniam, C Teufel, IM Goodyer

    Opioid Antagonists and the A118G Polymorphism in the μ-Opioid Receptor Gene: Effects of GSK1521498 and Naltrexone in Healthy Drinkers Stratified by OPRM1 Genotype.

    Journal: Neuropsychopharmacology
    E-pub date: 1 Mar 2018
    Authors: H Ziauddeen, LJ Nestor, N Subramaniam, C Dodds, PJ Nathan, SR Miller, BK Sarai, K Maltby, D Fernando, L Warren, LK Hosking, D Waterworth, A Korzeniowska, B Win, DB Richards, LV Johnson, PC Fletcher, ET Bullmore

    Comparative study of endoscopic surveillance in hereditary diffuse gastric cancer according to CDH1 mutation status.

    Journal: Gastrointest Endosc
    E-pub date: 1 Feb 2018
    Authors: EZ Mi, EZ Mi, M di Pietro, M O'Donovan, RH Hardwick, S Richardson, H Ziauddeen, PC Fletcher, C Caldas, M Tischkowitz, K Ragunath, RC Fitzgerald

    Oxytocin administration suppresses hypothalamic activation in response to visual food cues

    Journal: Scientific Reports
    E-pub date: 1 Dec 2017
    Authors: AA Van Der Klaauw, H Ziauddeen, JM Keogh, E Henning, S Dachi, PC Fletcher, I Sadaf Farooqi

    Sugar addiction: the state of the science.

    Journal: Eur J Nutr
    E-pub date: 1 Nov 2016
    Authors: ML Westwater, PC Fletcher, H Ziauddeen

    Opioid Antagonists and the A118G Polymorphism in the μ-Opioid Receptor Gene: Effects of GSK1521498 and Naltrexone in Healthy Drinkers Stratified by OPRM1 Genotype.

    Journal: Neuropsychopharmacology
    E-pub date: 1 Oct 2016
    Authors: H Ziauddeen, LJ Nestor, N Subramaniam, C Dodds, PJ Nathan, SR Miller, BK Sarai, K Maltby, D Fernando, L Warren, LK Hosking, D Waterworth, A Korzeniowska, B Win, DB Richards, L Vasist Johnson, PC Fletcher, ET Bullmore

    Increased body mass index is associated with specific regional alterations in brain structure.

    Journal: Int J Obes (Lond)
    E-pub date: 1 Jul 2016
    Authors: N Medic, H Ziauddeen, KD Ersche, IS Farooqi, ET Bullmore, PJ Nathan, L Ronan, PC Fletcher

    Abnormal Frontostriatal Activity During Unexpected Reward Receipt in Depression and Schizophrenia: Relationship to Anhedonia.

    Journal: Neuropsychopharmacology
    E-pub date: 1 Jul 2016
    Authors: N Segarra, A Metastasio, H Ziauddeen, J Spencer, NR Reinders, RB Dudas, G Arrondo, TW Robbins, L Clark, PC Fletcher, GK Murray

    Reduction in ventral striatal activity when anticipating a reward in depression and schizophrenia: a replicated cross-diagnostic finding.

    Journal: Front Psychol
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2015
    Authors: G Arrondo, N Segarra, A Metastasio, H Ziauddeen, J Spencer, NR Reinders, RB Dudas, TW Robbins, PC Fletcher, GK Murray

    Effects of the mu-opioid receptor antagonist GSK1521498 on hedonic and consummatory eating behaviour: a proof of mechanism study in binge-eating obese subjects

    Journal: Molecular Psychiatry
    E-pub date: 30 Sep 2014
    Authors: H Ziauddeen, SR Chamberlain, PJ Nathan, A Koch, K Maltby, M Bush, WX Tao, A Napolitano, AL Skeggs, AC Brooke, L Cheke, NS Clayton, I Sadaf Farooqi, S O'Rahilly, D Waterworth, K Song, L Hosking, DB Richards, PC Fletcher, ET Bullmore

    Brain structural signatures of negative symptoms in depression and schizophrenia.

    Journal: Front Psychiatry
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2014
    Authors: J-Y Chuang, GK Murray, A Metastasio, N Segarra, R Tait, J Spencer, H Ziauddeen, RB Dudas, PC Fletcher, J Suckling

    Studying food reward and motivation in humans.

    Journal: Journal of Visualized Experiments
    E-pub date: 19 Mar 2014
    Authors: H Ziauddeen, N Subramaniam, VC Cambridge, N Medic, IS Farooqi, PC Fletcher

    Effects of the mu-opioid receptor antagonist GSK1521498 on hedonic and consummatory eating behaviour: a proof of mechanism study in binge-eating obese subjects.

    Journal: Mol Psychiatry
    E-pub date: 1 Dec 2013
    Authors: H Ziauddeen, SR Chamberlain, PJ Nathan, A Koch, K Maltby, M Bush, WX Tao, A Napolitano, AL Skeggs, AC Brooke, L Cheke, NS Clayton, I Sadaf Farooqi, S O'Rahilly, D Waterworth, K Song, L Hosking, DB Richards, PC Fletcher, ET Bullmore

    Central nervous system biomarkers for antiobesity drug development.

    Journal: Drug Discovery Today
    E-pub date: 1 Dec 2013
    Authors: H Ziauddeen, PC Fletcher

    The effects of alcohol on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the selective mu-opioid receptor antagonist GSK1521498 in healthy subjects.

