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    Professor Petra Vertes

    University Position
    Professor Petra Vertes is pleased to consider applications from prospective PhD students.


    I lead the Systems Neuroscience Lab in the Department of Psychiatry, and I am a visiting scientist at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology. I am also one of the co-founders of the Cambridge Networks Network - a forum for academics across different disciplines who share an interest in Network Science. My research applies tools from physics, engineering and network science to fundamental problems in neuroscience and mental health. In particular, I am interested in the structure-function relationship in brain networks, from the microscopic scale of neurons to the large-scale connectivity of brain regions, in both health and disease. I work with a wide variety of multivariate data, including genetic and transcriptomic data, flow cytometry and neuroimaging data. I also study simpler organisms, such as C. elegans, which provide a testbed for methodological innovations as well as insights into generalisable aspects of brain organisation, brain development, network dysfunction and repair.

    Key Publications

    Cortical gene expression architecture links healthy neurodevelopment to the imaging, transcriptomics and genetics of autism and schizophrenia.

    Journal: Nat Neurosci
    E-pub date: 1 Jun 2024
    Authors: R Dear, K Wagstyl, J Seidlitz, RD Markello, A Arnatkevičiūtė, KM Anderson, RAI Bethlehem, Lifespan Brain Chart Consortium, A Raznahan, ET Bullmore, PE Vértes

    conn2res: A toolbox for connectome-based reservoir computing

    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2023
    Authors: B Misic, L Suarez, A Mihalik, F Milisav, K Marshall, M Li, P Vertes, G Lajoie

    Three components of human brain gene expression reflect normative developmental programmes with specific links to neurodevelopmental disorders

    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2022
    Authors: R Dear, K Wagstyl, J Seidlitz, R Markello, A Arnatkevičiūtė, K Anderson, RAI Bethlehem, A Raznahan, E Bullmore, P Vértes, Lifespan Brain Chart Consortium

    The neuropeptidergic connectome ofC. elegans

    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2022
    Authors: L Ripoll-Sánchez, J Watteyne, H Sun, R Fernandez, SR Taylor, A Weinreb, M Hammarlund, DM Miller, O Hobert, I Beets, PE Vértes, WR Schafer

    Sexually divergent development of depression-related brain networks during healthy human adolescence.

    Journal: Sci Adv
    E-pub date: 27 May 2022
    Authors: L Dorfschmidt, RA Bethlehem, J Seidlitz, F Váša, SR White, R Romero-García, MG Kitzbichler, AR Aruldass, SE Morgan, IM Goodyer, P Fonagy, PB Jones, RJ Dolan, NSPN Consortium, NA Harrison, PE Vértes, ET Bullmore

