

Professor James B. Rowe

University Position


Dementia and Neurodegeneration have devastating consequences. My work aims to protect brain function in those at risk of dementia, and restore brain function in those with symptoms. My program has four pillars: 1. to define cognitive processes that are affected by dementia and ageing, and individual differences in cognition. 2. to determine mechanisms of individual differences, and prognosis, in terms of underlying cognitive processes (cognitive models); genetics; neural circuits and connectivity (MEG, EEG, fMRI or DWI); neurochemistry; and neuropathology (in vivo PET; and post mortem). 3. to predict the trajectory of brain function across the lifespan (CamCAN), in people at risk of dementia (eg. GENFI, PROSPECT, ICICLE-PD, D&F-Phenotyping studies), and those with symptoms (eg. PiPPIN). 4. to use new drugs to protect the brain, or restore brain function, in experimental medicines studies using precision-biomarkers in precisely-characterised clinical populations.

Key Publications

Accurate digital quantification of tau pathology in progressive supranuclear palsy.

Journal: Acta Neuropathol Commun
E-pub date: 9 Nov 2023
Authors: T Pansuwan, A Quaegebeur, SS Kaalund, E Hidari, M Briggs, JB Rowe, T Rittman

A robust harmonization approach for cognitive data from multiple aging and dementia cohorts.

Journal: Alzheimers Dement (Amst)
E-pub date: 1 Aug 2023
Authors: J Giorgio, A Tanna, M Malpetti, SR White, J Wang, S Baker, S Landau, T Tanaka, C Chen, JB Rowe, J O'Brien, J Fripp, M Breakspear, W Jagust, Z Kourtzi, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, Australian Imaging Biomarkers and Lifestyle flagship study

Identifying healthy individuals with Alzheimer’s disease neuroimaging phenotypes in the UK Biobank.

Journal: Commun Med (Lond)
E-pub date: 20 Jul 2023
Authors: T Azevedo, RAI Bethlehem, DJ Whiteside, N Swaddiwudhipong, JB Rowe, P Lió, T Rittman, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative

Temporal lobe perceptual predictions for speech are instantiated in motor cortex and reconciled by inferior frontal cortex.

Journal: Cell Rep
E-pub date: 30 May 2023
Authors: TE Cope, E Sohoglu, KA Peterson, PS Jones, C Rua, L Passamonti, W Sedley, B Post, J Coebergh, CR Butler, P Garrard, K Abdel-Aziz, M Husain, TD Griffiths, K Patterson, MH Davis, JB Rowe

Pre-diagnostic cognitive and functional impairment in multiple sporadic neurodegenerative diseases.

Journal: Alzheimers Dement
E-pub date: 1 May 2023
Authors: N Swaddiwudhipong, DJ Whiteside, FH Hezemans, D Street, JB Rowe, T Rittman

Differential levels of plasma biomarkers of neurodegeneration in Lewy body dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, frontotemporal dementia and progressive supranuclear palsy.

Journal: J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry
E-pub date: 1 Jun 2022
Authors: L Chouliaras, A Thomas, M Malpetti, P Donaghy, J Kane, E Mak, G Savulich, MA Prats-Sedano, AJ Heslegrave, H Zetterberg, L Su, JB Rowe, JT O'Brien

In vivo neuroinflammation and cerebral small vessel disease in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease.

Journal: J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry
E-pub date: 11 Sep 2020
Authors: A Low, E Mak, M Malpetti, L Passamonti, N Nicastro, JD Stefaniak, G Savulich, L Chouliaras, L Su, JB Rowe, HS Markus, JT O'Brien

Multi-centre, multi-vendor reproducibility of 7T QSM and R2* in the human brain: results from the UK7T study

E-pub date: 1 Aug 2020
Authors: C Rua, W Clarke, I Driver, O Mougin, A Morgan, S Clare, S Francis, K Muir, R Wise, A Carpenter, G Williams, J Rowe, R Bowtell, C Rodgers

Inflammation and cerebral small vessel disease: A systematic review.

Journal: Ageing Res Rev
E-pub date: 31 Aug 2019
Authors: A Low, E Mak, JB Rowe, HS Markus, JT O'Brien

Evidence for causal top-down frontal contributions to predictive processes in speech perception.

Journal: Nat Commun
E-pub date: 18 Dec 2017
Authors: TE Cope, E Sohoglu, W Sedley, K Patterson, PS Jones, J Wiggins, C Dawson, M Grube, RP Carlyon, TD Griffiths, MH Davis, JB Rowe

Serum immune markers and disease progression in an incident Parkinson’s disease cohort (ICICLE-PD).

Journal: Mov Disord
E-pub date: 1 Jul 2016
Authors: CH Williams-Gray, R Wijeyekoon, AJ Yarnall, RA Lawson, DP Breen, JR Evans, GA Cummins, GW Duncan, TK Khoo, DJ Burn, RA Barker, ICICLE-PD study group


Caregiver perspectives enable accurate diagnosis of neurodegenerative disease

Journal: Alzheimers Dement
E-pub date: 1 Jan 2025
Authors: AG Murley, L Bowns, M Camacho, CH Williams‐Gray, KA Tsvetanov, T Rittman, RA Barker, JT O'Brien, JB Rowe

The effect of Amyloid and Tau Co-pathology on disease progression in Lewy body dementia: A systematic review.

Journal: Parkinsonism Relat Disord
E-pub date: 24 Dec 2024
Authors: JH Tan, AA Laurell, E Sidhom, JB Rowe, JT O'Brien

Peripheral innate immunophenotype in neurodegenerative disease: blood-based profiles and links to survival.

Journal: Mol Psychiatry
E-pub date: 29 Oct 2024
Authors: A Strauss, P Swann, SL Kigar, R Christou, N Savinykh Yarkoni, L Turner, AG Murley, L Chouliaras, N Shapiro, NJ Ashton, G Savulich, WR Bevan-Jones, A Surendranthan, K Blennow, H Zetterberg, JT O'Brien, JB Rowe, M Malpetti

Predictors of Care Home Admission and Survival Rate in Patients With Syndromes Associated With Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration in Europe.

Journal: Neurology
E-pub date: 8 Oct 2024
Authors: B Borroni, B Tarantino, C Graff, J Krüger, AC Ludolph, F Moreno, M Otto, JB Rowe, H Seelaar, E Solje, E Stefanova, LD Traykov, V Jelic, S Anderl-Straub, AM Portaankorva, M Barandiaran, A Gabilondo, AG Murley, T Rittman, E Van Der Ende, JC Van Swieten, P Hartikainen, GM Stojmenović, S Mehrabian, R Ghidoni, AC Alberici, MT Dell'Abate, C Zecca, M Grassi, G Logroscino, for FRONTIERS

Blood inflammation relates to neuroinflammation and survival in frontotemporal lobar degeneration

Journal: Brain
E-pub date: 19 Aug 2024
Authors: M Malpetti, P Swann, KA Tsvetanov, L Chouliaras, A Strauss, T Chikaura, AG Murley, NJ Ashton, P Barker, PS Jones, TD Fryer, YT Hong, TE Cope, G Savulich, D Street, WR Bevan-Jones, T Rittman, K Blennow, H Zetterberg, FI Aigbirhio, JT O’Brien, JB Rowe

Pharmacological and pupillary evidence for the noradrenergic contribution to reinforcement learning in Parkinson’s disease

E-pub date: 1 Aug 2024
Authors: C O'Callaghan, F Hezemans, N Subramaniam, R Ye, K Tsvetanov, A Murley, N Holland, I Orlando, R Regenthal, R Baker, C Williams-Gray, L Passamonti, T Robbins, J Rowe

Frontotemporal lobar degeneration changes neuronal beta-frequency dynamics during the mismatch negativity response.

