Restricted call: ESRC New Investigator Grants (internal selection deadline Midday Friday, 15th March 2024) The ESRC have announced their New Investigator Grant scheme. This scheme…
New funding will allow researchers to uncover new information about the changes that occur in the developing brain during late childhood and adolescence, with a focus on both neurotypical and…
We are developing novel on-ear wearable devices to analyse features of movement patterns in the real world. We aim to develop new ways to understand movement and daily function in…
Researchers have developed a robotic sensor that incorporates artificial intelligence techniques to read braille at speeds roughly double that of most human readers. The research team, from the University of…
Amy Orben (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit) was one of five world experts selected by …
EBRAINS (European Brain Research Infrastructures) has received €38 million from the European Commission to develop tools and services to serve research communities in neurosciences, brain medicine, and brain-inspired technologies.
Barbara Sahakian (Psychiatry) appeared on the Guardian Science Weekly podcast speaking about why many of us…
Restricted Call: Royal Society Wolfson Fellowships 2023-24 round 2 (internal deadline: 12 noon on 5th February 2024) We are pleased to announce that Round 2 of the Royal Society’s 2023-24…
The deadline for applications to the Cambridge Independent Science and Technology Awards 2024 is fast approaching. We again have an AstraZeneca-sponsored Researcher of the Year category and it would be…
The Outstanding Contribution to Neuroscience Award is the most prestigious prize conferred by the BNA. Nominations for the BNA Outstanding Contribution to Neuroscience Award can be made by any member of the BNA.