    Brain charts for the human lifespan

    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2021
    Authors: RAI Bethlehem, J Seidlitz, SR White, JW Vogel, KM Anderson, C Adamson, S Adler, GS Alexopoulos, E Anagnostou, A Areces-Gonzalez, DE Astle, B Auyeung, M Ayub, G Ball, S Baron-Cohen, R Beare, SA Bedford, V Benegal, F Beyer, J Bin Bae, J Blangero, M Blesa Cábez, JP Boardman, M Borzage, JF Bosch-Bayard, N Bourke, VD Calhoun, MM Chakravarty, C Chen, C Chertavian, G Chetelat, YS Chong, JH Cole, A Corvin, M Costantino, E Courchesne, F Crivello, VL Cropley, J Crosbie, N Crossley, M Delarue, R Delorme, S Desrivieres, G Devenyi, MA Di Biase, R Dolan, KA Donald, G Donohoe, K Dunlop, AD Edwards, JT Elison, CT Ellis, JA Elman, L Eyler, DA Fair, E Feczko, PC Fletcher, P Fonagy, CE Franz, L Galan-Garcia, A Gholipour, J Giedd, JH Gilmore, DC Glahn, I Goodyer, PE Grant, NA Groenewold, FM Gunning, RE Gur, RC Gur, CF Hammill, O Hansson, T Hedden, A Heinz, RN Henson, K Heuer, J Hoare, B Holla, AJ Holmes, R Holt, H Huang, K Im, J Ipser, CR Jack, AP Jackowski, T Jia, KA Johnson, PB Jones, DT Jones, R Kahn, H Karlsson, L Karlsson, R Kawashima, EA Kelley, S Kern, K Kim, MG Kitzbichler, WS Kremen, F Lalonde, B Landeau, S Lee, J Lerch, JD Lewis, J Li, W Liao, C Liston, MV Lombardo, J Lv, C Lynch, TT Mallard, M Marcelis, RD Markello, SR Mathias, B Mazoyer, P McGuire, MJ Meaney, A Mechelli, N Medic, B Misic, SE Morgan, D Mothersill, J Nigg, MQW Ong, C Ortinau, C Ortinau, R Ossenkoppele, M Ouyang, L Palaniyappan, L Paly, PM Pan, C Pantelis, MM Park, T Paus, Z Pausova, D Paz-Linares, A Pichet Binette, K Pierce, X Qian, J Qiu, A Qiu, A Raznahan, T Rittman, A Rodrigue, CK Rollins, R Romero-Garcia, L Ronan, MD Rosenberg, DH Rowitch, GA Salum, TD Satterthwaite, HL Schaare, RJ Schachar, AP Schultz, G Schumann, M Schöll, D Sharp, RT Shinohara, I Skoog, CD Smyser, RA Sperling, DJ Stein, A Stolicyn, J Suckling, G Sullivan, Y Taki, B Thyreau, R Toro, N Traut, KA Tsvetanov, NB Turk-Browne, JJ Tuulari, C Tzourio, É Vachon-Presseau, MJ Valdes-Sosa, PA Valdes-Sosa, SL Valk, T van Amelsvoort, SN Vandekar, L Vasung, LW Victoria, S Villeneuve, A Villringer, A Villringer, PE Vértes, K Wagstyl, YS Wang, SK Warfield, V Warrier, E Westman, ML Westwater, HC Whalley, AV Witte, N Yang, B Yeo, H Yun, A Zalesky, HJ Zar, A Zettergren, JH Zhou, H Ziauddeen, A Zugman, XN Zuo, ET Bullmore, AF Alexander-Bloch, 3R-BRAIN, AIBL, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, Alzheimer’s Disease Repository Without Borders Investigators, UMN BCP, CALM Team, Cam-CAN, CCNP, COBRE, Developing Human Connectome Project, ENIGMA Developmental Brain Age working group, FinnBrain, Harvard Aging Brain Study, IMAGEN, KNE96, The Mayo Clinic Study of Aging, NSPN, POND, The PREVENT-AD Research Group, VETSA

    A generative network model of neurodevelopmental diversity in structural brain organization.

    Journal: Nat Commun
    E-pub date: 9 Jul 2021
    Authors: D Akarca, PE Vértes, ET Bullmore, CALM team, DE Astle

    Reinforcement learning as an intermediate phenotype in psychosis? Deficits sensitive to illness stage but not associated with polygenic risk of schizophrenia in the general population

    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2019
    Authors: M Montagnese, F Knolle, J Haarsma, JD Griffin, A Richards, P Vertes, B Kiddle, PC Fletcher, PB Jones, MJ Owen, P Fonagy, ET Bullmore, R Dolan, NSPN Consortium, M Moutoussis, I Goodyer, GK Murray

    Cortical patterning of abnormal morphometric similarity in psychosis is associated with brain expression of schizophrenia-related genes.

    Journal: Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
    E-pub date: 7 May 2019
    Authors: SE Morgan, J Seidlitz, KJ Whitaker, R Romero-Garcia, NE Clifton, C Scarpazza, T van Amelsvoort, M Marcelis, J van Os, G Donohoe, D Mothersill, A Corvin, A Pocklington, A Raznahan, P McGuire, PE Vértes, ET Bullmore

    Using fMRI connectivity to define a treatment-resistant form of post-traumatic stress disorder.

