
The ASC-inclusion perceptual serious gaming platform for autistic children


“Serious games” are becoming extremely relevant to individuals who have specific needs, such as children with an autism spectrum condition (ASC). Often, individuals with an ASC have difficulties in interpreting verbal and nonverbal communication cues during social interactions. The ASC-Inclusion EU-FP7 funded project aims to provide children who have an ASC with a platform to learn emotion expression and recognition, through play in the virtual world. In particular, the ASC-Inclusion platform focuses on the expression of emotion via facial, vocal, and bodily gestures. The platform combines multiple analysis tools, using onboard microphone and webcam capabilities. The platform utilizes these capabilities via training games, text-based communication, animations, video, and audio clips. This paper introduces current findings and evaluations of the ASC-Inclusion platform and provides detailed description for the different modalities.