Restricted call: ESRC New Investigator Grants (internal selection deadline Friday, 8 Nov 24) The ESRC have announced their New Investigator Grant scheme. This scheme…
Special Lecture: The Heart and Mind of Anxiety and Anhedonia: A Frontal Lobe Perspective — Angela C. Roberts Date & Time: Wednesday, October 9, 12:30–1:30 p.m. Location: MCP Hall B…
FKNE PI Training Survey Invitation Help Us Shape the Future of Research Leadership! The FENS-Kavli Network of Excellence (FKNE) invites Principal Investigators (PIs)/Group Leaders to share their valuable insights…
The Department of Psychiatry have launched a new MPhil Course, which is now open for applications. This course introduces students to the field of Clinical Psychology and the competencies required…
The University of Cambridge Public Engagement team is delighted to announce the launch of this year’s Cambridge Awards for Research Impact and Engagement. Presented by the Vice Chancellor and…
This is a unique opportunity to study for a clinical PhD or carry out a period of postdoctoral research focused on translating scientific discoveries into new treatments for rare mitochondrial…
Pre-announcement – Restricted Call: Royal Society Wolfson Fellowships 2025, Round 1 (indicative internal deadline: 25th September 2024) Full details for this round are not yet available, as the call is expected…
The Galliano Lab are looking for a highly motivated, proactive and enthusiastic postdoc to work on a Wellcome Trust funded project within the Department of Physiology, Development…
The Digital Mental Health Group at the MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit is an innovative and collaborative research group studying the intersection between adolescent mental health, cognitive neuroscience, and…
Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Research Associate position to help direct and conduct research in a team of scientists under the leadership of Prof Duncan Astle, alongside a wide…