    Journal: J Clin Pharmacol
    E-pub date: 1 Oct 2013
    Authors: H Ziauddeen, PJ Nathan, C Dodds, K Maltby, SR Miller, D Waterworth, K Song, L Warren, L Hosking, M Zucchetto, M Bush, LV Johnson, B Sarai, K Mogg, BP Bradley, DB Richards, PC Fletcher, ET Bullmore

    Intrinsic gray-matter connectivity of the brain in adults with autism spectrum disorder.

    Journal: Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
    E-pub date: 6 Aug 2013
    Authors: C Ecker, L Ronan, Y Feng, E Daly, C Murphy, CE Ginestet, M Brammer, PC Fletcher, ET Bullmore, J Suckling, S Baron-Cohen, S Williams, E Loth, MRC AIMS Consortium, DGM Murphy

    Neural and behavioral effects of a novel mu opioid receptor antagonist in binge-eating obese people.

    Journal: Biological Psychiatry
    E-pub date: 1 May 2013
    Authors: VC Cambridge, H Ziauddeen, PJ Nathan, N Subramaniam, C Dodds, SR Chamberlain, A Koch, K Maltby, AL Skeggs, A Napolitano, IS Farooqi, ET Bullmore, PC Fletcher

    Is food addiction a valid and useful concept?

    Journal: Obesity Reviews
    E-pub date: 1 Jan 2013
    Authors: H Ziauddeen, PC Fletcher

    Food images engage subliminal motivation to seek food.

    Journal: International Journal of Obesity
    E-pub date: 1 Sep 2012
    Authors: H Ziauddeen, N Subramaniam, R Gaillard, LK Burke, IS Farooqi, PC Fletcher

    Food addiction: is there a baby in the bathwater?

    Journal: Nat Rev Neurosci
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2012
    Authors: H Ziauddeen, IS Farooqi, PC Fletcher

    Obesity and the brain: how convincing is the addiction model?

    Journal: Nature Reviews Neuroscience
    E-pub date: 1 Apr 2012
    Authors: H Ziauddeen, IS Farooqi, PC Fletcher

    Hippocampal dysfunction in patients with mild cognitive impairment: a functional neuroimaging study of a visuospatial paired associates learning task.

    Journal: Neuropsychologia
    E-pub date: 1 Jun 2011
    Authors: M de Rover, VA Pironti, JA McCabe, J Acosta-Cabronero, FS Arana, S Morein-Zamir, JR Hodges, TW Robbins, PC Fletcher, PJ Nestor, BJ Sahakian

    Illusions and delusions: relating experimentally-induced false memories to anomalous experiences and ideas.

    Journal: Front Behav Neurosci
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2009
    Authors: PR Corlett, JS Simons, JS Pigott, JM Gardner, GK Murray, JH Krystal, PC Fletcher

    Is the parietal lobe necessary for recollection in humans?

    Journal: Neuropsychologia
    E-pub date: 7 Mar 2008
    Authors: JS Simons, PV Peers, DY Hwang, BA Ally, PC Fletcher, AE Budson

    Separable forms of reality monitoring supported by anterior prefrontal cortex.

    Journal: J Cogn Neurosci
    E-pub date: 1 Mar 2008
    Authors: JS Simons, RNA Henson, SJ Gilbert, PC Fletcher

    Differences in orbitofrontal activation during decision-making between methadone-maintained opiate users, heroin users and healthy volunteers.

    Journal: Psychopharmacology (Berl)
    E-pub date: 1 Oct 2006
    Authors: KD Ersche, PC Fletcher, JP Roiser, TD Fryer, M London, TW Robbins, BJ Sahakian

    Impairment of specific episodic memory processes by sub-psychotic doses of ketamine: the effects of levels of processing at encoding and of the subsequent retrieval task.

    Journal: Psychopharmacology (Berl)
    E-pub date: 1 Sep 2005
    Authors: GD Honey, RAE Honey, SR Sharar, DC Turner, E Pomarol-Clotet, D Kumaran, JS Simons, X Hu, MD Rugg, ET Bullmore, PC Fletcher

    Evidence for altered functional connectivity in a language comprehension task following stroke

    Journal: Brain and Language
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2005
    Authors: EA Stamatakis, WD Marslen-Wilson, LK Tyler, PC Fletcher

    Anterior prefrontal cortex and the recollection of contextual information.

    Journal: Neuropsychologia
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2005
    Authors: JS Simons, AM Owen, PC Fletcher, PW Burgess

    Distinct roles for lateral and medial anterior prefrontal cortex in contextual recollection.

    Journal: J Neurophysiol
    E-pub date: 1 Jul 2005
    Authors: JS Simons, SJ Gilbert, AM Owen, PC Fletcher, PW Burgess

    Neural processing of nouns and verbs: the role of inflectional morphology.

    Journal: Neuropsychologia
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2004
    Authors: LK Tyler, P Bright, P Fletcher, EA Stamatakis

    Objects and their actions: evidence for a neurally distributed semantic system.

    Journal: Neuroimage
    E-pub date: 1 Feb 2003
    Authors: LK Tyler, EA Stamatakis, E Dick, P Bright, P Fletcher, H Moss