

Dr Adrian Carpenter

University Position


Our group develops new techniques for the acquisition and analysis of PET and MR images to improve our understanding of the pathophysiology of disease. We also develop novel instrumentation, for example we are an internationally leading centre developing hybrid PET/MR scanners.

Key Publications

Attenuation correction methods suitable for brain imaging with a PET/MRI scanner: a comparison of tissue atlas and template attenuation map approaches.

Journal: J Nucl Med
E-pub date: 1 Jul 2011
Authors: IB Malone, RE Ansorge, GB Williams, PJ Nestor, TA Carpenter, TD Fryer

Predicting patterns of glioma recurrence using diffusion tensor imaging.

Journal: Eur Radiol
E-pub date: 1 Jul 2007
Authors: SJ Price, R Jena, NG Burnet, TA Carpenter, JD Pickard, JH Gillard

Monte Carlo simulation and scatter correction of the GE advance PET scanner with SimSET and Geant4.

Journal: Phys Med Biol
E-pub date: 21 Oct 2005
Authors: O Barret, TA Carpenter, JC Clark, RE Ansorge, TD Fryer

Tissue signature characterisation of diffusion tensor abnormalities in cerebral gliomas.

Journal: Eur Radiol
E-pub date: 1 Oct 2004
Authors: SJ Price, A Peña, NG Burnet, R Jena, HAL Green, TA Carpenter, JD Pickard, JH Gillard

Diffusion limited oxygen delivery following head injury.

Journal: Crit Care Med
E-pub date: 1 Jun 2004
Authors: DK Menon, JP Coles, AK Gupta, TD Fryer, P Smielewski, DA Chatfield, F Aigbirhio, JN Skepper, PS Minhas, PJ Hutchinson, TA Carpenter, JC Clark, JD Pickard

Incidence and mechanisms of cerebral ischemia in early clinical head injury.

Journal: J Cereb Blood Flow Metab
E-pub date: 1 Feb 2004
Authors: JP Coles, TD Fryer, P Smielewski, DA Chatfield, LA Steiner, AJ Johnston, SPMJ Downey, GB Williams, F Aigbirhio, PJ Hutchinson, K Rice, TA Carpenter, JC Clark, JD Pickard, DK Menon

Diffusion tensor imaging of brain tumours at 3T: a potential tool for assessing white matter tract invasion?

Journal: Clin Radiol
E-pub date: 1 Jun 2003
Authors: SJ Price, NG Burnet, T Donovan, HAL Green, A Peña, NM Antoun, JD Pickard, TA Carpenter, JH Gillard


Characterizing cerebral metabolite profiles in anorexia and bulimia nervosa and their associations with habitual behavior.

Journal: Translational Psychiatry
E-pub date: 15 Mar 2022
Authors: ML Westwater, AG Murley, KMJ Diederen, TA Carpenter, H Ziauddeen, PC Fletcher

Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy in frontotemporal lobar degeneration-related syndromes

E-pub date: 1 Aug 2021
Authors: A Murley, K Tsvetanov, M Rouse, S Jones, K Sværke, W Li, A Carpenter, J Rowe

Characterizing cerebral metabolite profiles in anorexia and bulimia nervosa and their associations with habitual behavior

E-pub date: 1 Aug 2021
Authors: M Westwater, A Murley, KMJ Diederen, A Carpenter, H Ziauddeen, P Fletcher

GABA and glutamate deficits from frontotemporal lobar degeneration are associated with disinhibition.

Journal: Brain
E-pub date: 5 Dec 2020
Authors: AG Murley, MA Rouse, PS Jones, R Ye, FH Hezemans, C O'Callaghan, P Frangou, Z Kourtzi, C Rua, TA Carpenter, CT Rodgers, JB Rowe

Brain hypoxia mapping in acute stroke: Back-to-back T2′ MR versus 18F-fluoromisonidazole PET in rodents.

Journal: Int J Stroke
E-pub date: 1 Oct 2017
Authors: U Jensen-Kondering, R Manavaki, S Ejaz, SJ Sawiak, TA Carpenter, TD Fryer, FI Aigbirhio, DJ Williamson, J-C Baron

Diffusion and perfusion correlates of the 18F-MISO PET lesion in acute stroke: pilot study.

