The course of negative symptoms in first-episode schizophrenia and its predictors: A prospective two-year follow-up study.
AIMS: This study aimed to investigate the course of negative symptoms and its stability over a two-year period following a first-episode schizophrenia (FES) and the possible predictors of higher severity in this symptomatology after this period. METHODS: In this longitudinal two-year prospective follow-up study we included 268 patients with a FES, according to DSM-IV. Analysis of variance was conducted in patients who completed the full follow-up to study changes in negative symptoms over three visits. Regression analyses were conducted to show correlates and potential predictors of negative symptoms at two-year follow-up. RESULTS: There was a significant effect for time in negative symptomatology, which was less severe at one-year follow-up after a FES and remained stable up to two years (Time 1>Time 2>Time 3); F(2,151)=20.45, p