Journal: Neuroimage Clin
E-pub date: 1 Aug 2024
Authors: A Perry, LE Hughes, NE Adams, M Naessens, NA Kloosterman, MA Rouse, AG Murley, D Street, PS Jones, JB Rowe

Noradrenergic modulation of saccades in Parkinson’s disease

Journal: Brain Commun
E-pub date: 1 Aug 2024
Authors: IF Orlando, FH Hezemans, R Ye, AG Murley, N Holland, R Regenthal, RA Barker, CH Williams-Gray, L Passamonti, TW Robbins, JB Rowe, C O’Callaghan

The Cambridge Questionnaire for Apathy and Impulsivity Traits (CamQUAIT): a novel assessment tool for frontotemporal lobar degeneration-related syndromes

E-pub date: 1 Aug 2024
Authors: CJ Lansdall, R Williams, I Coyle-Gilchrist, AG Murley, MA Rouse, A Bateman, JB Rowe

GABAergic modulation of beta power enhances motor adaptation in frontotemporal lobar degeneration

E-pub date: 1 Aug 2024
Authors: LE Hughes, NE Adams, M Rouse, M Naessens, AD Shaw, AG Murley, TE Cope, N Holland, D Nesbitt, D Street, DJ Whiteside, JB Rowe

Peripheral inflammatory markers relate to central inflammation and survival in syndromes associated with frontotemporal lobar degeneration

E-pub date: 1 Aug 2024
Authors: M Malpetti, P Swann, KA Tsvetanov, L Chouliaras, A Strauss, T Chikaura, AG Murley, N Ashton, P Barker, PS Jones, TD Fryer, YT Hong, TE Cope, G Savulich, D Street, WR Bevan-Jones, T Rittman, K Blennow, H Zetterberg, FI Aigbirhio, JT O’Brien, JB Rowe

Peripheral innate immunophenotype in neurodegenerative disease: blood-based profiles and links to survival

E-pub date: 1 Aug 2024
Authors: A Strauss, P Swann, S Kigar, R Christou, NS Yarkoni, A Murley, L Chouliaras, G Savulich, R Bevan-Jones, A Surendranthan, J O’Brien, J Rowe, M Malpetti

Noradrenergic modulation of saccades in Parkinson’s disease

E-pub date: 1 Aug 2024
Authors: IF Orlando, FH Hezemans, R Ye, AG Murley, N Holland, R Regenthal, RA Barker, CH Williams-Gray, L Passamonti, TW Robbins, JB Rowe, C O’Callaghan

Differential Synaptic Loss in β‐Amyloid Positive Versus β‐Amyloid Negative Corticobasal Syndrome

Journal: Mov Disord
E-pub date: 1 Jul 2024
Authors: N Holland, G Savulich, PS Jones, DJ Whiteside, D Street, P Swann, M Naessens, M Malpetti, YT Hong, TD Fryer, T Rittman, E Mulroy, FI Aigbirhio, KP Bhatia, JT O'Brien, JB Rowe

Multisystem pathology in McLeod syndrome.

Journal: Neuropathology
E-pub date: 1 Apr 2024
Authors: KR Schon, DG O'Donovan, M Briggs, JB Rowe, L Wijesekera, PF Chinnery, J van den Ameele

Synaptic density affects clinical severity via network dysfunction in syndromes associated with frontotemporal lobar degeneration.

Journal: Nat Commun
E-pub date: 20 Dec 2023
Authors: DJ Whiteside, N Holland, KA Tsvetanov, E Mak, M Malpetti, G Savulich, PS Jones, M Naessens, MA Rouse, TD Fryer, YT Hong, FI Aigbirhio, E Mulroy, KP Bhatia, T Rittman, JT O'Brien, JB Rowe

Structural correlates of survival in progressive supranuclear palsy.

Journal: Parkinsonism Relat Disord
E-pub date: 1 Nov 2023
Authors: D Street, WR Bevan-Jones, M Malpetti, PS Jones, L Passamonti, BC Ghosh, T Rittman, IT Coyle-Gilchrist, K Allinson, CE Dawson, JB Rowe

Locus coeruleus integrity is linked to response inhibition deficits in Parkinson’s disease and progressive supranuclear palsy.

Journal: J Neurosci
E-pub date: 18 Oct 2023
Authors: R Ye, FH Hezemans, C O'Callaghan, KA Tsvetanov, C Rua, PS Jones, N Holland, M Malpetti, AG Murley, RA Barker, CH Williams-Gray, TW Robbins, L Passamonti, JB Rowe

Characterization and super-resolution imaging of small tau aggregates in human samples

E-pub date: 1 Aug 2023
Authors: D Böken, D Cox, M Burke, J Lam, T Katsinelos, J Danial, W McEwan, J Rowe, D Klenerman

Quantitative susceptibility mapping at 7 Tesla in COVID-19: mechanistic and outcome associations

E-pub date: 1 Aug 2023
Authors: C Rua, B Raman, CT Rodgers, VFJ Newcombe, A Manktelow, DA Chatfield, SJ Sawcer, JG Outtrim, VC Lupson, EA Stamatakis, GB Williams, WT Clarke, L Qiu, M Ezra, R McDonald, S Clare, M Cassar, S Neubauer, KD Ersche, ET Bullmore, DK Menon, K Pattinson, JB Rowe

Microglial activation in the frontal cortex predicts cognitive decline in frontotemporal dementia.

Journal: Brain
E-pub date: 1 Aug 2023
Authors: M Malpetti, TE Cope, D Street, PS Jones, FH Hezemans, E Mak, KA Tsvetanov, T Rittman, WR Bevan-Jones, K Patterson, L Passamonti, TD Fryer, YT Hong, FI Aigbirhio, JT O'Brien, JB Rowe

Network connectivity and structural correlates of survival in progressive supranuclear palsy and corticobasal syndrome.

Journal: Hum Brain Mapp
E-pub date: 1 Aug 2023
Authors: DJ Whiteside, D Street, AG Murley, PS Jones, M Malpetti, BCP Ghosh, I Coyle-Gilchrist, A Gerhard, MT Hu, JC Klein, PN Leigh, A Church, DJ Burn, HR Morris, JB Rowe, T Rittman

Neurochemistry-enriched dynamic causal models of magnetoencephalography, using magnetic resonance spectroscopy.

Journal: Neuroimage
E-pub date: 1 Aug 2023
Authors: A Jafarian, LE Hughes, NE Adams, JH Lanskey, M Naessens, MA Rouse, AG Murley, KJ Friston, JB Rowe

Progression of atypical parkinsonian syndromes: PROSPECT-M-UK study implications for clinical trials.

Journal: Brain
E-pub date: 1 Aug 2023
Authors: D Street, E Jabbari, A Costantini, PS Jones, N Holland, T Rittman, MT Jensen, V Chelban, YY Goh, T Guo, AJ Heslegrave, F Roncaroli, JC Klein, O Ansorge, KSJ Allinson, Z Jaunmuktane, T Revesz, TT Warner, AJ Lees, H Zetterberg, LL Russell, M Bocchetta, JD Rohrer, DJ Burn, N Pavese, A Gerhard, C Kobylecki, PN Leigh, A Church, MTM Hu, H Houlden, H Morris, JB Rowe

Longitudinal Synaptic Loss in Primary Tauopathies: An In Vivo [11 C]UCB-J Positron Emission Tomography Study.

Journal: Mov Disord
E-pub date: 1 Jul 2023
Authors: N Holland, PS Jones, G Savulich, M Naessens, M Malpetti, DJ Whiteside, D Street, P Swann, YT Hong, TD Fryer, T Rittman, E Mulroy, FI Aigbirhio, KP Bhatia, JT O'Brien, JB Rowe

Syndromes associated with frontotemporal lobar degeneration change response patterns on visual analogue scales.

Journal: Sci Rep
E-pub date: 2 Jun 2023
Authors: RS Williams, NE Adams, LE Hughes, MA Rouse, AG Murley, M Naessens, D Street, N Holland, JB Rowe

Neurophysiological consequences of synapse loss in progressive supranuclear palsy.

Journal: Brain
E-pub date: 1 Jun 2023
Authors: NE Adams, A Jafarian, A Perry, MA Rouse, AD Shaw, AG Murley, TE Cope, WR Bevan-Jones, L Passamonti, D Street, N Holland, D Nesbitt, LE Hughes, KJ Friston, JB Rowe

Temporal dynamics predict symptom onset and cognitive decline in familial frontotemporal dementia.

