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  • Multiple sclerosis
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    Professor Stefano Pluchino

    University Position
    Professor Stefano Pluchino is pleased to consider applications from prospective PhD students.


    We study whether the accumulation of neurological disability observed in patients with chronic inflammatory neurological conditions can be slowed down using next generation molecular therapies. The overarching aim is to understand the basic mechanisms that allow exogenously delivered stem cells, gene therapy vectors and/or exosomes to create an environment that preserves damaged axons or prevents neurons from dying. Such mechanisms may be harnessed and used to modulate disease states in an effort to repair and/or regenerate critical components of the nervous system. By understanding the mechanisms of intercellular (stem cell) signalling, diseases of the central nervous system (CNS) may be treated more effectively, and significant neuroprotection may be achieved with new tailored molecular therapeutics.​ Our previous work has led to the first-in-kind clinical trials of allogeneic somatic neural stem cells in patients with progressive MS.

    Mitochondrial network (Tom20, white) in human iNSCs. Nuclei are counterstained with DAPI (blue) (photo credits; Bristena Ionescu).

    Key Publications

    Mitochondrial complex I activity in microglia sustains neuroinflammation

    Journal: Nature
    E-pub date: 1 Apr 2024
    Authors: S Pluchino, L Peruzzotti Jametti

    Metabolic Control of Smoldering Neuroinflammation.

    Journal: Front Immunol
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2021
    Authors: L Peruzzotti-Jametti, CM Willis, R Hamel, G Krzak, S Pluchino

    Neural stem cells traffic functional mitochondria via extracellular vesicles.

    Journal: PLoS Biol
    E-pub date: 1 Apr 2021
    Authors: L Peruzzotti-Jametti, JD Bernstock, CM Willis, G Manferrari, R Rogall, E Fernandez-Vizarra, JC Williamson, A Braga, A van den Bosch, T Leonardi, G Krzak, Á Kittel, C Benincá, N Vicario, S Tan, C Bastos, I Bicci, N Iraci, JA Smith, B Peacock, KH Muller, PJ Lehner, EI Buzas, N Faria, M Zeviani, C Frezza, A Brisson, NJ Matheson, C Viscomi, S Pluchino

    Systematic approach to selecting licensed drugs for repurposing in the treatment of progressive multiple sclerosis.

    Journal: J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry
    E-pub date: 1 Mar 2021
    Authors: N Cunniffe, KA Vuong, D Ainslie, D Baker, J Beveridge, S Bickley, P Camilleri, M Craner, D Fitzgerald, AG de la Fuente, G Giovannoni, E Gray, L Hazlehurst, R Kapoor, R Kaur, D Kozlowski, B Lumicisi, D Mahad, B Neumann, A Palmer, L Peruzzotti-Jametti, S Pluchino, J Robertson, A Rothaul, L Shellard, KJ Smith, A Wilkins, A Williams, A Coles

    Succinate Receptor 1: An Emerging Regulator of Myeloid Cell Function in Inflammation.

    Journal: Trends Immunol
    E-pub date: 1 Jan 2021
    Authors: G Krzak, CM Willis, JA Smith, S Pluchino, L Peruzzotti-Jametti

    Macrophage-Derived Extracellular Succinate Licenses Neural Stem Cells to Suppress Chronic Neuroinflammation

    Journal: Cell Stem Cell
    E-pub date: 1 Mar 2018
    Authors: L Peruzzotti-Jametti, JD Bernstock, N Vicario, ASH Costa, CK Kwok, T Leonardi, LM Booty, I Bicci, B Balzarotti, G Volpe, G Mallucci, G Manferrari, M Donegà, N Iraci, A Braga, JM Hallenbeck, MP Murphy, F Edenhofer, C Frezza, S Pluchino

    Extracellular vesicles are independent metabolic units with asparaginase activity.

    Journal: Nat Chem Biol
    E-pub date: 1 Sep 2017
    Authors: N Iraci, E Gaude, T Leonardi, ASH Costa, C Cossetti, L Peruzzotti-Jametti, JD Bernstock, HK Saini, M Gelati, AL Vescovi, C Bastos, N Faria, LG Occhipinti, AJ Enright, C Frezza, S Pluchino

    Metabolic determinants of the immune modulatory function of neural stem cells.

    Journal: J Neuroinflammation
    E-pub date: 2 Sep 2016
    Authors: D Drago, V Basso, E Gaude, G Volpe, L Peruzzotti-Jametti, A Bachi, G Musco, A Andolfo, C Frezza, A Mondino, S Pluchino

    The role of immune cells, glia and neurons in white and gray matter pathology in multiple sclerosis.

    Journal: Prog Neurobiol
    E-pub date: 1 Apr 2015
    Authors: G Mallucci, L Peruzzotti-Jametti, JD Bernstock, S Pluchino


    Time-resolved single-cell RNAseq profiling identifies a novel Fabp5+ subpopulation of inflammatory myeloid cells with delayed cytotoxic profile in chronic spinal cord injury.

