Funding for impact is available in the EPSRC subject area.
Now OPEN: EPSRC IAA Knowledge Mobilisation Fellowship Scheme 2024.
The EPSRC IAA Knowledge Mobilisation Fellowship Scheme aims to enable impact through the two-way exchange of knowledge, expertise and/or research between the university and non-academic partners (industrial partners, policymakers and the third sector).
This funding enables inward (from partner into the university) or outward (from the university into the partner) placements and secondments to strengthen relationships, exchange knowledge, deliver innovation projects, expand skills and collaborate more broadly with partners beyond academia to bring benefits to all parties involved.
The core focus of the fellowship needs in the EPSRC research areas, but collaborations with other disciplines are allowed and encouraged in this call.
Who can apply?
Outward Fellowship: Applications are welcomed from Early Career Researchers (PhD needs to have been successfully completed – viva and corrections completed, but not official award needed) and Principal Investigators employed in any University department.
Inward Fellowship: Principal Investigators employed in any University department can apply to host a named individual from a non-academic partner organisation.
Please note that, in contrast to previous EPSRC IAAs, previous/current EPSRC funding is NOT a requirement.
Early Career Researchers are encouraged to apply but consultation with supervisory team is recommended before application.
Collaborations with non-academic partners in which a lead applicant is involved in any way (e.g. company ownership, science board membership, etc.) are ineligible for IAA funding.
What activities can be funded?
Secondments/placements of up to 9 months into or from a non-academic partner organisation. The grant will cover direct costs only to a maximum of £70,000.
Example of objectives for the activity include spending time at a partner’s location to exchange knowledge (e.g. embed new research findings or understand the partner’s challenges), skills development or relationship building.
How to apply
To apply, visit the EPSRC IAA website for guidance, application forms and terms and conditions.
Please also contact us if you have a potential project which does not fit the timescale or budget for this call, as there may be future funding opportunities.
If you have problems meeting the deadline but would like to apply, please get in touch with us before the deadline.
If you have any questions regarding this EPSRC IAA call, please contact Dr Amaya Camara-Campos or Dr Katarzyna Targonska-Hadzibabic,
Posted on 22/11/2023