Journal: Alzheimers Dement
E-pub date: 1 May 2023
Authors: DJ Whiteside, M Malpetti, PS Jones, BCP Ghosh, I Coyle-Gilchrist, JC van Swieten, H Seelaar, L Jiskoot, B Borroni, R Sanchez-Valle, F Moreno, R Laforce, C Graff, M Synofzik, D Galimberti, M Masellis, MC Tartaglia, E Finger, R Vandenberghe, A de Mendonça, F Tagliavini, CR Butler, I Santana, IL Ber, A Gerhard, S Ducharme, J Levin, A Danek, M Otto, S Sorbi, F Pasquier, A Bouzigues, LL Russell, JD Rohrer, JB Rowe, T Rittman, GENFI consortium

APOEε4 associates with microglial activation independently of Aβ plaques and tau tangles.

Journal: Sci Adv
E-pub date: 5 Apr 2023
Authors: JP Ferrari-Souza, FZ Lussier, DT Leffa, J Therriault, C Tissot, B Bellaver, PCL Ferreira, M Malpetti, Y-T Wang, G Povala, AL Benedet, NJ Ashton, M Chamoun, S Servaes, G Bezgin, MS Kang, J Stevenson, N Rahmouni, V Pallen, NM Poltronetti, JT O'Brien, JB Rowe, AD Cohen, OL Lopez, DL Tudorascu, TK Karikari, WE Klunk, VL Villemagne, J-P Soucy, S Gauthier, DO Souza, H Zetterberg, K Blennow, ER Zimmer, P Rosa-Neto, TA Pascoal

Cytosolic antibody receptor TRIM21 is required for effective tau immunotherapy in mouse models.

Journal: Science
E-pub date: 31 Mar 2023
Authors: AS Mukadam, LVC Miller, AE Smith, M Vaysburd, SA Sakya, S Sanford, S Keeling, BJ Tuck, T Katsinelos, C Green, L Skov, SS Kaalund, S Foss, K Mayes, K O'Connell, M Wing, C Knox, J Banbury, E Avezov, JB Rowe, M Goedert, JT Andersen, LC James, WA McEwan

Incidence of Syndromes Associated With Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration in 9 European Countries.

Journal: JAMA Neurol
E-pub date: 1 Mar 2023
Authors: G Logroscino, M Piccininni, C Graff, O Hardiman, AC Ludolph, F Moreno, M Otto, AM Remes, JB Rowe, H Seelaar, E Solje, E Stefanova, L Traykov, V Jelic, MT Rydell, N Pender, S Anderl-Straub, M Barandiaran, A Gabilondo, J Krüger, AG Murley, T Rittman, EL van der Ende, JC van Swieten, P Hartikainen, GM Stojmenovic, S Mehrabian, L Benussi, A Alberici, MT Dell'Abate, C Zecca, B Borroni, FRONTIERS group

Synaptic Loss in Frontotemporal Dementia Revealed by [11 C]UCB-J Positron Emission Tomography.

Journal: Ann Neurol
E-pub date: 1 Jan 2023
Authors: M Malpetti, PS Jones, TE Cope, N Holland, M Naessens, MA Rouse, T Rittman, G Savulich, DJ Whiteside, D Street, TD Fryer, YT Hong, S Milicevic Sephton, FI Aigbirhio, JT O Brien, JB Rowe

Brain injury in COVID-19 is associated with dysregulated innate and adaptive immune responses.

Journal: Brain
E-pub date: 21 Nov 2022
Authors: EJ Needham, AL Ren, RJ Digby, EJ Norton, S Ebrahimi, JG Outtrim, DA Chatfield, AE Manktelow, MM Leibowitz, VFJ Newcombe, R Doffinger, G Barcenas-Morales, C Fonseca, MJ Taussig, RM Burnstein, RJ Samanta, C Dunai, N Sithole, NJ Ashton, H Zetterberg, M Gisslén, A Edén, E Marklund, PJM Openshaw, J Dunning, MJ Griffiths, J Cavanagh, G Breen, SR Irani, A Elmer, N Kingston, C Summers, JR Bradley, LS Taams, BD Michael, ET Bullmore, KGC Smith, PA Lyons, AJ Coles, DK Menon, Cambridge NeuroCOVID Group, CITIID-NIHR COVID-19 BioResource Collaboration, Cambridge NIHR Clinical Research Facility

Brain correlates of action word memory revealed by fMRI.

Journal: Sci Rep
E-pub date: 26 Sep 2022
Authors: Z Shebani, F Carota, O Hauk, JB Rowe, LW Barsalou, R Tomasello, F Pulvermüller

A multi-site, multi-participant magnetoencephalography resting-state dataset to study dementia: The BioFIND dataset.

Journal: Neuroimage
E-pub date: 1 Sep 2022
Authors: D Vaghari, R Bruna, LE Hughes, D Nesbitt, R Tibon, JB Rowe, F Maestu, RN Henson

Locus Coeruleus Integrity from 7 T MRI Relates to Apathy and Cognition in Parkinsonian Disorders.

Journal: Mov Disord
E-pub date: 31 Aug 2022
Authors: R Ye, C O'Callaghan, C Rua, FH Hezemans, N Holland, M Malpetti, PS Jones, RA Barker, CH Williams-Gray, TW Robbins, L Passamonti, J Rowe

The neurophysiological effect of NMDA-R antagonism of frontotemporal lobar degeneration is conditional on individual GABA concentration.

Journal: Transl Psychiatry
E-pub date: 27 Aug 2022
Authors: A Perry, LE Hughes, N Adams, M Naessens, AG Murley, MA Rouse, D Street, PS Jones, TE Cope, E Kocagoncu, JB Rowe

Parkinson’s disease impairs cortical sensori-motor decision-making cascades

E-pub date: 1 Aug 2022
Authors: A Tomassini, TE Cope, J Zhang, JB Rowe

A modified Camel and Cactus Test detects presymptomatic semantic impairment in genetic frontotemporal dementia within the GENFI cohort.

Journal: Appl Neuropsychol Adult
E-pub date: 1 Aug 2022
Authors: K Moore, R Convery, M Bocchetta, M Neason, DM Cash, C Greaves, LL Russell, MTM Clarke, G Peakman, J van Swieten, L Jiskoot, F Moreno, M Barandiaran, R Sanchez-Valle, B Borroni, R Laforce, M-C Doré, M Masellis, MC Tartaglia, C Graff, D Galimberti, JB Rowe, E Finger, M Synofzik, H-O Karnath, R Vandenberghe, A de Mendonça, C Maruta, F Tagliavini, I Santana, S Ducharme, C Butler, A Gerhard, J Levin, A Danek, M Otto, JD Warren, JD Rohrer, Genetic FTD Initiative, GENFI*

Synaptic loss in behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia revealed by [11C]UCB-J PET

E-pub date: 1 Aug 2022
Authors: M Malpetti, S Jones, T Cope, N Holland, M Naessens, M Rouse, G Savulich, T Fryer, Y Hong, SM Sephton, F Aigbirhio, J O’Brien, J Rowe

Neurophysiological consequences of synapse loss in progressive supranuclear palsy

E-pub date: 1 Aug 2022
Authors: N Adams, A Jafarian, A Perry, M Rouse, A Shaw, A Murley, T Cope, R Bevan-Jones, L Passamonti, D Street, N Holland, D Nesbitt, L Hughes, K Friston, J Rowe

Hospitalisation for COVID-19 predicts long lasting cerebrovascular impairment: A prospective observational cohort study

E-pub date: 1 Aug 2022
Authors: K Tsvetanov, L Spindler, E Stamatakis, VFJ Newcombe, V Lupson, D Chatfield, A Manktelow, J Outtrim, A Elmer, N Kingston, J Bradley, E Bullmore, J Rowe, D Menon, The Cambridge NeuroCOVID Group, The NIHR COVID-19 BioResource, The Cambridge NIHR Clinical Research Facility, The CITIID-NIHR BioResource COVID-19 Collaboration

Neurochemistry-enriched dynamic causal models of magnetoencephalography, using magnetic resonance spectroscopy

E-pub date: 1 Aug 2022
Authors: A Jafarian, L Hughes, N Adams, J Lanskey, M Naessens, M Rouse, A Murley, K Friston, J Rowe

Pre-Diagnostic Cognitive and Functional Impairment in Multiple Sporadic Neurodegenerative Diseases

E-pub date: 1 Aug 2022
Authors: N Swaddiwudhipong, D Whiteside, F Hezemans, D Street, J Rowe, T Rittman

Hospitalisation for COVID-19 predicts long lasting cerebrovascular impairment: A prospective observational cohort study.

