MPhil in Basic & Translational Neuroscience – Call for Projects Now Open!
The Cambridge Neuroscience MPhil in Basic and Translational Neuroscience has accepted its 8th cohort of students due to start in October 2024. The course has proved very successful in its first few years (66 excellent students!), with many students remaining in Cambridge to complete a PhD. Our 2023/24 cohort have had a tremendous year, recently presenting their work at our mini symposium and are having just completed their vivas.

- This taught MPhil programme is a 1-year full time degree.
- While the MPhil programme is hosted by the Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience (each student must have a ‘home’ department), the course is intended to be cross school and interdisciplinary in nature and is run under the auspices of Cambridge Neuroscience.
- The Course Directors are Professors Jeff Dalley (Psychology) and Ole Paulsen (PDN) and is organised, managed and coordinated by Dr Dervila Glynn.
- For more information, see directory and Cambridge Neuroscience.
- Attend lectures and workshops covering the themes of Cambridge Neuroscience.
- Complete courses in statistics and research methods (weighted at 5%).
- Write one extended essay not exceeding 5000 words (weighted at 25%).
- Complete a 2-term research project and written report not exceeding 10,000 words (weighted at 70%).
- Complete 3 out of a potential 7 research method modules
- Attend interdisciplinary seminars, journal clubs and research skills sessions.
A cohort of excellent students have been offered places to start in October, each holding a first class honours degree from a wide variety of backgrounds so hopefully will make an excellent addition to any lab. It is hoped that some of these students will decide to stay in Cambridge and pursue a PhD here following their MPhil.
We are looking for project proposals that we can offer the students from across all themes of Cambridge Neuroscience.
Please note the following:
- Projects will be for 2 terms (starting in Lent term 2025). There is a possibility that students may be able to start in late Michaelmas term 2024 subject to availability.
- Please complete the form if you wish to submit a project abstract.
- PIs who offer an MPhil project are expected to act as an assessor on other projects (max one project) in this programme if required.
- PIs must offer a supportive environment for students, providing mentorship, supervision, training and access to regular meetings.
- PIs must allow their students to attend the required modules of their MPhil programme, while a student in their lab.
- PIs can claim ~£2,500 towards consumables – eligible costs include laboratory consumables, facility charges, as well as students’ attendance at relevant courses and conferences.
- PIs offering a project must be a member of Cambridge Neuroscience
- Post Doctoral Research Associates may act as co-supervisors, provided they have the full agreement, support and guidance of their Principal Investigator. You will be asked to confirm that the primary supervisor (and the Principal Investigator if the primary supervisor is more junior) will provide adequate supervision, guidance and feedback for the duration of the student’s time in the laboratory.
- Questions can be directed to Dervila Glynn, Jeff Dalley or Ole Paulsen
- Please complete the form and return to Dervila Glynn by Friday September 13th 2024.
Posted on 17/07/2024