Journal: Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging
E-pub date: 1 Apr 2014
Authors: JA Alawneh, RR Moustafa, ST Marrapu, U Jensen-Kondering, RS Morris, PS Jones, FI Aigbirhio, TD Fryer, TA Carpenter, EA Warburton, J-C Baron

Baseline-dependent effects of cocaine pre-exposure on impulsivity and D2/3 receptor availability in the rat striatum: possible relevance to the attention-deficit hyperactivity syndrome.

Journal: Neuropsychopharmacology
E-pub date: 1 Jul 2013
Authors: D Caprioli, YT Hong, SJ Sawiak, V Ferrari, DJ Williamson, B Jupp, T Adrian Carpenter, FI Aigbirhio, BJ Everitt, TW Robbins, TD Fryer, JW Dalley

Is neural activation within the rescued penumbra impeded by selective neuronal loss?

Journal: Brain
E-pub date: 1 Jun 2013
Authors: E Carrera, PS Jones, RS Morris, J Alawneh, YT Hong, FI Aigbirhio, TD Fryer, TA Carpenter, EA Warburton, J-C Baron

Predicting infarction within the diffusion-weighted imaging lesion: does the mean transit time have added value?

Journal: Stroke
E-pub date: 1 Jun 2011
Authors: E Carrera, PS Jones, JA Alawneh, I Klærke Mikkelsen, T-H Cho, S Siemonsen, JV Guadagno, K Mouridsen, L Ribe, N Hjort, TD Fryer, TA Carpenter, FI Aigbirhio, J Fiehler, N Nighoghossian, EA Warburton, L Ostergaard, J-C Baron

Traumatic brain injury alters the functional brain network mediating working memory.

Journal: Brain Injury
E-pub date: 1 Jan 2011
Authors: M Kasahara, DK Menon, CH Salmond, JG Outtrim, JVT Tavares, TA Carpenter, JD Pickard, BJ Sahakian, EA Stamatakis

Altered functional connectivity in the motor network after traumatic brain injury.

Journal: Neurology
E-pub date: 13 Jul 2010
Authors: M Kasahara, DK Menon, CH Salmond, JG Outtrim, JV Taylor Tavares, TA Carpenter, JD Pickard, BJ Sahakian, EA Stamatakis

T2*-weighted MRI versus oxygen extraction fraction PET in acute stroke.

Journal: Cerebrovasc Dis
E-pub date: 1 Aug 2009
Authors: ML Donswijk, PS Jones, JV Guadagno, TA Carpenter, RR Moustafa, TD Fryer, FI Aigbirhio, EA Warburton, JC Baron

Initial performance assessment of a combined micro PET® focus-FI20 and MR split magnet system

Journal: IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record
E-pub date: 1 Dec 2008
Authors: RC Hawkes, TD Fryer, AJ Lucas, SB Siegel, RE Ansorge, JC Clark, TA Carpenter

Very high resolution 3D list-mode PET reconstruction using polar voxels

Journal: IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record
E-pub date: 1 Dec 2008
Authors: RE Ansorge, TA Carpenter, JC Clark, TD Fryer, RC Hawkes, AJ Lucas

Early derangements in oxygen and glucose metabolism following head injury: the ischemic penumbra and pathophysiological heterogeneity.

Journal: Neurocrit Care
E-pub date: 1 Aug 2008
Authors: MG Abate, M Trivedi, TD Fryer, P Smielewski, DA Chatfield, GB Williams, F Aigbirhio, TA Carpenter, JD Pickard, DK Menon, JP Coles

Hyperventilation following head injury: effect on ischemic burden and cerebral oxidative metabolism.

Journal: Crit Care Med
E-pub date: 1 Feb 2007
Authors: JP Coles, TD Fryer, MR Coleman, P Smielewski, AK Gupta, PS Minhas, F Aigbirhio, DA Chatfield, GB Williams, S Boniface, TA Carpenter, JC Clark, JD Pickard, DK Menon

Development of a combined microPET-MR system.