    Journal: Sci Transl Med
    E-pub date: 3 Apr 2019
    Authors: A Etkin, A Maron-Katz, W Wu, GA Fonzo, J Huemer, PE Vértes, B Patenaude, J Richiardi, MS Goodkind, CJ Keller, J Ramos-Cejudo, YV Zaiko, KK Peng, E Shpigel, P Longwell, RT Toll, A Thompson, S Zack, B Gonzalez, R Edelstein, J Chen, I Akingbade, E Weiss, R Hart, S Mann, K Durkin, SH Baete, FE Boada, A Genfi, J Autea, J Newman, DJ Oathes, SE Lindley, D Abu-Amara, BA Arnow, N Crossley, J Hallmayer, S Fossati, BO Rothbaum, CR Marmar, ET Bullmore, R O'Hara

    Replicable and Coupled Changes in Innate and Adaptive Immune Gene Expression in Two Case-Control Studies of Blood Microarrays in Major Depressive Disorder.

    Journal: Biol Psychiatry
    E-pub date: 1 Jan 2018
    Authors: GGR Leday, PE Vértes, S Richardson, JR Greene, T Regan, S Khan, R Henderson, TC Freeman, CM Pariante, NA Harrison, MRC Immunopsychiatry Consortium, VH Perry, WC Drevets, GM Wittenberg, ET Bullmore

    Network control principles predict neuron function in the Caenorhabditis elegans connectome.

    Journal: Nature
    E-pub date: 26 Oct 2017
    Authors: G Yan, PE Vértes, EK Towlson, YL Chew, DS Walker, WR Schafer, A-L Barabási

    The Multilayer Connectome of Caenorhabditis elegans.

    Journal: PLoS Comput Biol
    E-pub date: 1 Dec 2016
    Authors: B Bentley, R Branicky, CL Barnes, YL Chew, E Yemini, ET Bullmore, PE Vértes, WR Schafer

    Phase transition in the economically modeled growth of a cellular nervous system.

    Journal: Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
    E-pub date: 7 May 2013
    Authors: V Nicosia, PE Vértes, WR Schafer, V Latora, ET Bullmore

    The rich club of the C. elegans neuronal connectome.

    Journal: J Neurosci
    E-pub date: 10 Apr 2013
    Authors: EK Towlson, PE Vértes, SE Ahnert, WR Schafer, ET Bullmore

    Simple models of human brain functional networks.

    Journal: Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
    E-pub date: 10 Apr 2012
    Authors: PE Vértes, AF Alexander-Bloch, N Gogtay, JN Giedd, JL Rapoport, ET Bullmore


    The impact of the initial COVID-19 outbreak on young adults’ mental health: a longitudinal study of risk and resilience factors.

    Journal: Sci Rep
    E-pub date: 5 Oct 2022
    Authors: A Wiedemann, J Stochl, SAS Neufeld, J Fritz, J Bhatti, RW Hook, NSPN Consortium, IM Goodyer, RJ Dolan, ET Bullmore, SR Chamberlain, P Fonagy, J Perez, PB Jones

