
Episodic and semantic memory in mild cognitive impairment.


Little is known about episodic and semantic memory in the early predementia stage of Alzheimer's disease (AD), which is referred to as mild cognitive impairment (MCI). To explore person knowledge, item recognition and spatial associative memory, we designed the Face Place Test (FPT). A total of 75 subjects participated: 22 patients with early AD, 24 with MCI and 29 matched controls. As predicted, AD patients showed significant deficits in person naming, item recognition and recall of spatial location (placing). Surprisingly, subjects with MCI were also impaired on all components. There was no significant difference between AD and MCI except on the placing component. Analysis of the relationship between semantic (naming) and episodic (recognition and placing) components of the FPT revealed a significant association between the two episodic tasks, but not between episodic and semantic performance. Patients with MCI show deficits of episodic and semantic memory. The extent of impairment suggests dysfunction beyond the medial temporal lobe. The FPT might form the basis of a sensitive early indicator of AD.