
Restricted call: UKRI Proof of Concept (internal deadline: 3rd March 2025) 

Image for Restricted call: UKRI Proof of Concept (internal deadline: 3rd March 2025) 

Restricted call: UKRI Proof of Concept (internal deadline: 3rd March 2025)

UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) has pre-announced their Proof of Concept call, due to open on 12th March, to support the commercialisation of research.

This opportunity aims to support and accelerate the development of new or improved technologies, products, processes, and services arising from research activities. Supporting early-to-mid stage commercialisation activities that validate the development of concepts that arose from research, applications are welcomed from across all research disciplines and research councils’ remit (AHRC, BBSRC, EPSRC, ESRC, MRC, NERC and STFC) including cross and multi-disciplinary approaches.

This scheme aims to fund projects that are not eligible for funding applications via existing UKRI funding opportunities or those projects that have been funded by other mechanisms and that now require further de-risking at a larger scale. No pre-existing UKRI funding is required, however the programme will not support discovery-driven research. The full economic cost (FEC) can be up to £250,000 for 12 months duration with a minimum of £100,000 for 6 months. UKRI will fund 80% FEC. For further information, see the call webpage here.

If you have not already reached out to a colleague in our Impact and Knowledge Exchange team, please do so before midday on Mon 24th Feb at

University Internal selection:

There are two stages to this application, an Intention to Submit followed by a Full Application.  UKRI have confirmed to us that if the number of Intentions to Submit received are too many and warrant demand management, there will be a restriction placed on the number of applications that can be submitted at the full stage (although this number has not yet been confirmed). Therefore, this call will be managed according to the University’s restricted calls procedure.

In response to the short timeframe of this call, we are requesting applications for internal selection alongside submission of the Intention to Submit form so that if/when we receive confirmation from UKRI that a restriction has been put in place, internal selection can be conducted. Further details on selection, including the number of applications which can be submitted, will be communicated at this time.

In order to apply, UKRI’s Intention to Submit form must be completed alongside our Internal Selection form by 3rd March 2025. Please note, if asked to log-in, please use your crsid/Raven details.

Please also ensure that you enter the Research Strategy email address ( in section 8 of UKRI’s Intention to Submit form.

You will need the following documents and information to complete the Internal Selection form:

Clearly describe your proposed work in terms of:

And briefly describe how the team has the relevant experience and right balance of skills to deliver the proposed work

Internal Assessment Criteria:

Please note that the assessment of internal applications will be carried out by a specialist panel with knowledge of Proof of Concept, focussing on the following core funder criteria:

Funder Intention to Submit deadline: 3rd March 2025

Internal selection deadline: 3rd March 2025

Funder deadline: 29th May 2025.

If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

Posted on 19/02/2025