Restricted Call: Leverhulme Trust Research Leadership Award (internal deadline: 12 March, 2025)
The Leverhulme Trust have announced their Research Leadership Awards. These awards are designed for scholars who have successfully launched a university career and who need to build a research team of sufficient scale to tackle a distinctive research problem. The scheme aims to create an opportunity for the development and demonstration of research leadership through the direction of a modest team or group, whose research may significantly change the established landscape in a particular field of inquiry. Leverhulme offers up to £1,000,000 for projects lasting 4-5 years. The funder expects that host departments provide a commitment to an open-ended independent research/innovation position for the applicant by the end of the award, in line with organisational employment policies and practices, including an open and fair recruitment process. Please see the topics section of the funder’s guidance for the list of exceptions to the topics that Leverhulme fund. The funder aims to make up to ten awards this round.
Please read the eligibility rules carefully. At the time of application, applicants must:
Applicants at Senior Lecturer, Reader/Associate Professor or Professor level or equivalent are therefore not eligible to apply. However, if you hold such a post and meet the criteria above, please address this in your eligibility statement of up to 300 words (see below). Please contact us at if you have any queries about eligibility.
University Internal selection:
Institutions can only submit 1 application. Therefore, this call will be managed according to the University’s
restricted calls procedure.
To take part in the internal selection, please complete
our online form by
12 March, 2025 (NB: if asked to log-in, please use your CRSID/Raven details; note that a Form cannot be saved and returned to).
You will need the following documents and information to complete the Form:
CV (max 2 pages). Applicants should consider
DORA principles when presenting research outputs.
Project summary (max 800 words). Please address the following:
main aims of the research and the proposed methodology
the extent to which the proposed work can be seen to bring about a fruitful reshaping of the disciplinary landscape
the fit of the proposed research within the institution
the record and promise of the group leader
the structure and activities of the research team
a support letter from the Head of Department hosting the grant confirming their support. The letter should also address the financial commitment of the award. The department should provide a commitment to an open-ended independent research/innovation position for the applicant by the end of the award, in line with organisational employment policies and practices. It is a condition from the funder that the host department has identified and secured the source of the funding for an applicant by the funder’s closing date (30 May, 2025) and that this is specifically allocated to the individual concerned. The funding contributed by the host university must be drawn from generally available funds and cannot be associated with any other grants received by the university.
a draft eligibility statement of up to 300 words: please explain, in up to 300 words, why you are eligible to apply to this scheme as an early career scholar. Please confirm your current role, previous grant/fellowship funding and whether you have managed research staff, including postdoctoral research assistants.
Internal Assessment Criteria:
Please note that the assessment of internal applications will focus on the following core funder criteria:
Pro-Vice Chancellor of Research Support Letter
The successful applicant from the internal selection will require a support letter from the Pro-Vice Chancellor of Research. This process will be run after the internal selection round is completed.
Funder deadline: 30 May, 2025
Posted on 12/02/2025