Journal: Neuroimage Clin
E-pub date: 1 Aug 2022
Authors: KA Tsvetanov, LRB Spindler, EA Stamatakis, VFJ Newcombe, VC Lupson, DA Chatfield, AE Manktelow, JG Outtrim, A Elmer, N Kingston, JR Bradley, ET Bullmore, JB Rowe, DK Menon, Cambridge NeuroCOVID Group, NIHR COVID-19 BioResource, Cambridge NIHR Clinical Research Facility, CITIID-NIHR BioResource COVID-19 Collaboration

The neurophysiological effect of NMDA-R antagonism of frontotemporal lobar degeneration is conditional on individual GABA concentration

E-pub date: 1 Aug 2022
Authors: A Perry, L Hughes, N Adams, M Naessens, A Murley, M Rouse, D Street, S Jones, T Cope, E Kocagoncu, J Rowe


E-pub date: 1 Aug 2022
Authors: K Stockton, M Naessens, A Murley, I Coyle-Gilchrist, C Lansdall, J Rowe

In Vivo 18F-Flortaucipir PET Does Not Accurately Support the Staging of Progressive Supranuclear Palsy.

Journal: J Nucl Med
E-pub date: 1 Jul 2022
Authors: M Malpetti, SS Kaalund, KA Tsvetanov, T Rittman, M Briggs, KSJ Allinson, L Passamonti, N Holland, PS Jones, TD Fryer, YT Hong, A Kouli, WR Bevan-Jones, E Mak, G Savulich, MG Spillantini, FI Aigbirhio, CH Williams-Gray, JT O'Brien, JB Rowe

Heteroplasmic mitochondrial DNA mutations in frontotemporal lobar degeneration.

Journal: Acta Neuropathol
E-pub date: 1 Jun 2022
Authors: Y Nie, A Murley, Z Golder, JB Rowe, K Allinson, PF Chinnery

Atomoxetine and citalopram alter brain network organisation in Parkinson’s disease

Journal: Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry
E-pub date: 1 Jun 2022
Authors: R Borchert, T Rittman, C Rae, L Passamonti, S Jones, D Vatansever, PVZ Rodríguez, Z Ye, J Rowe

A synergistic core for human brain evolution and cognition.

Journal: Nat Neurosci
E-pub date: 1 Jun 2022
Authors: AI Luppi, PAM Mediano, FE Rosas, N Holland, TD Fryer, JT O'Brien, JB Rowe, DK Menon, D Bor, EA Stamatakis

Noradrenergic deficits contribute to apathy in Parkinson’s disease through the precision of expected outcomes.

Journal: PLoS Comput Biol
E-pub date: 1 May 2022
Authors: FH Hezemans, N Wolpe, C O'Callaghan, R Ye, C Rua, PS Jones, AG Murley, N Holland, R Regenthal, KA Tsvetanov, RA Barker, CH Williams-Gray, TW Robbins, L Passamonti, JB Rowe

Causal Evidence for the Multiple Demand Network in Change Detection: Auditory Mismatch Magnetoencephalography across Focal Neurodegenerative Diseases.

Journal: J Neurosci
E-pub date: 13 Apr 2022
Authors: TE Cope, LE Hughes, HN Phillips, NE Adams, A Jafarian, D Nesbitt, M Assem, A Woolgar, J Duncan, JB Rowe

Are the UK genetic testing criteria for dementia too exclusive?

Journal: J Neurol
E-pub date: 1 Apr 2022
Authors: A Christodoulidou, GE McKenna, ST Holden, JB Rowe, TE Cope

Molecular pathology and synaptic loss in primary tauopathies: A [18F]AV-1451 and [11C]UCB-J PET study

Journal: Brain
E-pub date: 29 Mar 2022
Authors: N Holland, M Malpetti, T Rittman, E Mak, L Passamonti, S Kaalund, F Hezemans, P Jones, G Savulich, Y Hong, T Fryer, F Aigbirhio, J O'Brien, J Rowe

Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy in frontotemporal lobar degeneration-related syndromes.

Journal: Neurobiol Aging
E-pub date: 1 Mar 2022
Authors: AG Murley, KA Tsvetanov, MA Rouse, PS Jones, K Sværke, W Li, A Carpenter, JB Rowe

Dynamic targeting enables domain-general inhibitory control over action and thought by the prefrontal cortex.

Journal: Nat Commun
E-pub date: 12 Jan 2022
Authors: D Apšvalka, CS Ferreira, TW Schmitz, JB Rowe, MC Anderson

Microglial activation and atrophy in frontal cortex predict executive dysfunction in frontotemporal dementia

Journal: Alzheimer's & Dementia
E-pub date: 1 Dec 2021
Authors: M Malpetti, PS Jones, FH Hezemans, E Mak, D Street, L Passamonti, T Rittman, TE Cope, WR Bevan‐Jones, K Patterson, TD Fryer, YT Hong, FI Aigbirho, JT O'Brien, JB Rowe

Rate‐limiting processes of tau aggregate accumulation in Alzheimer’s disease

Journal: Alzheimer's & Dementia
E-pub date: 1 Dec 2021
Authors: G Meisl, Y Zuo, K Allinson, T Rittman, SL DeVos, JS Sanchez, CK Xu, KE Duff, KA Johnson, JB Rowe, BT Hyman, T Knowles, D Klenerman

Co-Occurrence of Apathy and Impulsivity in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy.

Journal: Mov Disord Clin Pract
E-pub date: 1 Nov 2021
Authors: ZQ Kok, AG Murley, T Rittman, J Rowe, L Passamonti

Altered network stability in progressive supranuclear palsy.

Journal: Neurobiol Aging
E-pub date: 1 Nov 2021
Authors: DJ Whiteside, PS Jones, BCP Ghosh, I Coyle-Gilchrist, A Gerhard, MT Hu, JC Klein, PN Leigh, A Church, DJ Burn, HR Morris, JB Rowe, T Rittman

In vivo rate-determining steps of tau seed accumulation in Alzheimer’s disease.

Journal: Sci Adv
E-pub date: 29 Oct 2021
Authors: G Meisl, E Hidari, K Allinson, T Rittman, SL DeVos, JS Sanchez, CK Xu, KE Duff, KA Johnson, JB Rowe, BT Hyman, TPJ Knowles, D Klenerman

Progressive supranuclear palsy: diagnosis and management.

Journal: Pract Neurol
E-pub date: 1 Oct 2021
Authors: JB Rowe, N Holland, T Rittman

Altered structural connectivity networks in dementia with lewy bodies.

Journal: Brain Imaging Behav
E-pub date: 1 Oct 2021
Authors: N Nicastro, E Mak, A Surendranathan, T Rittman, JB Rowe, JT O'Brien

Locus coeruleus integrity and the effect of atomoxetine on response inhibition in Parkinson’s disease.

Journal: Brain
E-pub date: 4 Sep 2021
Authors: C O'Callaghan, FH Hezemans, R Ye, C Rua, PS Jones, AG Murley, N Holland, R Regenthal, KA Tsvetanov, N Wolpe, RA Barker, CH Williams-Gray, TW Robbins, L Passamonti, JB Rowe

GABAergic cortical network physiology in frontotemporal lobar degeneration.

Journal: Brain
E-pub date: 17 Aug 2021
Authors: NE Adams, LE Hughes, MA Rouse, HN Phillips, AD Shaw, AG Murley, TE Cope, WR Bevan-Jones, L Passamonti, D Street, N Holland, D Nesbitt, K Friston, JB Rowe

A multi-site, multi-participant magnetoencephalography resting-state dataset to study dementia: The BioFIND dataset

E-pub date: 1 Aug 2021
Authors: D Vaghari, R Bruna, L Hughes, D Nesbitt, R Tibon, J Rowe, F Maestu, R Henson

Noradrenergic deficits contribute to apathy in Parkinson’s disease through the precision of expected outcomes

E-pub date: 1 Aug 2021
Authors: F Hezemans, N Wolpe, C O’Callaghan, R Ye, C Rua, S Jones, A Murley, N Holland, R Regenthal, K Tsvetanov, R Barker, C Williams-Gray, T Robbins, L Passamonti, J Rowe

Substantia nigra ferric overload and neuromelanin loss in Parkinson’s disease measured with 7T MRI

E-pub date: 1 Aug 2021
Authors: C Rua, C O’Callaghan, R Ye, F Hezemans, L Passamonti, S Jones, G Williams, C Rodgers, J Rowe

Impairment of episodic memory in genetic frontotemporal dementia: A GENFI study.

