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    Professor Ewan St. John Smith

    University Position
    Professor Ewan St. John Smith is pleased to consider applications from prospective PhD students.


    The main interest of the Smith lab is to understand the molecular mechanisms by which sensory neurons detect noxious stimuli, so-called nociceptors. We are particularly interested in how nociceptors are activated in both physiological and pathophysiological states and how this changes during different disease states, something that we address using a combination of in vitro and in vivo techniques. We also try to understand how genetic variations identified in humans with differing pain sensation produce the effects that they do. A further area of interest in the Smith lab is the unusual physiology of the naked mole-rat, an animal that is cold-blooded, lives for 30+ years, is resistant to cancer and is also eusocial! Weconduct comparative physiology and genetics with the naked mole-rat to identify molecules and circuits that underlie aspects of their 'odd' physiology, results from such work will lead to a greater understanding of how 'normal' physiology works in other mammals including humans.

    A subset of colonic sensory neurons express Mrgprd

    Dorsal root ganglion section from a Mrgprd-GFP mouse with colonic sensory neurons stained with fast blue and anti-CGRP staining in red

    Key Publications

    Activation of the proton-sensing GPCR, GPR65 on fibroblast-like synoviocytes contributes to inflammatory joint pain.

    Journal: Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
    E-pub date: 17 Dec 2024
    Authors: LA Pattison, RH Rickman, H Hilton, M Dannawi, SN Wijesinghe, G Ladds, LV Yang, SW Jones, ESJ Smith

    Mapping the neuroethological signatures of pain, analgesia, and recovery in mice.

    Journal: Neuron
    E-pub date: 20 Sep 2023
    Authors: M Bohic, LA Pattison, ZA Jhumka, H Rossi, JK Thackray, M Ricci, N Mossazghi, W Foster, S Ogundare, CR Twomey, H Hilton, J Arnold, MA Tischfield, EA Yttri, E St John Smith, I Abdus-Saboor, VE Abraira

    Persistent nociceptor hyperactivity as a painful evolutionary adaptation.

    Journal: Trends Neurosci
    E-pub date: 1 Mar 2023
    Authors: ET Walters, RJ Crook, GG Neely, TJ Price, ESJ Smith

    Cell-cell interactions in joint pain: rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

    Journal: Pain
    E-pub date: 1 Mar 2021
    Authors: LA Pattison, E Krock, CI Svensson, ESJ Smith

    Intraarticular Adeno-Associated Virus Serotype AAV-PHP.S-Mediated Chemogenetic Targeting of Knee-Innervating Dorsal Root Ganglion Neurons Alleviates Inflammatory Pain in Mice.

    Journal: Arthritis Rheumatol
    E-pub date: 1 Oct 2020
    Authors: S Chakrabarti, LA Pattison, B Doleschall, RH Rickman, H Blake, G Callejo, PA Heppenstall, ESJ Smith

    Sensitization of knee-innervating sensory neurons by tumor necrosis factor-α-activated fibroblast-like synoviocytes: an in vitro, coculture model of inflammatory pain.

    Journal: Pain
    E-pub date: 1 Sep 2020
    Authors: S Chakrabarti, Z Hore, LA Pattison, S Lalnunhlimi, CN Bhebhe, G Callejo, DC Bulmer, LS Taams, F Denk, ESJ Smith

    Human Labor Pain Is Influenced by the Voltage-Gated Potassium Channel KV6.4 Subunit.

    Journal: Cell Rep
    E-pub date: 21 Jul 2020
    Authors: MC Lee, MS Nahorski, JRF Hockley, VB Lu, G Ison, LA Pattison, G Callejo, K Stouffer, E Fletcher, C Brown, I Drissi, D Wheeler, P Ernfors, D Menon, F Reimann, ESJ Smith, CG Woods

    Transformation of naked mole-rat cells.

    Journal: Nature
    E-pub date: 1 Jul 2020
    Authors: F Hadi, Y Kulaberoglu, KA Lazarus, K Bach, R Ugur, P Beattie, ESJ Smith, WT Khaled

    Evolution of acid nociception: ion channels and receptors for detecting acid.