Journal: Technol Cancer Res Treat
E-pub date: 31 Aug 2006
Authors: AJ Lucas, RC Hawkes, RE Ansorge, GB Williams, RE Nutt, JC Clark, TD Fryer, TA Carpenter

Local relationships between restricted water diffusion and oxygen consumption in the ischemic human brain.

Journal: Stroke
E-pub date: 1 Jul 2006
Authors: JV Guadagno, PS Jones, TD Fryer, O Barret, FI Aigbirhio, TA Carpenter, CJ Price, JH Gillard, EA Warburton, J-C Baron

Development of a combined microPET®-MR system

Journal: IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record
E-pub date: 1 Jan 2006
Authors: AJ Lucas, RC Hawkes, P Guerra, RE Ansorge, RE Nutt, JC Clark, TD Fryer, TA Carpenter

Physiological thresholds for irreversible tissue damage in contusional regions following traumatic brain injury.

Journal: Brain
E-pub date: 31 Aug 2005
Authors: AS Cunningham, R Salvador, JP Coles, DA Chatfield, PG Bradley, AJ Johnston, LA Steiner, TD Fryer, FI Aigbirhio, P Smielewski, GB Williams, TA Carpenter, JH Gillard, JD Pickard, DK Menon

The diffusion-weighted lesion in acute stroke: heterogeneous patterns of flow/metabolism uncoupling as assessed by quantitative positron emission tomography.

Journal: Cerebrovasc Dis
E-pub date: 1 Aug 2005
Authors: JV Guadagno, EA Warburton, PS Jones, TD Fryer, DJ Day, JH Gillard, TA Carpenter, FI Aigbirhio, CJ Price, J-C Baron

Imaging of cerebral blood flow and metabolism in brain injury in the ICU.

Journal: Acta Neurochirurgica, Supplementum
E-pub date: 1 Jan 2005
Authors: JD Pickard, PJ Hutchinson, JP Coles, LA Steiner, AJ Johnston, TD Fryer, MR Coleman, P Smielewski, DA Chatfield, F Aigbirhio, GB Williams, K Rice, JC Clark, CH Salmond, BJ Sahakian, PG Bradley, TA Carpenter, R Salvador, A Pena, JH Gillard, AS Cunningham, S Piechnik, M Czosnyka, DK Menon

Does the acute diffusion-weighted imaging lesion represent penumbra as well as core? A combined quantitative PET/MRI voxel-based study.

Journal: J Cereb Blood Flow Metab
E-pub date: 1 Nov 2004
Authors: JV Guadagno, EA Warburton, FI Aigbirhio, P Smielewski, TD Fryer, S Harding, CJ Price, JH Gillard, TA Carpenter, J-C Baron

Evaluation of an MRI-based protocol for cell implantation in four patients with Huntington’s disease.

Journal: Cell Transplant
E-pub date: 1 Oct 2003
Authors: C Watts, T Donovan, JH Gillard, NM Antoun, R Burnstein, DK Menon, TA Carpenter, T Fryer, DGT Thomas, JD Pickard

Stereotactic MR imaging for planning neural transplantation: a reliable technique at 3 Tesla?

Journal: Br J Neurosurg
E-pub date: 1 Oct 2003
Authors: T Donovan, TD Fryer, A Peña, C Watts, TA Carpenter, JD Pickard

Effect of hyperventilation on cerebral blood flow in traumatic head injury: clinical relevance and monitoring correlates.

Journal: Crit Care Med
E-pub date: 1 Sep 2002
Authors: JP Coles, PS Minhas, TD Fryer, P Smielewski, F Aigbirihio, T Donovan, SPMJ Downey, G Williams, D Chatfield, JC Matthews, AK Gupta, TA Carpenter, JC Clark, JD Pickard, DK Menon

Potential role of NovoSeven in the prevention of rebleeding following aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage.

Journal: Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis
E-pub date: 1 Apr 2000
Authors: JD Pickard, PJ Kirkpatrick, T Melsen, RB Andreasen, L Gelling, T Fryer, J Matthews, P Minhas, PJ Hutchinson, D Menon, SP Downey, I Kendall, J Clark, TA Carpenter, E Williams, L Persson