Journal: Alzheimers Dement (Amst)
E-pub date: 1 Aug 2021
Authors: JM Poos, LL Russell, G Peakman, M Bocchetta, CV Greaves, LC Jiskoot, EL van der Ende, H Seelaar, JM Papma, E van den Berg, YAL Pijnenburg, B Borroni, R Sanchez-Valle, F Moreno, R Laforce, C Graff, M Synofzik, D Galimberti, JB Rowe, M Masellis, C Tartaglia, E Finger, R Vandenberghe, A de Medonça, F Tagliavini, CR Butler, I Santana, IL Ber, A Gerhard, S Ducharme, J Levin, A Danek, M Otto, S Sorbi, F Pasquier, JC van Swieten, JD Rohrer, Genetic FTD Initiative, GENF

Differential early subcortical involvement in genetic FTD within the GENFI cohort.

Journal: Neuroimage Clin
E-pub date: 1 Aug 2021
Authors: M Bocchetta, EG Todd, G Peakman, DM Cash, RS Convery, LL Russell, DL Thomas, J Eugenio Iglesias, JC van Swieten, LC Jiskoot, H Seelaar, B Borroni, D Galimberti, R Sanchez-Valle, R Laforce, F Moreno, M Synofzik, C Graff, M Masellis, M Carmela Tartaglia, JB Rowe, R Vandenberghe, E Finger, F Tagliavini, A de Mendonça, I Santana, CR Butler, S Ducharme, A Gerhard, A Danek, J Levin, M Otto, S Sorbi, I Le Ber, F Pasquier, JD Rohrer, Genetic Frontotemporal dementia Initiative (GENFI)

Disease-related cortical thinning in presymptomatic granulin mutation carriers.

Journal: Neuroimage Clin
E-pub date: 1 Aug 2021
Authors: S Borrego-Écija, R Sala-Llonch, J van Swieten, B Borroni, F Moreno, M Masellis, C Tartaglia, C Graff, D Galimberti, R Laforce, JB Rowe, E Finger, R Vandenberghe, F Tagliavini, A de Mendonça, I Santana, M Synofzik, S Ducharme, J Levin, A Danek, A Gerhard, M Otto, C Butler, G Frisoni, S Sorbi, C Heller, M Bocchetta, DM Cash, RS Convery, KM Moore, JD Rohrer, R Sanchez-Valle, Genetic FTD Initiative GENFI

[18F]-AV-1451 binding in the substantia nigra as a marker of neuromelanin in Lewy body diseases.

Journal: Brain Commun
E-pub date: 1 Aug 2021
Authors: E Mak, A Kouli, N Holland, N Nicastro, G Savulich, A Surendranathan, M Malpetti, R Manavaki, YT Hong, TD Fryer, F Aigbirhio, JB Rowe, JT O'Brien, CH Williams-Gray

Locus Coeruleus Integrity from 7T MRI Relates to Apathy and Cognition in Parkinson’s Disease and Progressive Supranuclear Palsy

E-pub date: 1 Aug 2021
Authors: R Ye, C O’Callaghan, C Rua, F Hezemans, N Holland, M Malpetti, S Jones, R Barker, C Williams-Gray, T Robbins, L Passamonti, J Rowe

Reduced locus coeruleus integrity linked to response inhibition deficits in parkinsonian disorders

E-pub date: 1 Aug 2021
Authors: R Ye, F Hezemans, C O’Callaghan, K Tsvetanov, C Rua, S Jones, N Holland, M Malpetti, A Murley, R Barker, C Williams-Gray, T Robbins, L Passamonti, J Rowe

Looking beneath the surface: the importance of subcortical structures in frontotemporal dementia.

Journal: Brain Commun
E-pub date: 1 Aug 2021
Authors: M Bocchetta, M Malpetti, EG Todd, JB Rowe, JD Rohrer

Validation of the new pathology staging system for progressive supranuclear palsy

E-pub date: 1 Aug 2021
Authors: M Briggs, KSJ Allinson, M Malpetti, MG Spillantini, JB Rowe, SS Kaalund

Clinical progression of progressive supranuclear palsy: impact of trials bias and phenotype variants.

Journal: Brain Commun
E-pub date: 1 Aug 2021
Authors: D Street, M Malpetti, T Rittman, BCP Ghosh, AG Murley, I Coyle-Gilchrist, L Passamonti, JB Rowe

Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy in frontotemporal lobar degeneration-related syndromes

E-pub date: 1 Aug 2021
Authors: A Murley, K Tsvetanov, M Rouse, S Jones, K Sværke, W Li, A Carpenter, J Rowe

Co-occurrence of apathy and impulsivity in progressive supranuclear palsy

E-pub date: 1 Aug 2021
Authors: ZQ Kok, A Murley, T Rittman, J Rowe, L Passamonti

Prodromal Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: insights from the UK Biobank

E-pub date: 1 Aug 2021
Authors: D Street, D Whiteside, T Rittman, J Rowe

Predicting loss of independence and mortality in frontotemporal lobar degeneration syndromes.

Journal: J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry
E-pub date: 1 Jul 2021
Authors: AG Murley, MA Rouse, ITS Coyle-Gilchrist, PS Jones, W Li, J Wiggins, C Lansdall, P Vázquez Rodríguez, A Wilcox, K Patterson, JB Rowe

Synaptic density in carriers of C9orf72 mutations: a [11 C]UCB-J PET study.

Journal: Ann Clin Transl Neurol
E-pub date: 1 Jul 2021
Authors: M Malpetti, N Holland, PS Jones, R Ye, TE Cope, TD Fryer, YT Hong, G Savulich, T Rittman, L Passamonti, E Mak, FI Aigbirhio, JT O'Brien, JB Rowe

Neuroinflammation predicts disease progression in progressive supranuclear palsy.

Journal: J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry
E-pub date: 1 Jul 2021
Authors: M Malpetti, L Passamonti, PS Jones, D Street, T Rittman, TD Fryer, YT Hong, P Vàsquez Rodriguez, WR Bevan-Jones, FI Aigbirhio, JT O'Brien, JB Rowe

Apathy in presymptomatic genetic frontotemporal dementia predicts cognitive decline and is driven by structural brain changes.

Journal: Alzheimers Dement
E-pub date: 1 Jun 2021
Authors: M Malpetti, PS Jones, KA Tsvetanov, T Rittman, JC van Swieten, B Borroni, R Sanchez-Valle, F Moreno, R Laforce, C Graff, M Synofzik, D Galimberti, M Masellis, MC Tartaglia, E Finger, R Vandenberghe, A de Mendonça, F Tagliavini, I Santana, S Ducharme, CR Butler, A Gerhard, J Levin, A Danek, M Otto, GB Frisoni, R Ghidoni, S Sorbi, C Heller, EG Todd, M Bocchetta, DM Cash, RS Convery, G Peakman, KM Moore, JD Rohrer, RA Kievit, JB Rowe, Genetic FTD Initiative (GENFI)

In vivo coupling of dendritic complexity with presynaptic density in primary tauopathies.

Journal: Neurobiol Aging
E-pub date: 1 May 2021
Authors: E Mak, N Holland, PS Jones, G Savulich, A Low, M Malpetti, SS Kaalund, L Passamonti, T Rittman, R Romero-Garcia, R Manavaki, GB Williams, YT Hong, TD Fryer, FI Aigbirhio, JT O'Brien, JB Rowe

Validation of the new pathology staging system for progressive supranuclear palsy.

Journal: Acta Neuropathol
E-pub date: 1 May 2021
Authors: M Briggs, KSJ Allinson, M Malpetti, MG Spillantini, JB Rowe, SS Kaalund

Imaging tau burden in dementia with Lewy bodies using [18F]-AV1451 positron emission tomography.

