
The University of Cambridge/The Neuro Neuroscience Research Collaboration – Graduate Student Travel Awards

Image for The University of Cambridge/The Neuro Neuroscience Research Collaboration – Graduate Student Travel Awards

The Neuro and the Departments of Clinical Neurosciences and Psychiatry at the University of Cambridge have partnered to establish collaborative research and training opportunities in Neuroscience.

Within the framework of this partnership, we invite applications for competitive Graduate Student Travel Awards to support research exchanges between collaborating laboratories working in the areas of

  1. Nervous System Homeostasis, Degeneration and Repair, and
  2. Neurodevelopment and Neurodevelopmental Disorders.

Total funds available for this initiative are C$40,000 (approximately B£24,000).

Candidates must be involved in collaborative studies between The Neuro and University of Cambridge laboratories. It is therefore a requirement that prior to submitting their application, candidates consult with their supervisors to obtain their agreement to apply for these travel awards.

Deadline for receipt of application is September 29, 2023.

Download the Application Form

Posted on 21/09/2023