    Journal: Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci
    E-pub date: 11 Nov 2019
    Authors: LA Pattison, G Callejo, E St John Smith

    Sensitization of knee-innervating sensory neurons by tumor necrosis factor-α activated fibroblast-like synoviocytes: an in vitro, co-culture model of inflammatory pain

    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2019
    Authors: S Chakrabarti, Z Hore, L Pattison, S Lalnunhlimi, C Bhebhe, G Callejo, D Bulmer, L Taams, F Denk, ESJ Smith

    Single-cell RNAseq reveals seven classes of colonic sensory neuron.

    Journal: Gut
    E-pub date: 1 Apr 2019
    Authors: JRF Hockley, TS Taylor, G Callejo, AL Wilbrey, A Gutteridge, K Bach, WJ Winchester, DC Bulmer, G McMurray, ESJ Smith

    Advances in understanding nociception and neuropathic pain.

    Journal: J Neurol
    E-pub date: 1 Feb 2018
    Authors: E St John Smith

    The molecular basis of acid insensitivity in the African naked mole-rat.

    Journal: Science
    E-pub date: 16 Dec 2011
    Authors: ESJ Smith, D Omerbašić, SG Lechner, G Anirudhan, L Lapatsina, GR Lewin

    Nociceptors: a phylogenetic view.

    Journal: J Comp Physiol A Neuroethol Sens Neural Behav Physiol
    E-pub date: 1 Dec 2009
    Authors: ESJ Smith, GR Lewin


    An updated reference genome sequence and annotation reveals gene losses and gains underlying naked mole-rat biology.

    E-pub date: 28 Nov 2024
    Authors: DJ Sokolowski, M Miclăuş, A Nater, M Faykoo-Martinez, K Hoekzema, P Zuzarte, S Monis, SA Alvi, J Erdmann, AL Erdmann, R Kumaragurubaran, J Bayerl, D Yoo, N Karimpour, K Ungerleider, H Hou, M Fergal, T Hourlier, ZA Clarke, HE Lischer, DV Leordean, Y Jiang, TJ Pugh, ESJ Smith, L Haggerty, DJ Laird, J Lilue, MM Holmes, EE Eichler, R Bruggmann, JT Simpson, G Balmus, MD Wilson

    GPR35 agonists inhibit TRPA1-mediated colonic nociception through suppression of substance P release.

    Journal: Pain
    E-pub date: 3 Oct 2024
    Authors: RA Gupta, JP Higham, A Pearce, P Urriola-Muñoz, KH Barker, L Paine, J Ghooraroo, T Raine, JRF Hockley, T Rahman, E St John Smith, AJH Brown, G Ladds, R Suzuki, DC Bulmer

    Pro-inflammatory mediators sensitise Transient Receptor Potential Melastatin 3 cation channel (TRPM3) signalling in mouse sensory neurons

    E-pub date: 14 Sep 2024
    Authors: J Aguilera-Lizarraga, TK Lim, LA Pattison, LW Paine, DC Bulmer, ESJ Smith

    TRPV4 stimulates colonic afferents through mucosal release of ATP and glutamate

    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2024
    Authors: MY Meng, LW Paine, D Sagnat, I Bello, S Oldroyd, F Javid, MT Harper, JRF Hockley, ESJ Smith, RM Owens, L Alric, E Buscail, F Welsh, N Vergnolle, DC Bulmer

    Activation of the proton-sensing GPCR, GPR65 on fibroblast-like synoviocytes contributes to inflammatory joint pain

    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2024
    Authors: LA Pattison, RH Rickman, H Hilton, SN Wijesinghe, G Ladds, L Yang, SW Jones, ESJ Smith

    Digging deeper into pain: an ethological behavior assay correlating well-being in mice with human pain experience.

    Journal: Pain
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2024
    Authors: LA Pattison, A Cloake, S Chakrabarti, H Hilton, RH Rickman, JP Higham, MY Meng, LW Paine, M Dannawi, L Qiu, A Ritoux, DC Bulmer, G Callejo, ESJ Smith

    Intestinal barrier function in the naked mole-rat: an emergent model for gastrointestinal insights.