Journal: Neurobiol Aging
E-pub date: 1 May 2021
Authors: E Mak, N Nicastro, M Malpetti, G Savulich, A Surendranathan, N Holland, L Passamonti, PS Jones, SF Carter, L Su, YT Hong, TD Fryer, GB Williams, F Aigbirhio, JB Rowe, JT O'Brien

Advances in neuroimaging to support translational medicine in dementia.

Journal: J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry
E-pub date: 1 Mar 2021
Authors: TE Cope, RS Weil, E Düzel, BC Dickerson, JB Rowe

Brain functional network integrity sustains cognitive function despite atrophy in presymptomatic genetic frontotemporal dementia.

Journal: Alzheimers Dement
E-pub date: 1 Mar 2021
Authors: KA Tsvetanov, S Gazzina, PS Jones, J van Swieten, B Borroni, R Sanchez-Valle, F Moreno, R Laforce, C Graff, M Synofzik, D Galimberti, M Masellis, MC Tartaglia, E Finger, R Vandenberghe, A de Mendonça, F Tagliavini, I Santana, S Ducharme, C Butler, A Gerhard, A Danek, J Levin, M Otto, G Frisoni, R Ghidoni, S Sorbi, JD Rohrer, JB Rowe, Genetic FTD Initiative, GENFI

In vivo PET imaging of neuroinflammation in familial frontotemporal dementia.

Journal: J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry
E-pub date: 1 Mar 2021
Authors: M Malpetti, T Rittman, PS Jones, TE Cope, L Passamonti, WR Bevan-Jones, K Patterson, TD Fryer, YT Hong, FI Aigbirhio, JT O'Brien, JB Rowe

Relationship between tau, neuroinflammation and atrophy in Alzheimer’s disease: The NIMROD study

Journal: Information Fusion
E-pub date: 1 Mar 2021
Authors: L Su, A Surendranathan, Y Huang, WR Bevan-Jones, L Passamonti, YT Hong, R Arnold, PV Rodríguez, Y Wang, E Mak, TD Fryer, F Aigbirhio, JB Rowe, JT O'Brien

An in vivo probabilistic atlas of the human locus coeruleus at ultra-high field.

Journal: Neuroimage
E-pub date: 15 Jan 2021
Authors: R Ye, C Rua, C O'Callaghan, PS Jones, FH Hezemans, SS Kaalund, KA Tsvetanov, CT Rodgers, G Williams, L Passamonti, JB Rowe

Progression of Behavioral Disturbances and Neuropsychiatric Symptoms in Patients With Genetic Frontotemporal Dementia.

Journal: JAMA Netw Open
E-pub date: 4 Jan 2021
Authors: A Benussi, E Premi, S Gazzina, C Brattini, E Bonomi, A Alberici, L Jiskoot, JC van Swieten, R Sanchez-Valle, F Moreno, R Laforce, C Graff, M Synofzik, D Galimberti, M Masellis, C Tartaglia, JB Rowe, E Finger, R Vandenberghe, A de Mendonça, F Tagliavini, I Santana, S Ducharme, CR Butler, A Gerhard, J Levin, A Danek, M Otto, G Frisoni, R Ghidoni, S Sorbi, I Le Ber, F Pasquier, G Peakman, E Todd, M Bocchetta, JD Rohrer, B Borroni, Genetic FTD Initiative (GENFI)

Neuroanatomical substrates of generalized brain dysfunction in COVID-19.

Journal: Intensive Care Med
E-pub date: 1 Jan 2021
Authors: VFJ Newcombe, LRB Spindler, T Das, S Winzeck, K Allinson, EA Stamatakis, DK Menon, Cambridge NeuroCovid Imaging Collaborators

C9orf72, age at onset, and ancestry help discriminate behavioral from language variants in FTLD cohorts.

Journal: Neurology
E-pub date: 15 Dec 2020
Authors: B Costa, C Manzoni, M Bernal-Quiros, DA Kia, M Aguilar, I Alvarez, V Alvarez, O Andreassen, M Anfossi, S Bagnoli, L Benussi, L Bernardi, G Binetti, D Blackburn, M Boada, B Borroni, L Bowns, G Bråthen, AC Bruni, H-H Chiang, J Clarimon, S Colville, ME Conidi, TE Cope, C Cruchaga, C Cupidi, ME Di Battista, J Diehl-Schmid, M Diez-Fairen, O Dols-Icardo, E Durante, D Flisar, F Frangipane, D Galimberti, M Gallo, M Gallucci, R Ghidoni, C Graff, JH Grafman, M Grossman, J Hardy, I Hernández, GJT Holloway, ED Huey, I Illán-Gala, A Karydas, B Khoshnood, MG Kramberger, M Kristiansen, PA Lewis, A Lleó, GK Madhan, R Maletta, A Maver, M Menendez-Gonzalez, G Milan, B Miller, MO Mol, P Momeni, S Moreno-Grau, CM Morris, B Nacmias, C Nilsson, V Novelli, L Öijerstedt, A Padovani, S Pal, Y Panchbhaya, P Pastor, B Peterlin, I Piaceri, S Pickering-Brown, YAL Pijnenburg, AA Puca, I Rainero, A Rendina, AMT Richardson, E Rogaeva, B Rogelj, S Rollinson, G Rossi, C Rossmeier, JB Rowe, E Rubino, A Ruiz, R Sanchez-Valle, SB Sando, AF Santillo, J Saxon, E Scarpini, M Serpente, N Smirne, S Sorbi, E Suh, F Tagliavini, JC Thompson, JQ Trojanowski, VM Van Deerlin, J Van der Zee, C Van Broeckhoven, J van Rooij, JC Van Swieten, A Veronesi, E Vitale, ML Waldö, C Woodward, J Yokoyama, V Escott-Price, JM Polke, R Ferrari, International FTD-Genetics Consortium

GABA and glutamate deficits from frontotemporal lobar degeneration are associated with disinhibition.

Journal: Brain
E-pub date: 5 Dec 2020
Authors: AG Murley, MA Rouse, PS Jones, R Ye, FH Hezemans, C O'Callaghan, P Frangou, Z Kourtzi, C Rua, TA Carpenter, CT Rodgers, JB Rowe

Social cognition impairment in genetic frontotemporal dementia within the GENFI cohort.

Journal: Cortex
E-pub date: 1 Dec 2020
Authors: LL Russell, CV Greaves, M Bocchetta, J Nicholas, RS Convery, K Moore, DM Cash, J van Swieten, L Jiskoot, F Moreno, R Sanchez-Valle, B Borroni, R Laforce, M Masellis, MC Tartaglia, C Graff, E Rotondo, D Galimberti, JB Rowe, E Finger, M Synofzik, R Vandenberghe, A de Mendonça, F Tagliavini, I Santana, S Ducharme, C Butler, A Gerhard, J Levin, A Danek, M Otto, JD Warren, JD Rohrer, Genetic FTD Initiative, GENFI

Abnormal pain perception is associated with thalamo-cortico-striatal atrophy in C9orf72 expansion carriers in the GENFI cohort.

Journal: J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry
E-pub date: 1 Dec 2020
Authors: RS Convery, M Bocchetta, CV Greaves, KM Moore, DM Cash, J Van Swieten, F Moreno, R Sánchez-Valle, B Borroni, R Laforce, M Masellis, MC Tartaglia, C Graff, D Galimberti, JB Rowe, E Finger, M Synofzik, R Vandenberghe, A de Mendonca, F Tagliavini, I Santana, S Ducharme, C Butler, A Gerhard, J Levin, A Danek, M Otto, JD Warren, JD Rohrer, Genetic FTD Initiative (GENFI)

Trajectory of apathy, cognition and neural correlates in the decades before symptoms in frontotemporal dementia

Journal: Alzheimer's & Dementia
E-pub date: 1 Dec 2020
Authors: M Malpetti, RA Kievit, PS Jones, T Rittman, KA Tsvetanov, JC van Swieten, B Borroni, D Galimberti, R Sanchez‐Valle, R Laforce, F Moreno, M Synofzik, C Graff, M Masellis, C Tartaglia, R Vandenberghe, E Finger, F Tagliavini, A de Mendonca, I Santana, C Butler, S Ducharme, A Gerhard, A Danek, J Levin, M Otto, GB Frisoni, R Ghidoni, C Heller, E Todd, M Bocchetta, RS Convery, G Peakman, KM Moore, JD Rohrer, JB Rowe

