
Rowland Fellowships at Harvard University

Image for Rowland Fellowships at Harvard University

The Rowland Institute at Harvard invites applications for Rowland Fellowships starting in the year 2025. We are seeking outstanding early-career experimentalists in all fields of science and engineering to establish innovative independent research groups within Harvard University.

The Rowland Fellows program is open to early-career researchers from a wide range of experimental fields, including physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, and neuroscience. We are looking for individuals who have already demonstrated exceptional achievements in their chosen area and who are ready to begin independent research groups (including the hiring of small teams), take on new challenges, and push the boundaries of their fields.

Importantly, if you are aware of talented researchers who would be a great match for this program, but who may not apply without explicit prompting from a trusted mentor, please do encourage them to consider the opportunity, and invite them to reach out to me with any questions about the Fellowship.

One unique benefit of the Rowland Fellowship is the mentoring and support from highly experienced staff scientists and engineers who work with the Fellows to design and fabricate new experimental set-ups. Support is also provided from the core Rowland team to build expertise in budgeting, mentoring of lab members, grant writing and publishing.

The application deadline for the Rowland Fellows program is August 16, 2024. To qualify, applicants must have received, or expect to receive, their PhDs between May 2024 and Fall 2025. The selection process includes a symposium series of talks by finalists in November 2024, and final selections will be completed in December 2024.

Detailed information about the Rowland Institute, the Rowland Fellows program, and a link to the online application is available on our website at

Posted on 06/06/2024