    Journal: Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2024
    Authors: J Aguilera-Lizarraga, A Ritoux, DC Bulmer, ESJ Smith

    An interactive cellular ecosystem blocks epithelial transformation in naked mole-rat

    E-pub date: 12 Oct 2023
    Authors: M Behm, P Baeza Centurión, L Penso-Dolfin, FJ Botey Bataller, N Hirschmüller, S Delaunay, M-L Koch, S Del Prete, D Sohn, C Reifenberg, M Schopp, F Lammers, L Solé-Boldo, J Dutton, S Begall, WT Khaled, ESJ Smith, DT Odom, M Frye, A Goncalves

    A humanized chemogenetic system inhibits murine pain-related behavior and hyperactivity in human sensory neurons.

    Journal: Sci Transl Med
    E-pub date: 4 Oct 2023
    Authors: J Perez-Sanchez, SJ Middleton, LA Pattison, H Hilton, M Ali Awadelkareem, SR Zuberi, MB Renke, H Hu, X Yang, AJ Clark, E St John Smith, DL Bennett

    A new art to treating osteoarthritis pain?

    Journal: Osteoarthritis Cartilage
    E-pub date: 1 Oct 2023
    Authors: ESJ Smith

    Phylogenetic modeling of enhancer shifts in African mole-rats reveals regulatory changes associated with tissue-specific traits.

    Journal: Genome Res
    E-pub date: 1 Sep 2023
    Authors: E Parey, DM Fernandez-Aroca, S Frost, A Uribarren, TJ Park, M Zoettl, ESJ Smith, C Berthelot, D Villar

    Digging deeper into pain – an ethological behavior assay correlating well-being in mice with human pain experience

    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2023
    Authors: LA Pattison, A Cloake, S Chakrabarti, H Hilton, RH Rickman, JP Higham, MY Meng, LW Paine, M Dannawi, L Qiu, A Ritoux, DC Bulmer, G Callejo, ESJ Smith

    Dysregulation of ADAM10 shedding activity in naked mole-rat fibroblasts is due to deficient phosphatidylserine externalization.

    Journal: Journal of Cellular Physiology
    E-pub date: 1 Apr 2023
    Authors: P Urriola-Muñoz, LA Pattison, ESJ Smith

    Parallel evolution of semicircular canal form and sensitivity in subterranean mammals.

    Journal: J Comp Physiol A Neuroethol Sens Neural Behav Physiol
    E-pub date: 1 Nov 2022
    Authors: J Goyens, S Baeckens, ESJ Smith, J Pozzi, MJ Mason

    Skin Aging in Long-Lived Naked Mole-Rats Is Accompanied by Increased Expression of Longevity-Associated and Tumor Suppressor Genes.

    Journal: J Invest Dermatol
    E-pub date: 1 Nov 2022
    Authors: I Fatima, G Chen, NV Botchkareva, AA Sharov, D Thornton, HN Wilkinson, MJ Hardman, A Grutzkau, J Pedro de Magalhaes, A Seluanov, ESJ Smith, V Gorbunova, AN Mardaryev, CG Faulkes, VA Botchkarev

    In vitro models for investigating itch.

    Journal: Front Mol Neurosci
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2022
    Authors: H Mießner, J Seidel, ESJ Smith

    Prdm12 modulates pain-related behavior by remodeling gene expression in mature nociceptors.

    Journal: Pain
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2022
    Authors: A Latragna, A Sabaté San José, P Tsimpos, S Vermeiren, R Gualdani, S Chakrabarti, G Callejo, S Desiderio, O Shomroni, M Sitte, S Kricha, M Luypaert, B Vanhollebeke, G Laumet, G Salinas, ESJ Smith, L Ris, EJ Bellefroid

    Somatic mutation rates scale with lifespan across mammals.

    Journal: Nature
    E-pub date: 1 Apr 2022
    Authors: A Cagan, A Baez-Ortega, N Brzozowska, F Abascal, THH Coorens, MA Sanders, ARJ Lawson, LMR Harvey, S Bhosle, D Jones, RE Alcantara, TM Butler, Y Hooks, K Roberts, E Anderson, S Lunn, E Flach, S Spiro, I Januszczak, E Wrigglesworth, H Jenkins, T Dallas, N Masters, MW Perkins, R Deaville, M Druce, R Bogeska, MD Milsom, B Neumann, F Gorman, F Constantino-Casas, L Peachey, D Bochynska, ESJ Smith, M Gerstung, PJ Campbell, EP Murchison, MR Stratton, I Martincorena

    Gut Reaction: The Impact of a Film on Public Understanding of Gastrointestinal Conditions

    Journal: Frontiers in Communication
    E-pub date: 17 Feb 2022
    Authors: D Gomes, A Loth, JRF Hockley, ESJ Smith

    The naked truth: a comprehensive clarification and classification of current ‘myths’ in naked mole-rat biology.