    Journal: Heliyon
    E-pub date: 31 Aug 2023
    Authors: R Hamel, L Peruzzotti-Jametti, K Ridley, V Testa, B Yu, D Rowitch, JC Marioni, S Pluchino

    A neural stem-cell treatment for progressive multiple sclerosis.

    Journal: Nat Med
    E-pub date: 1 Jan 2023
    Authors: V Fossati, L Peruzzotti-Jametti, S Pluchino

    Small Extracellular Vesicles Secreted by Nigrostriatal Astrocytes Rescue Cell Death and Preserve Mitochondrial Function in Parkinson’s Disease.

    Journal: Adv Healthc Mater
    E-pub date: 1 Oct 2022
    Authors: L Leggio, F L'Episcopo, A Magrì, MJ Ulloa-Navas, G Paternò, S Vivarelli, CAP Bastos, C Tirolo, N Testa, S Caniglia, P Risiglione, F Pappalardo, A Serra, P García-Tárraga, N Faria, JJ Powell, L Peruzzotti-Jametti, S Pluchino, JM García-Verdugo, A Messina, B Marchetti, N Iraci

    Soluble factors influencing the neural stem cell niche in brain physiology, inflammation, and aging.

    Journal: Exp Neurol
    E-pub date: 1 Sep 2022
    Authors: CM Willis, AM Nicaise, G Krzak, R-B Ionescu, V Pappa, A D'Angelo, R Agarwal, M Repollés-de-Dalmau, L Peruzzotti-Jametti, S Pluchino

    Therapeutically expanded human regulatory T-cells are super-suppressive due to HIF1A induced expression of CD73.

    Journal: Commun Biol
    E-pub date: 14 Oct 2021
    Authors: LB Jarvis, DB Rainbow, V Coppard, SK Howlett, Z Georgieva, JL Davies, HK Mullay, J Hester, T Ashmore, A Van Den Bosch, JT Grist, AJ Coles, HS Mousa, S Pluchino, KT Mahbubani, JL Griffin, K Saeb-Parsy, F Issa, L Peruzzotti-Jametti, LS Wicker, JL Jones

    Stem Cell Therapies for Progressive Multiple Sclerosis.

    Journal: Front Cell Dev Biol
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2021
    Authors: JA Smith, AM Nicaise, R-B Ionescu, R Hamel, L Peruzzotti-Jametti, S Pluchino

    Promises and Limitations of Neural Stem Cell Therapies for Progressive Multiple Sclerosis.

    Journal: Trends Mol Med
    E-pub date: 1 Oct 2020
    Authors: S Pluchino, JA Smith, L Peruzzotti-Jametti

    Harnessing the Neural Stem Cell Secretome for Regenerative Neuroimmunology.

    Journal: Front Cell Neurosci
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2020
    Authors: CM Willis, AM Nicaise, R Hamel, V Pappa, L Peruzzotti-Jametti, S Pluchino

    Chapter 6 The therapeutic potential of exogenous adult stem cells for the injured central nervous system

    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2020
    Authors: JA Smith, A Braga, R Hamel, C Rutigliani, B Yu, L Peruzzotti-Jametti, S Pluchino

    Transplantation of induced neural stem cells (iNSCs) into chronically demyelinated corpus callosum ameliorates motor deficits.

    Journal: Acta Neuropathol Commun
    E-pub date: 9 Jun 2020
    Authors: GM Sullivan, AK Knutsen, L Peruzzotti-Jametti, A Korotcov, A Bosomtwi, BJ Dardzinski, JD Bernstock, S Rizzi, F Edenhofer, S Pluchino, RC Armstrong

    The neural stem cell secretome and its role in brain repair.

    Journal: Brain Res
    E-pub date: 15 Feb 2020
    Authors: CM Willis, AM Nicaise, L Peruzzotti-Jametti, S Pluchino

    Foxg1 Antagonizes Neocortical Stem Cell Progression to Astrogenesis.

    Journal: Cereb Cortex
    E-pub date: 17 Dec 2019
    Authors: C Falcone, M Santo, G Liuzzi, N Cannizzaro, C Grudina, E Valencic, L Peruzzotti-Jametti, S Pluchino, A Mallamaci

    SUMOylation promotes survival and integration of neural stem cell grafts in ischemic stroke.

    Journal: EBioMedicine
    E-pub date: 1 Apr 2019
    Authors: JD Bernstock, L Peruzzotti-Jametti, T Leonardi, N Vicario, D Ye, Y-J Lee, D Maric, KR Johnson, Y Mou, A Van Den Bosch, M Winterbone, GK Friedman, RJM Franklin, JM Hallenbeck, S Pluchino

    Neural Stem Cell Grafts Promote Astroglia-Driven Neurorestoration in the Aged Parkinsonian Brain via Wnt/β-Catenin Signaling.

    Journal: Stem Cells
    E-pub date: 31 Aug 2018
    Authors: F L'Episcopo, C Tirolo, L Peruzzotti-Jametti, MF Serapide, N Testa, S Caniglia, B Balzarotti, S Pluchino, B Marchetti

    Past, present and future of cell-based therapy in progressive multiple sclerosis

    E-pub date: 27 Jun 2018
    Authors: G Volpe, JD Bernstock, L Peruzzotti-Jametti, S Pluchino

    RNA Nanotherapeutics for the Amelioration of Astroglial Reactivity.