    Brain charts for the human lifespan

    Journal: Nature
    E-pub date: 6 Apr 2022
    Authors: RAI Bethlehem, J Seidlitz, SR White, JW Vogel, KM Anderson, C Adamson, S Adler, GS Alexopoulos, E Anagnostou, A Areces-Gonzalez, DE Astle, B Auyeung, M Ayub, G Ball, S Baron-Cohen, R Beare, SA Bedford, V Benegal, F Beyer, J Bin Bae, J Blangero, M Blesa Cábez, JP Boardman, M Borzage, JF Bosch-Bayard, N Bourke, VD Calhoun, MM Chakravarty, C Chen, C Chertavian, G Chetelat, YS Chong, JH Cole, A Corvin, E Courchesne, F Crivello, VL Cropley, J Crosbie, N Crossley, M Delarue, S Desrivieres, G Devenyi, MA Di Biase, R Dolan, KA Donald, G Donohoe, K Dunlop, AD Edwards, JT Elison, CT Ellis, JA Elman, L Eyler, DA Fair, PC Fletcher, P Fonagy, CE Franz, L Galan-Garcia, A Gholipour, J Giedd, JH Gilmore, DC Glahn, I Goodyer, PE Grant, NA Groenewold, FM Gunning, RE Gur, RC Gur, CF Hammill, O Hansson, T Hedden, A Heinz, R Henson, K Heuer, J Hoare, B Holla, AJ Holmes, R Holt, H Huang, K Im, J Ipser, CR Jack, AP Jackowski, T Jia, KA Johnson, PB Jones, DT Jones, R Kahn, H Karlsson, L Karlsson, R Kawashima, EA Kelley, S Kern, K Kim, MG Kitzbichler, WS Kremen, F Lalonde, B Landeau, S Lee, J Lerch, JD Lewis, J Li, W Liao, DP Linares, C Liston, MV Lombardo, J Lv, C Lynch, TT Mallard, M Marcelis, RD Markello, B Mazoyer, P McGuire, MJ Meaney, A Mechelli, N Medic, B Misic, SE Morgan, D Mothersill, J Nigg, MQW Ong, C Ortinau, R Ossenkoppele, M Ouyang, L Palaniyappan, L Paly, PM Pan, C Pantelis, MM Park, T Paus, Z Pausova, A Pichet Binette, K Pierce, X Qian, J Qiu, A Qiu, A Raznahan, T Rittman, CK Rollins, R Romero-Garcia, L Ronan, MD Rosenberg, DH Rowitch, GA Salum, TD Satterthwaite, HL Schaare, RJ Schachar, AP Schultz, G Schumann, M Schöll, D Sharp, RT Shinohara, I Skoog, CD Smyser, RA Sperling, DJ Stein, A Stolicyn, J Suckling, G Sullivan, Y Taki, B Thyreau, R Toro, KA Tsvetanov, NB Turk-Browne, JJ Tuulari, C Tzourio, É Vachon-Presseau, MJ Valdes-Sosa, PA Valdes-Sosa, SL Valk, T van Amelsvoort, SN Vandekar, L Vasung, LW Victoria, S Villeneuve, A Villringer, PE Vértes, K Wagstyl, YS Wang, SK Warfield, V Warrier, E Westman, ML Westwater, HC Whalley, AV Witte, N Yang, BTT Yeo, HJ Yun, A Zalesky, HJ Zar, A Zettergren, JH Zhou, H Ziauddeen, A Zugman, XN Zuo, AF Alexander-Bloch, AIBL, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, Alzheimer’s Disease Repository Without Borders Investigators, ASRB, CALM Team, Cam-CAN, CCNP, 3R-BRAIN, COBRE, ENIGMA Developmental Brain Age working group, FinnBrain, Harvard Aging Brain Study, IMAGEN, KNE96, NSPN, OASIS-3, OpenPain Project, POND, The PREVENT-AD Research Group, VETSA, Bullmore, E.T

    Dysconnectivity of a brain functional network was associated with blood inflammatory markers in depression.

    Journal: Brain Behav Immun
    E-pub date: 1 Nov 2021
    Authors: AR Aruldass, MG Kitzbichler, SE Morgan, S Lim, M-E Lynall, L Turner, P Vertes, Wellcome Trust Consortium for Neuroimmunology of Mood Disorders and Alzheimer’s Disease (NIMA), J Cavanagh, P Cowen, CM Pariante, NA Harrison, ET Bullmore

    A Modest Increase in 11C-PK11195-Positron Emission Tomography TSPO Binding in Depression Is Not Associated With Serum C-Reactive Protein or Body Mass Index.