    Journal: Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc
    E-pub date: 1 Feb 2022
    Authors: R Buffenstein, V Amoroso, B Andziak, S Avdieiev, J Azpurua, AJ Barker, NC Bennett, MA Brieño-Enríquez, GN Bronner, C Coen, MA Delaney, CM Dengler-Crish, YH Edrey, CG Faulkes, D Frankel, G Friedlander, PA Gibney, V Gorbunova, C Hine, MM Holmes, JUM Jarvis, Y Kawamura, N Kutsukake, C Kenyon, WT Khaled, T Kikusui, J Kissil, S Lagestee, J Larson, A Lauer, LA Lavrenchenko, A Lee, JB Levitt, GR Lewin, KN Lewis Hardell, TD Lin, MJ Mason, D McCloskey, M McMahon, K Miura, K Mogi, V Narayan, TP O'Connor, K Okanoya, MJ O'Riain, TJ Park, NJ Place, K Podshivalova, ME Pamenter, SJ Pyott, J Reznick, JG Ruby, AB Salmon, J Santos-Sacchi, DK Sarko, A Seluanov, A Shepard, M Smith, KB Storey, X Tian, EN Vice, M Viltard, A Watarai, E Wywial, M Yamakawa, ED Zemlemerova, M Zions, ESJ Smith

    Acid-sensing ion channel 3: An analgesic target.

    Journal: Channels (Austin)
    E-pub date: 1 Dec 2021
    Authors: JS Dulai, ESJ Smith, T Rahman

    P2X4 Receptors Mediate Ca2+ Release from Lysosomes in Response to Stimulation of P2X7 and H1 Histamine Receptors.

    Journal: Int J Mol Sci
    E-pub date: 28 Sep 2021
    Authors: S-L Tan, M Barri, P Atakpa-Adaji, CW Taylor, E St John Smith, RD Murrell-Lagnado

    The Somatosensory World of the African Naked Mole-Rat.

    Journal: Adv Exp Med Biol
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2021
    Authors: GR Lewin, ESJ Smith, J Reznick, K Debus, AJ Barker, TJ Park

    Naked Mole-Rats: Resistant to Developing Cancer or Good at Avoiding It?

    Journal: Adv Exp Med Biol
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2021
    Authors: F Hadi, ESJ Smith, WT Khaled

    African Naked Mole-Rats Demonstrate Extreme Tolerance to Hypoxia and Hypercapnia.

    Journal: Adv Exp Med Biol
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2021
    Authors: TJ Park, ESJ Smith, J Reznick, NC Bennett, DT Applegate, J Larson, GR Lewin

    Functional Characterization of Ovine Dorsal Root Ganglion Neurons Reveal Peripheral Sensitization after Osteochondral Defect.

    Journal: eNeuro
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2021
    Authors: S Chakrabarti, M Ai, K Wong, K Newell, FMD Henson, ESJ Smith

    Some Exciting Future Directions for Work on Naked Mole-Rats.

    Journal: Adv Exp Med Biol
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2021
    Authors: ESJ Smith, TJ Park, MM Holmes, R Buffenstein

    Sensory Systems of the African Naked Mole-Rat.

    Journal: Adv Exp Med Biol
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2021
    Authors: EN Vice, S Lagestee, BM Browe, D Deb, ESJ Smith, TJ Park

    Cholesterol-rich naked mole-rat brain lipid membranes are susceptible to amyloid beta-induced damage in vitro.

    Journal: Aging (Albany NY)
    E-pub date: 4 Nov 2020
    Authors: D Frankel, M Davies, B Bhushan, Y Kulaberoglu, P Urriola-Munoz, J Bertrand-Michel, MR Pergande, AA Smith, S Preet, TJ Park, M Vendruscolo, KS Rankin, SM Cologna, JR Kumita, N Cenac, E St John Smith

    Probing the unfolded protein response in long-lived naked mole-rats.