    Journal: Mol Ther Nucleic Acids
    E-pub date: 2 Mar 2018
    Authors: JA Smith, A Braga, J Verheyen, S Basilico, S Bandiera, C Alfaro-Cervello, L Peruzzotti-Jametti, D Shu, F Haque, P Guo, S Pluchino

    Evaluation of RGD functionalization in hybrid hydrogels as 3D neural stem cell culture systems.

    Journal: Biomater Sci
    E-pub date: 27 Feb 2018
    Authors: E Mauri, A Sacchetti, N Vicario, L Peruzzotti-Jametti, F Rossi, S Pluchino

    Cell-based therapeutic strategies for multiple sclerosis.

    Journal: Brain
    E-pub date: 1 Nov 2017
    Authors: NJ Scolding, M Pasquini, SC Reingold, JA Cohen, International Conference on Cell-Based Therapies for Multiple Sclerosis, International Conference on Cell-Based Therapies for Multiple Sclerosis, International Conference on Cell-Based Therapies for Multiple Sclerosis

    Topotecan is a potent inhibitor of SUMOylation in glioblastoma multiforme and alters both cellular replication and metabolic programming.

    Journal: Sci Rep
    E-pub date: 7 Aug 2017
    Authors: JD Bernstock, D Ye, FA Gessler, Y-J Lee, L Peruzzotti-Jametti, P Baumgarten, KR Johnson, D Maric, W Yang, D Kögel, S Pluchino, JM Hallenbeck

    Neural stem cell transplantation in ischemic stroke: A role for preconditioning and cellular engineering.

    Journal: J Cereb Blood Flow Metab
    E-pub date: 1 Jul 2017
    Authors: JD Bernstock, L Peruzzotti-Jametti, D Ye, FA Gessler, D Maric, N Vicario, Y-J Lee, S Pluchino, JM Hallenbeck

    Interleukin-4 induced 1 (IL4I1) promotes central nervous system remyelination.

    Journal: Brain
    E-pub date: 1 Dec 2016
    Authors: S Pluchino, L Peruzzotti-Jametti

    Astrocyte power fuels neurons during stroke.

    Journal: Swiss Med Wkly
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2016
    Authors: S Pluchino, L Peruzzotti-Jametti, C Frezza

    A novel quantitative high-throughput screen identifies drugs that both activate SUMO conjugation via the inhibition of microRNAs 182 and 183 and facilitate neuroprotection in a model of oxygen and glucose deprivation.

    Journal: J Cereb Blood Flow Metab
    E-pub date: 1 Feb 2016
    Authors: JD Bernstock, Y-J Lee, L Peruzzotti-Jametti, N Southall, KR Johnson, D Maric, G Volpe, J Kouznetsova, W Zheng, S Pluchino, JM Hallenbeck

    Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Rats with Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis Reveals Brain Cortex Remodeling.

    Journal: J Neurosci
    E-pub date: 8 Jul 2015
    Authors: S Tambalo, L Peruzzotti-Jametti, R Rigolio, S Fiorini, P Bontempi, G Mallucci, B Balzarotti, P Marmiroli, A Sbarbati, G Cavaletti, S Pluchino, P Marzola

    The role of the immune system in central nervous system plasticity after acute injury.

    Journal: Neuroscience
    E-pub date: 26 Dec 2014
    Authors: L Peruzzotti-Jametti, M Donegá, E Giusto, G Mallucci, B Marchetti, S Pluchino

    Neural precursor cells in the ischemic brain – integration, cellular crosstalk, and consequences for stroke recovery.

    Journal: Front Cell Neurosci
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2014
    Authors: DM Hermann, L Peruzzotti-Jametti, J Schlechter, JD Bernstock, TR Doeppner, S Pluchino

    Injection of next-generation directly-induced neural stem cells (iNSCs) induces recovery in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis

    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2014
    Authors: L Peruzzotti-jametti, G Mallucci, G Tannahill, B Huang, YB Lakes, E Giusto, M Donega, B Balzarotti, F Edenhofer, S Pluchino

    Delayed post-ischaemic neuroprotection following systemic neural stem cell transplantation involves multiple mechanisms. (vol 132, pg 2239, 2009)

    Journal: Brain
    E-pub date: 1 Nov 2010
    Authors: M Bacigaluppi, S Pluchino, L Peruzzotti-Jametti, E Kilic, U Kilic, G Salani, E Brambilla, MJ West, G Comi, G Martino, DM Hermann

    Delayed post-ischaemic neuroprotection following systemic neural stem cell transplantation involves multiple mechanisms.

    Journal: Brain
    E-pub date: 31 Aug 2009
    Authors: M Bacigaluppi, S Pluchino, L Peruzzotti-Jametti, E Kilic, U Kilic, G Salani, E Brambilla, MJ West, G Comi, G Martino, DM Hermann