Restricted call: UKRI cross research council responsive mode pilot scheme: round 2 (internal deadline: 9th September 2024)
Full details for this round are not yet available, as the call is expected to open on 2nd September 2024. However, due to the tight timeframe between the call opening and the funder deadline, we are circulating our process now. Please note that because the funder has only pre-announced the call, details may change, and we will communicate such changes as necessary.
UKRI has pre-announced the Cross-research council responsive mode pilot scheme: Round 2. This scheme will fund around 36 awards for projects advancing breakthrough interdisciplinary ideas that transcend, combine or significantly span disciplines and research council remits. UKRI will fund awards of between £200,000 and £1,200,000 each for projects that last up to 2 years from either individual applicants or teams from a single organisation or across a number of organisations. UKRI have produced a 20 minute video which aims to provide potential applicants to the scheme with a better understanding of interdisciplinary research as it relates to the Cross Research Council Responsive Mode scheme, what good interdisciplinary research looks like, and what assessors will be looking for in applications.
UKRI will hold a webinar dedicated to informing prospective applicants across the UKRI research community on UKRI-supported facilities and services on offer across the research councils at 10am on 4 July 2024. UKRI will also hold webinars for this scheme to provide more information about the funding opportunity and a chance to ask questions at 10am on 5th September, and 2pm on 11th September. Please click the links to register. In addition, the University of Cambridge’s Research Funding Team will hold an information session for this scheme in mid-July 2024. More details will follow about this event in due course.
UKRI have also provided a helpful document of generalised feedback on outline applications from last year’s round, which may be useful in preparing your application.
Please see the full scheme guidance for further information.
University Internal selection:
The University of Cambridge can only submit a maximum of 20 applications as the lead organisation. Therefore, this call will be managed according to the University’s restricted calls procedure. If you are leading on a bid to this scheme, please complete the online selection form by 9th September, 2024.
You will need the following documents and information to complete the Form:
Internal Assessment Criteria:
The assessment of internal applications will focus on the following core funder criteria:
− Vision: the proposed work is timely, has high potential to deliver ground-breaking outcomes, advance current understanding and generate new knowledge, thinking, concepts, techniques, methods or technologies or discoveries only achieved through interdisciplinary research and disruptive ideas.
− Approach: the proposed work is clearly interdisciplinary in a way that explores new types of, and approaches to interdisciplinary research, involves all disciplines required in the co-creation and design, reciprocally benefits all the disciplines involved and addresses and overcomes the challenges of interdisciplinary research.
− Applicant and Team Capability to Deliver: the proposed work includes a project team with the skills and expertise in the disciplines required for the delivery of the project.
Overview of internal process:
Please note, For ease of reference, internal deadlines are marked in red.
If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact us at
Posted on 20/06/2024