
13th July 16:00-20:00


Scholars' garden, Clare College


You are invited to join us for our first ever Summer Garden Party that we are hosting together with CamBRAIN on Thursday July 13th from 16:00-20:00 in the Scholars’ garden at Clare College.

Drinks and canapés will be served (and sunshine too of course!), and it will be a wonderful opportunity for us to reconnect after what has been a busy but amazing academic year and celebrate our successes!

Attendance is free but registration is required and as you can imagine places are limited so sign up soon and please cancel your place if you are no longer able to attend (free events are not free to host ?) – you can cancel your place by email.

Open to all (students, post docs, research assistants, Faculty etc) but please do ensure you are a member and have a profile on Cambridge Neuroscience.

This is a small way to thank all of you for all that you do for our community – teaching, supervising, delivering workshops, seminars, mentoring, sitting on committees and so much more.

Registration is now closed but please get in contact with Dr Dervila Glynn should you wish to be added to the waiting list.