    Journal: Biochem Biophys Res Commun
    E-pub date: 3 Sep 2020
    Authors: Z Du, S Chakrabarti, Y Kulaberoglu, ESJ Smith, CM Dobson, LS Itzhaki, JR Kumita

    Photoacoustics resolves species-specific differences in hemoglobin concentration and oxygenation.

    Journal: J Biomed Opt
    E-pub date: 1 Sep 2020
    Authors: L Hacker, J Brunker, ESJ Smith, I Quiros-Gonzalez, SE Bohndiek

    Acid and inflammatory sensitisation of naked mole-rat colonic afferent nerves.

    Journal: Mol Pain
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2020
    Authors: JR Hockley, KH Barker, TS Taylor, G Callejo, ZM Husson, DC Bulmer, ESJ Smith

    The naked mole-rat has a functional purinergic pain pathway despite having a non-functional peptidergic pain pathway.

    Journal: Neurobiol Pain
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2020
    Authors: BM Browe, AR Olsen, C Ramirez, RH Rickman, ESJ Smith, TJ Park

    Peripheral mechanisms of arthritic pain: A proposal to leverage large animals for in vitro studies.

    Journal: Neurobiol Pain
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2020
    Authors: S Chakrabarti, M Ai, FMD Henson, ESJ Smith

    Neurobiology: Crowdsourcing CO2 to Conserve Brain Energy.

    Journal: Curr Biol
    E-pub date: 8 Jun 2020
    Authors: E St John Smith, TJ Park

    Independent evolution of pain insensitivity in African mole-rats: origins and mechanisms.

    Journal: J Comp Physiol A Neuroethol Sens Neural Behav Physiol
    E-pub date: 1 May 2020
    Authors: ESJ Smith, TJ Park, GR Lewin

    In silico screening of GMQ-like compounds reveals guanabenz and sephin1 as new allosteric modulators of acid-sensing ion channel 3.

    Journal: Biochem Pharmacol
    E-pub date: 1 Apr 2020
    Authors: G Callejo, LA Pattison, JC Greenhalgh, S Chakrabarti, E Andreopoulou, JRF Hockley, ESJ Smith, T Rahman

    Galanin suppresses visceral afferent responses to noxious mechanical and inflammatory stimuli.

    Journal: Physiol Rep
    E-pub date: 1 Jan 2020
    Authors: TS Taylor, P Konda, SS John, DC Bulmer, JRF Hockley, ESJ Smith

    The material properties of naked mole-rat hyaluronan.

    Journal: Sci Rep
    E-pub date: 29 Apr 2019
    Authors: Y Kulaberoglu, B Bhushan, F Hadi, S Chakrabarti, WT Khaled, KS Rankin, ESJ Smith, D Frankel

    5-oxoETE triggers nociception in constipation-predominant irritable bowel syndrome through MAS-related G protein-coupled receptor D.

    Journal: Sci Signal
    E-pub date: 18 Dec 2018
    Authors: T Bautzova, JRF Hockley, T Perez-Berezo, J Pujo, MM Tranter, C Desormeaux, MR Barbaro, L Basso, P Le Faouder, C Rolland, P Malapert, A Moqrich, H Eutamene, A Denadai-Souza, N Vergnolle, ESJ Smith, DI Hughes, G Barbara, G Dietrich, DC Bulmer, N Cenac

    Acute inflammation sensitizes knee-innervating sensory neurons and decreases mouse digging behavior in a TRPV1-dependent manner.

    Journal: Neuropharmacology
    E-pub date: 1 Dec 2018
    Authors: S Chakrabarti, LA Pattison, K Singhal, JRF Hockley, G Callejo, ESJ Smith

    Human visceral nociception: findings from translational studies in human tissue.

    Journal: Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol
    E-pub date: 1 Oct 2018
    Authors: JRF Hockley, ESJ Smith, DC Bulmer

    Naked mole-rat cortical neurons are resistant to acid-induced cell death.

