Funding for impact is available for BBSRC remit projects The BBSRC Impact Acceleration Pump-Priming Funding Call 2022 is now open to support early-stage impact projects and knowledge exchange with users in industry, policy and third sector
Funding for impact is available for BBSRC remit projects The BBSRC IAA Pump-Priming Funding Call 2022 is now open to support early-stage impact projects and knowledge exchange with users in industry, policy and third sector organisations, with
The ESRC have announced their New Investigator Grant scheme. This scheme is suitable for early career researchers who have yet to make the transition to be an independent researcher.
The BBSRC IAA Pump-Priming Funding Call 2022 is now open to support early-stage impact projects and knowledge exchange with users in industry, policy and third sector organisations, with a view to accelerating the translation of research outputs
Applications are invited for the CATS administrated Access to Expertise call (AtE). Up to £15K (including VAT) can be obtained to support access to external consultancy services for translational research
The EPSRC IAA Early-stage Commercialisation Fund aims to enhance the commercial exploitation of Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) research areas. This funding helps bridge
Remit: The aim of this programme is to fund 3.5 year Non-Clinical PhD studentships at the University of Cambridge (UoC) for talented graduates in research areas which align with the strategic
Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, we are in the privileged position to open our annual grant funding round. Researchers throughout the UK will be able to apply for
Vice-Chancellor’s Research Impact and Engagement Awards are now open for applications to celebrate excellence in research impact and public engagement with research. The Awards will recognise outstanding
Restricted Call: Leverhulme Doctoral Scholarships (internal deadline: 17th October, 2022) The Leverhulme Trust has announced the Leverhulme Doctoral Scholarships. 10 awards of £1.95M each