
Development of a combined microPET®-MR system


Features of a positron emission tomographymagnetic resonance (PET-MR) system in which a novel, superconducting magnet with a 'split' is combined with a multi-ring PET detector based on a microPET® Focus 120 have been investigated. Those features include the impact on PET performance of: modification of the PET detector block, using a position-sensitive PMT in a nominal magnetic field of 10 Gauss (1mT), and - most significantly - operating the MR system whilst PET data is acquired. No effect on PET performance arising from MR radiofrequency (RF) or gradient pulses has been observed. RF interference between the PET electronics and MR signal has been monitored by acquiring MR data with the PET modules in situ and operational. That RF interference can be minimized by careful system design. The complete PET ring is now being constructed. © 2006 IEEE.