    Journal: Biol Psychiatry Cogn Neurosci Neuroimaging
    E-pub date: 1 Jul 2021
    Authors: JJ Schubert, M Veronese, TD Fryer, R Manavaki, MG Kitzbichler, MA Nettis, V Mondelli, CM Pariante, ET Bullmore, NIMA Consortium, FE Turkheimer

    Decision-making ability, psychopathology, and brain connectivity.

    Journal: Neuron
    E-pub date: 16 Jun 2021
    Authors: M Moutoussis, B Garzón, S Neufeld, DR Bach, F Rigoli, I Goodyer, E Bullmore, NSPN Consortium, M Guitart-Masip, RJ Dolan

    Reinforcement learning as an intermediate phenotype in psychosis? Deficits sensitive to illness stage but not associated with polygenic risk of schizophrenia in the general population.

    Journal: Schizophr Res
    E-pub date: 31 Aug 2020
    Authors: M Montagnese, F Knolle, J Haarsma, JD Griffin, A Richards, PE Vertes, B Kiddle, PC Fletcher, PB Jones, MJ Owen, P Fonagy, ET Bullmore, RJ Dolan, NSPN Consortium, M Moutoussis, IM Goodyer, GK Murray

    Adolescence is Associated with Genomically Patterned Consolidation of the Hubs of the Human Brain Connectome

    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2017
    Authors: K Whitaker, P Vertes, R Romero-Garcia, F Vasa, M Moutoussis, G Prabhub, N Weiskopf, M Callaghan, K Wagstyl, T Rittman, R Tait, C Ooi, J Suckling, B Inkster, P Fonagy, R Dolan, P Jones, I Goodyer, E Bullmore

    Intra-cortical myelination during adolescence: linking MRI networks with gene transcription profiles

    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2017
    Authors: K Whitaker, P Vertes, R Romero-Garcia, F Vasa, M Moutoussis, G Prabhu, N Weiskopf, MF Callaghan, K Wagstyl, T Rittman, R Tait, C Ooi, J Suckling, B Inkster, P Fonagy, RJ Dolan, PB Jones, IM Goodyer, ET Bullmore

    Regional expression of the MAPT gene is associated with loss of hubs in brain networks and cognitive impairment in Parkinson disease and progressive supranuclear palsy.

    Journal: Neurobiol Aging
    E-pub date: 1 Dec 2016
    Authors: T Rittman, M Rubinov, PE Vértes, AX Patel, CE Ginestet, BCP Ghosh, RA Barker, MG Spillantini, ET Bullmore, JB Rowe

    Gene transcription profiles associated with inter-modular hubs and connection distance in human functional magnetic resonance imaging networks.

    Journal: Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci
    E-pub date: 5 Oct 2016
    Authors: PE Vértes, T Rittman, KJ Whitaker, R Romero-Garcia, F Váša, MG Kitzbichler, K Wagstyl, P Fonagy, RJ Dolan, PB Jones, IM Goodyer, NSPN Consortium, ET Bullmore

    Adolescence is associated with genomically patterned consolidation of the hubs of the human brain connectome.

    Journal: Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
    E-pub date: 9 Aug 2016
    Authors: KJ Whitaker, PE Vértes, R Romero-Garcia, F Váša, M Moutoussis, G Prabhu, N Weiskopf, MF Callaghan, K Wagstyl, T Rittman, R Tait, C Ooi, J Suckling, B Inkster, P Fonagy, RJ Dolan, PB Jones, IM Goodyer, NSPN Consortium, ET Bullmore

    Peripheral Immune Cell Populations Associated with Cognitive Deficits and Negative Symptoms of Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenia.

    Journal: PLoS One
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2016
    Authors: E Fernandez-Egea, PE Vértes, SM Flint, L Turner, S Mustafa, A Hatton, KGC Smith, PA Lyons, ET Bullmore