A cross‐cohort cognitive composite for tracking changes in pre‐clinical and prodromal Alzheimer’s disease

Journal: Alzheimer's & Dementia
E-pub date: 1 Dec 2020
Authors: J Giorgio, A Tanna, WJ Jagust, SL Baker, SM Landau, T Tanaka, CP Chen, A Reilhac, M Malpetti, JB Rowe, JT O'Brien, Z Kourtzi

Multimodal imaging markers of tau, neuroinflammation and atrophy to predict clinical progression in progressive supranuclear palsy

Journal: Alzheimer's & Dementia
E-pub date: 1 Dec 2020
Authors: M Malpetti, L Passamonti, PS Jones, T Rittman, TD Fryer, YT Hong, D Street, PV Rodríguez, WR Bevan‐Jones, FI Aigbirhio, JT O'Brien, JB Rowe

The prognostic role of microglia and tau PET in Alzheimer’s disease

Journal: Alzheimer's & Dementia
E-pub date: 1 Dec 2020
Authors: M Malpetti, RA Kievit, L Passamonti, PS Jones, KA Tsvetanov, T Rittman, E Mak, N Nicastro, WR Bevan‐Jones, L Su, YT Hong, TD Fryer, FI Aigbirho, JT O'Brien, JB Rowe

Neuroinflammation and Tau Colocalize in vivo in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy.

Journal: Ann Neurol
E-pub date: 1 Dec 2020
Authors: M Malpetti, L Passamonti, T Rittman, PS Jones, P Vázquez Rodríguez, WR Bevan-Jones, YT Hong, TD Fryer, FI Aigbirhio, JT O'Brien, JB Rowe

Synaptic Loss in Primary Tauopathies Revealed by [11 C]UCB-J Positron Emission Tomography.

Journal: Mov Disord
E-pub date: 1 Oct 2020
Authors: N Holland, PS Jones, G Savulich, JK Wiggins, YT Hong, TD Fryer, R Manavaki, SM Sephton, I Boros, M Malpetti, FH Hezemans, FI Aigbirhio, JP Coles, J O'Brien, JB Rowe

Gray matter changes related to microglial activation in Alzheimer’s disease.

Journal: Neurobiol Aging
E-pub date: 1 Oct 2020
Authors: N Nicastro, M Malpetti, E Mak, GB Williams, WR Bevan-Jones, SF Carter, L Passamonti, TD Fryer, YT Hong, FI Aigbirhio, JB Rowe, JT O'Brien

Metabolomic changes associated with frontotemporal lobar degeneration syndromes.

Journal: J Neurol
E-pub date: 31 Aug 2020
Authors: AG Murley, PS Jones, I Coyle Gilchrist, L Bowns, J Wiggins, KA Tsvetanov, JB Rowe

Peak Width of Skeletonized Mean Diffusivity as a Marker of Diffuse Cerebrovascular Damage.

Journal: Front Neurosci
E-pub date: 1 Aug 2020
Authors: A Low, E Mak, JD Stefaniak, M Malpetti, N Nicastro, G Savulich, L Chouliaras, HS Markus, JB Rowe, JT O'Brien

Cortical Complexity Analyses and Their Cognitive Correlate in Alzheimer’s Disease and Frontotemporal Dementia.

Journal: J Alzheimers Dis
E-pub date: 1 Aug 2020
Authors: N Nicastro, M Malpetti, TE Cope, WR Bevan-Jones, E Mak, L Passamonti, JB Rowe, JT O'Brien

Locus coeruleus integrity and the effect of atomoxetine on response inhibition in Parkinson’s disease

E-pub date: 1 Aug 2020
Authors: C O’Callaghan, F Hezemans, R Ye, C Rua, S Jones, A Murley, N Holland, R Regenthal, K Tsvetanov, N Wolpe, R Barker, C Williams-Gray, T Robbins, L Passamonti, J Rowe

Neuroinflammation predicts disease progression in progressive supranuclear palsy

E-pub date: 1 Aug 2020
Authors: M Malpetti, L Passamonti, S Jones, D Street, T Rittman, T Fryer, Y Hong, P Vasquez-Rodriguez, WR Bevan-Jones, F Aigbirhio, J O'Brien, J Rowe

In vivo PET imaging of neuroinflammation in familial frontotemporal dementia

E-pub date: 1 Aug 2020
Authors: M Malpetti, T Rittman, S Jones, T Cope, L Passamonti, R Bevan-Jones, K Patterson, T Fryer, Y Hong, F Aigbirhio, J O’Brien, J Rowe

Synaptic loss in primary tauopathies revealed by [11C]UCB-J positron emission tomography

E-pub date: 1 Aug 2020
Authors: N Holland, S Jones, G Savulich, J Wiggins, Y Hong, T Fryer, R Manavaki, SM Sephton, I Boros, M Malpetti, F Hezemans, F Aigbirhio, J Coles, J O’Brien, J Rowe

A synergistic core for human brain evolution and cognition

E-pub date: 1 Aug 2020
Authors: A Luppi, PAM Mediano, F Rosas, N Holland, T Fryer, J O’Brien, J Rowe, D Menon, D Bor, E Stamatakis

Metabolomic changes associated with frontotemporal lobar degeneration syndromes

E-pub date: 1 Aug 2020
Authors: A Murley, S Jones, IC Gilchrist, L Bowns, J Wiggins, K Tsvetanov, J Rowe

Amplification, not spreading limits rate of tau aggregate accumulation in Alzheimer’s disease

E-pub date: 1 Aug 2020
Authors: G Meisl, Y Zuo, K Allinson, T Rittman, S DeVos, J Sanchez, C Xu, K Duff, K Johnson, J Rowe, B Hyman, T Knowles, D Klenerman

Towards accurate and unbiased imaging-based differentiation of Parkinson’s disease, progressive supranuclear palsy and corticobasal syndrome.

Journal: Brain Commun
E-pub date: 1 Aug 2020
Authors: MM Correia, T Rittman, CL Barnes, IT Coyle-Gilchrist, B Ghosh, LE Hughes, JB Rowe

11C-UCB-J synaptic PET and multimodal imaging in dementia with Lewy bodies.

Journal: Eur J Hybrid Imaging
E-pub date: 1 Aug 2020
Authors: N Nicastro, N Holland, G Savulich, SF Carter, E Mak, YT Hong, S Milicevic Sephton, TD Fryer, FI Aigbirhio, JB Rowe, JT O'Brien

Correlation of microglial activation with white matter changes in dementia with Lewy bodies.

Journal: Neuroimage Clin
E-pub date: 1 Aug 2020
Authors: N Nicastro, E Mak, GB Williams, A Surendranathan, WR Bevan-Jones, L Passamonti, P Vàzquez Rodrìguez, L Su, R Arnold, TD Fryer, YT Hong, FI Aigbirhio, JB Rowe, JT O'Brien

Faster Cortical Thinning and Surface Area Loss in Presymptomatic and Symptomatic C9orf72 Repeat Expansion Adult Carriers.

Journal: Ann Neurol
E-pub date: 1 Jul 2020
Authors: G Le Blanc, V Jetté Pomerleau, J McCarthy, B Borroni, J van Swieten, D Galimberti, R Sanchez-Valle, R LaForce, F Moreno, M Synofzik, C Graff, M Masellis, MC Tartaglia, JB Rowe, R Vandenberghe, E Finger, F Tagliavini, A de Mendonça, I Santana, C Butler, A Gerhard, A Danek, J Levin, M Otto, G Frisoni, S Sorbi, JD Rohrer, S Ducharme, Genetic Frontotemporal Dementia Initiative (GENFI)

Anterior temporal lobe is necessary for efficient lateralised processing of spoken word identity.

Journal: Cortex
E-pub date: 1 May 2020
Authors: TE Cope, Y Shtyrov, LJ MacGregor, R Holland, F Pulvermüller, JB Rowe, K Patterson

Redefining the multidimensional clinical phenotypes of frontotemporal lobar degeneration syndromes.

