
Personality dimensions through the schizophrenia borderline.


While the schizoid dimension of personality has often been thought to be unitary, it has recently been suggested that several dimensions may be involved. In this study two separately derived normal population personality scales from within the psychoticism domain, the Rust Inventory of Schizotypal Cognitions (RISC), a scale designed to measure the positive cognitive schizotypal dimension, and the Eysencks' P scale from within the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire, were administered to a group of 608 Venezuelan university students. It was found that the RISC and the EPQ had only a small correlation of 0.12. It was concluded that at least two dimensions were involved in the schizophrenic/normal spectrum, and that the EPQ Psychoticism scale was in fact measuring a dimension of personality disorder rather than a general factor of psychoticism.