    Journal: Mol Brain
    E-pub date: 9 May 2018
    Authors: Z Husson, ESJ Smith

    Naked mole-rat acid-sensing ion channel 3 forms non-functional homomers, but functional heteromers

    Journal: Journal of Biological Chemistry
    E-pub date: 2 Feb 2018
    Authors: L-N Schuhmacher, G Callejo, S Srivats, ESJ Smith

    Functional and Molecular Characterization of Mechanoinsensitive “Silent” Nociceptors.

    Journal: Cell Rep
    E-pub date: 12 Dec 2017
    Authors: V Prato, FJ Taberner, JRF Hockley, G Callejo, A Arcourt, B Tazir, L Hammer, P Schad, PA Heppenstall, ES Smith, SG Lechner

    Stable MOB1 interaction with Hippo/MST is not essential for development and tissue growth control.

    Journal: Nat Commun
    E-pub date: 25 Sep 2017
    Authors: Y Kulaberoglu, K Lin, M Holder, Z Gai, M Gomez, B Assefa Shifa, M Mavis, L Hoa, AAD Sharif, C Lujan, ESJ Smith, I Bjedov, N Tapon, G Wu, A Hergovich

    Peripheral KV7 channels regulate visceral sensory function in mouse and human colon.

    Journal: Mol Pain
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2017
    Authors: M Peiris, JR Hockley, DE Reed, ESJ Smith, DC Bulmer, LA Blackshaw

    Fructose-driven glycolysis supports anoxia resistance in the naked mole-rat.

    Journal: Science
    E-pub date: 21 Apr 2017
    Authors: TJ Park, J Reznick, BL Peterson, G Blass, D Omerbašić, NC Bennett, PHJL Kuich, C Zasada, BM Browe, W Hamann, DT Applegate, MH Radke, T Kosten, H Lutermann, V Gavaghan, O Eigenbrod, V Bégay, VG Amoroso, V Govind, RD Minshall, ESJ Smith, J Larson, M Gotthardt, S Kempa, GR Lewin

    Small-molecule inhibition of STOML3 oligomerization reverses pathological mechanical hypersensitivity.

    Journal: Nat Neurosci
    E-pub date: 1 Feb 2017
    Authors: C Wetzel, S Pifferi, C Picci, C Gök, D Hoffmann, KK Bali, A Lampe, L Lapatsina, R Fleischer, ESJ Smith, V Bégay, M Moroni, L Estebanez, J Kühnemund, J Walcher, E Specker, M Neuenschwander, JP von Kries, V Haucke, R Kuner, JFA Poulet, J Schmoranzer, K Poole, GR Lewin

    Hypofunctional TrkA Accounts for the Absence of Pain Sensitization in the African Naked Mole-Rat.

    Journal: Cell Rep
    E-pub date: 11 Oct 2016
    Authors: D Omerbašić, ESJ Smith, M Moroni, J Homfeld, O Eigenbrod, NC Bennett, J Reznick, CG Faulkes, M Selbach, GR Lewin

    Characterization of cutaneous and articular sensory neurons.

    Journal: Mol Pain
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2016
    Authors: I da Silva Serra, Z Husson, JD Bartlett, ESJ Smith

    The naked mole-rat as an animal model in biomedical research: current perspectives

    Journal: Open Access Animal Physiology
    E-pub date: 11 Aug 2015
    Authors: ESJ Smith, L-N Schuhmacher, Z Husson

    Atomic force microscopy imaging reveals the formation of ASIC/ENaC cross-clade ion channels.

    Journal: Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications
    E-pub date: 20 Jul 2015
    Authors: P Jeggle, ESJ Smith, AP Stewart, S Haerteis, C Korbmacher, JM Edwardson

    ASICs and mammalian mechanoreceptor function.

    Journal: Neuropharmacology
    E-pub date: 1 Jul 2015
    Authors: D Omerbašić, L-N Schuhmacher, Y-A Bernal Sierra, ESJ Smith, GR Lewin

    Structural domains underlying the activation of acid-sensing ion channel 2a.

    Journal: Mol Pharmacol
    E-pub date: 1 Apr 2015
    Authors: L-N Schuhmacher, S Srivats, ESJ Smith

    In silico assessment of interaction of sea anemone toxin APETx2 and acid sensing ion channel 3.

