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    Professor Tamsin Ford FMedSci FRCPsych PhD CBE

    University Position
    Professor Tamsin Ford is pleased to consider applications from prospective PhD students.


    My research focuses on interventions and services to optimize the mental health of children and young people. Both mental health and services are interpreted broadly to include wellbeing as well as distress rather than children exceeding somewhat arbitrary cut points to meet diagnostic criteria, and all services that deal with children rather than just specialist mental health services. Research methods include secondary analysis of large epidemiological datasets, mixed qualitative and quantitative observational studies, economic evaluation systematic reviews and randomized controlled trials. My research is inherently translational and multi-disciplinary, and involves strong links with psychology, paediatrics, education, epidemiology, trial specialists, statisticians, health economics and basic scientists. The interface between the education and mental health is a particular area of interest.

    Key Publications


    Similarities and differences in the functions of non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) across gender non-conforming and cisgender young adults.

    Journal: J Affect Disord
    E-pub date: 15 Dec 2024
    Authors: NM Lutz, SR Chamberlain, JE Grant, C Lochner, PO Wilkinson, TJ Ford, SAS Neufeld

    Eating disorder service transitions: integrated models, knowledge gaps and opportunities, Ragnhildstveit et al.

    Journal: Br J Psychiatry
    E-pub date: 1 Oct 2024
    Authors: A Ragnhildstveit, TJ Ford, SAS Neufeld

    Transition of Care in Young People With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) From Child to Adult Services

    Journal: BJPsych Open
    E-pub date: 1 Jun 2024
    Authors: SR Jung, C Saunders, R Cardinal, T Ford

    Transitions from child and adolescent to adult mental health services for eating disorders: an in-depth systematic review and development of a transition framework.

    Journal: J Eat Disord
    E-pub date: 7 Mar 2024
    Authors: A Ragnhildstveit, N Tuteja, P Seli, L Smart, N Uzun, LC Bass, AC Miranda, TJ Ford, SAS Neufeld

    Trends in comorbid physical and mental health conditions in children from 1999 to 2017 in England.

    Journal: Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry
    E-pub date: 1 Jan 2024
    Authors: L Panagi, T Newlove-Delgado, SR White, S Bennett, I Heyman, R Shafran, T Ford

    Relationship between severe mental illness and physical multimorbidity: a meta-analysis and call for action.

    Journal: BMJ Ment Health
    E-pub date: 1 Oct 2023
    Authors: D Pizzol, M Trott, L Butler, Y Barnett, T Ford, SA Neufeld, A Ragnhildstveit, CN Parris, BR Underwood, GF López Sánchez, M Fossey, C Brayne, E Fernandez-Egea, G Fond, L Boyer, JI Shin, S Pardhan, L Smith

    Eating disorders and physical multimorbidity in the English general population.

    Journal: Eat Weight Disord
    E-pub date: 7 Sep 2023
    Authors: L Smith, GF López Sánchez, E Fernandez-Egea, T Ford, C Parris, BR Underwood, L Butler, Y Barnett, M Trott, A Koyanagi

    Why Is Non-suicidal Self-injury More Common in Women? Mediation and Moderation Analyses of Psychological Distress, Emotion Dysregulation, and Impulsivity.

    Journal: Arch Suicide Res
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2023
    Authors: NM Lutz, SAS Neufeld, RW Hook, PB Jones, ET Bullmore, IM Goodyer, TJ Ford, SR Chamberlain, PO Wilkinson

    The Short Mood and Feelings Questionnaire from adolescence to emerging adulthood: Measurement invariance across time and sex.

    Journal: Psychol Assess
    E-pub date: 1 May 2023
    Authors: P Schlechter, PO Wilkinson, TJ Ford, SAS Neufeld

    Trends in inpatient care for psychiatric disorders in NHS hospitals across England, 1998/99-2019/20: an observational time series analysis.

    Journal: Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol
    E-pub date: 1 May 2022
    Authors: M Degli Esposti, H Ziauddeen, L Bowes, A Reeves, AM Chekroud, DK Humphreys, T Ford

    Impact of COVID-19 on mental health research: is this the breaking point?

    Journal: Br J Psychiatry
    E-pub date: 17 Feb 2022
    Authors: O Sparasci, K Bhui, A Biswas, S Chamberlain, B Dubicka, R Dudas, S Farooq, T Ford, N Husain, I Jones, H Killaspy, W Lee, A Lingford-Hughes, C Mulholland, J Rubinsztein, R Shankar, A Sharma, L Sinclair, J Stone, A Young

    Simulating a Community Mental Health Service During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Effects of Clinician-Clinician Encounters, Clinician-Patient-Family Encounters, Symptom-Triggered Protective Behaviour, and Household Clustering.

    Journal: Front Psychiatry
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2021
    Authors: RN Cardinal, CE Meiser-Stedman, DM Christmas, AC Price, C Denman, BR Underwood, S Chen, S Banerjee, SR White, L Su, TJ Ford, SR Chamberlain, CM Walsh

    Survey of CAMHS clinicians about their experience of remote consultation: brief report.

    Journal: BJPsych Open
    E-pub date: 13 Jan 2021
    Authors: A Bhardwaj, A Moore, RN Cardinal, C Bradley, L Cross, TJ Ford

    Simulating a community mental health service during the COVID-19 pandemic: effects of clinician–clinician encounters, clinician–patient–family encounters, symptom-triggered protective behaviour, and household clustering

    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2020
    Authors: R Cardinal, C Meiser-Stedman, D Christmas, A Price, C Denman, B Underwood, S Chen, S Banerjee, S White, L Su, T Ford, S Chamberlain, C Walsh