    Journal: Biochem Biophys Res Commun
    E-pub date: 18 Jul 2014
    Authors: T Rahman, ESJ Smith

    Subunit-specific inhibition of acid sensing ion channels by stomatin-like protein 1.

    Journal: J Physiol
    E-pub date: 15 Feb 2014
    Authors: A Kozlenkov, L Lapatsina, GR Lewin, ESJ Smith

    A chemoreceptor that detects molecular carbon dioxide.

    Journal: J Biol Chem
    E-pub date: 27 Dec 2013
    Authors: ESJ Smith, L Martinez-Velazquez, N Ringstad

    Neural precursor cells induce cell death of high-grade astrocytomas through stimulation of TRPV1.

    Journal: Nat Med
    E-pub date: 31 Aug 2012
    Authors: K Stock, J Kumar, M Synowitz, S Petrosino, R Imperatore, ESJ Smith, P Wend, B Purfürst, UA Nuber, U Gurok, V Matyash, J-H Wälzlein, SR Chirasani, G Dittmar, BF Cravatt, S Momma, GR Lewin, A Ligresti, L De Petrocellis, L Cristino, V Di Marzo, H Kettenmann, R Glass

    A stomatin dimer modulates the activity of acid-sensing ion channels.

    Journal: EMBO J
    E-pub date: 29 Aug 2012
    Authors: J Brand, ESJ Smith, D Schwefel, L Lapatsina, K Poole, D Omerbašić, A Kozlenkov, J Behlke, GR Lewin, O Daumke

    Specific paucity of unmyelinated C-fibers in cutaneous peripheral nerves of the African naked-mole rat: comparative analysis using six species of Bathyergidae.

    Journal: J Comp Neurol
    E-pub date: 15 Aug 2012
    Authors: E St John Smith, B Purfürst, T Grigoryan, TJ Park, NC Bennett, GR Lewin

    Regulation of ASIC channels by a stomatin/STOML3 complex located in a mobile vesicle pool in sensory neurons.

    Journal: Open Biol
    E-pub date: 1 Jun 2012
    Authors: L Lapatsina, JA Jira, ESJ Smith, K Poole, A Kozlenkov, D Bilbao, GR Lewin, PA Heppenstall

    The molecular and cellular identity of peripheral osmoreceptors.

    Journal: Neuron
    E-pub date: 27 Jan 2011
    Authors: SG Lechner, S Markworth, K Poole, ESJ Smith, L Lapatsina, S Frahm, M May, S Pischke, M Suzuki, I Ibañez-Tallon, FC Luft, J Jordan, GR Lewin

    Absence of histamine-induced itch in the African naked mole-rat and “rescue” by Substance P.

    Journal: Mol Pain
    E-pub date: 24 May 2010
    Authors: ESJ Smith, GRC Blass, GR Lewin, TJ Park

    An in vivo tethered toxin approach for the cell-autonomous inactivation of voltage-gated sodium channel currents in nociceptors.

    Journal: J Physiol
    E-pub date: 15 May 2010
    Authors: AS Stürzebecher, J Hu, ESJ Smith, S Frahm, J Santos-Torres, B Kampfrath, S Auer, GR Lewin, I Ibañez-Tallon

    Persistent pain: the contribution of Na(V)1.9.

    Journal: J Physiol
    E-pub date: 1 May 2008
    Authors: ESJ Smith, A Momin

    Selective inflammatory pain insensitivity in the African naked mole-rat (Heterocephalus glaber).

    Journal: PLoS Biol
    E-pub date: 1 Jan 2008
    Authors: TJ Park, Y Lu, R Jüttner, ESJ Smith, J Hu, A Brand, C Wetzel, N Milenkovic, B Erdmann, PA Heppenstall, CE Laurito, SP Wilson, GR Lewin

    Modulation of acid-sensing ion channel activity by nitric oxide.

    Journal: J Neurosci
    E-pub date: 28 Nov 2007
    Authors: H Cadiou, M Studer, NG Jones, ESJ Smith, A Ballard, SB McMahon, PA McNaughton

    Proton binding sites involved in the activation of acid-sensing ion channel ASIC2a.

    Journal: Neurosci Lett
    E-pub date: 9 Oct 2007
    Authors: ESJ Smith, X Zhang, H Cadiou, PA McNaughton