Journal: Brain
E-pub date: 1 May 2020
Authors: AG Murley, I Coyle-Gilchrist, MA Rouse, PS Jones, W Li, J Wiggins, C Lansdall, PV Rodríguez, A Wilcox, KA Tsvetanov, K Patterson, MA Lambon Ralph, JB Rowe

Microglial activation and tau burden predict cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s disease.

Journal: Brain
E-pub date: 1 May 2020
Authors: M Malpetti, RA Kievit, L Passamonti, PS Jones, KA Tsvetanov, T Rittman, E Mak, N Nicastro, WR Bevan-Jones, L Su, YT Hong, TD Fryer, FI Aigbirhio, JT O'Brien, JB Rowe

Plasma glial fibrillary acidic protein is raised in progranulin-associated frontotemporal dementia.

Journal: J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry
E-pub date: 1 Mar 2020
Authors: C Heller, MS Foiani, K Moore, R Convery, M Bocchetta, M Neason, DM Cash, D Thomas, CV Greaves, IO Woollacott, R Shafei, JC Van Swieten, F Moreno, R Sanchez-Valle, B Borroni, R Laforce, M Masellis, MC Tartaglia, C Graff, D Galimberti, JB Rowe, E Finger, M Synofzik, R Vandenberghe, A de Mendonca, F Tagliavini, I Santana, S Ducharme, CR Butler, A Gerhard, J Levin, A Danek, G Frisoni, S Sorbi, M Otto, AJ Heslegrave, H Zetterberg, JD Rohrer, GENFI

Neuroinflammation and protein aggregation co-localize across the frontotemporal dementia spectrum.

Journal: Brain
E-pub date: 1 Mar 2020
Authors: WR Bevan-Jones, TE Cope, PS Jones, SS Kaalund, L Passamonti, K Allinson, O Green, YT Hong, TD Fryer, R Arnold, JP Coles, FI Aigbirhio, AJ Larner, K Patterson, JT O'Brien, JB Rowe

GABA-ergic Dynamics in Human Frontotemporal Networks Confirmed by Pharmaco-Magnetoencephalography.

Journal: J Neurosci
E-pub date: 19 Feb 2020
Authors: NE Adams, LE Hughes, HN Phillips, AD Shaw, AG Murley, D Nesbitt, TE Cope, WR Bevan-Jones, L Passamonti, JB Rowe

Locus coeruleus pathology in progressive supranuclear palsy, and its relation to disease severity.

Journal: Acta Neuropathol Commun
E-pub date: 4 Feb 2020
Authors: SS Kaalund, L Passamonti, KSJ Allinson, AG Murley, TW Robbins, MG Spillantini, JB Rowe

Age at symptom onset and death and disease duration in genetic frontotemporal dementia: an international retrospective cohort study.

Journal: Lancet Neurol
E-pub date: 1 Feb 2020
Authors: KM Moore, J Nicholas, M Grossman, CT McMillan, DJ Irwin, L Massimo, VM Van Deerlin, JD Warren, NC Fox, MN Rossor, S Mead, M Bocchetta, BF Boeve, DS Knopman, NR Graff-Radford, LK Forsberg, R Rademakers, ZK Wszolek, JC van Swieten, LC Jiskoot, LH Meeter, EG Dopper, JM Papma, JS Snowden, J Saxon, M Jones, S Pickering-Brown, I Le Ber, A Camuzat, A Brice, P Caroppo, R Ghidoni, M Pievani, L Benussi, G Binetti, BC Dickerson, D Lucente, S Krivensky, C Graff, L Öijerstedt, M Fallström, H Thonberg, N Ghoshal, JC Morris, B Borroni, A Benussi, A Padovani, D Galimberti, E Scarpini, GG Fumagalli, IR Mackenzie, G-YR Hsiung, P Sengdy, AL Boxer, H Rosen, JB Taylor, M Synofzik, C Wilke, P Sulzer, JR Hodges, G Halliday, J Kwok, R Sanchez-Valle, A Lladó, S Borrego-Ecija, I Santana, MR Almeida, M Tábuas-Pereira, F Moreno, M Barandiaran, B Indakoetxea, J Levin, A Danek, JB Rowe, TE Cope, M Otto, S Anderl-Straub, A de Mendonça, C Maruta, M Masellis, SE Black, P Couratier, G Lautrette, ED Huey, S Sorbi, B Nacmias, R Laforce, M-PL Tremblay, R Vandenberghe, PV Damme, EJ Rogalski, S Weintraub, A Gerhard, CU Onyike, S Ducharme, SG Papageorgiou, ASL Ng, A Brodtmann, E Finger, R Guerreiro, J Bras, JD Rohrer, FTD Prevention Initiative

18F-AV1451 PET imaging and multimodal MRI changes in progressive supranuclear palsy.

Journal: J Neurol
E-pub date: 1 Feb 2020
Authors: N Nicastro, PV Rodriguez, M Malpetti, WR Bevan-Jones, P Simon Jones, L Passamonti, FI Aigbirhio, JT O'Brien, JB Rowe

Falls in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy.

Journal: Mov Disord Clin Pract
E-pub date: 1 Jan 2020
Authors: FS Brown, JB Rowe, L Passamonti, T Rittman

Asymmetrical atrophy of thalamic subnuclei in Alzheimer’s disease and amyloid-positive mild cognitive impairment is associated with key clinical features.

Journal: Alzheimers Dement (Amst)
E-pub date: 1 Dec 2019
Authors: A Low, E Mak, M Malpetti, L Chouliaras, N Nicastro, L Su, N Holland, T Rittman, PV Rodríguez, L Passamonti, WR Bevan-Jones, PS Jones, JB Rowe, JT O'Brien

Serum neurofilament light chain in genetic frontotemporal dementia: a longitudinal, multicentre cohort study.

Journal: Lancet Neurol
E-pub date: 1 Dec 2019
Authors: EL van der Ende, LH Meeter, JM Poos, JL Panman, LC Jiskoot, EGP Dopper, JM Papma, FJ de Jong, IMW Verberk, C Teunissen, D Rizopoulos, C Heller, RS Convery, KM Moore, M Bocchetta, M Neason, DM Cash, B Borroni, D Galimberti, R Sanchez-Valle, R Laforce, F Moreno, M Synofzik, C Graff, M Masellis, M Carmela Tartaglia, JB Rowe, R Vandenberghe, E Finger, F Tagliavini, A de Mendonça, I Santana, C Butler, S Ducharme, A Gerhard, A Danek, J Levin, M Otto, GB Frisoni, S Cappa, YAL Pijnenburg, JD Rohrer, JC van Swieten, Genetic Frontotemporal dementia Initiative (GENFI)

Test Your Memory (TYM test): diagnostic evaluation of patients with non-Alzheimer dementias.

Journal: J Neurol
E-pub date: 1 Oct 2019
Authors: J Brown, J Wiggins, CJ Lansdall, K Dawson, T Rittman, JB Rowe

Perceptual and conceptual processing of visual objects across the adult lifespan.

Journal: Sci Rep
E-pub date: 24 Sep 2019
Authors: R Bruffaerts, LK Tyler, M Shafto, KA Tsvetanov, Cambridge Centre for Ageing and Neuroscience, A Clarke

Cortical complexity analyses and their cognitive correlate in Alzheimer’s disease and frontotemporal dementia

E-pub date: 1 Aug 2019
Authors: N Nicastro, M Malpetti, T Cope, WR Bevan-Jones, E Mak, L Passamonti, J Rowe, J O’brien

White matter hyperintensities in progranulin-associated frontotemporal dementia: A longitudinal GENFI study.

Journal: Neuroimage Clin
E-pub date: 1 Aug 2019
Authors: CH Sudre, M Bocchetta, C Heller, R Convery, M Neason, KM Moore, DM Cash, DL Thomas, IOC Woollacott, M Foiani, A Heslegrave, R Shafei, C Greaves, J van Swieten, F Moreno, R Sanchez-Valle, B Borroni, R Laforce, M Masellis, MC Tartaglia, C Graff, D Galimberti, JB Rowe, E Finger, M Synofzik, R Vandenberghe, A de Mendonça, F Tagliavini, I Santana, S Ducharme, C Butler, A Gerhard, J Levin, A Danek, GB Frisoni, S Sorbi, M Otto, H Zetterberg, S Ourselin, MJ Cardoso, JD Rohrer, On behalf of, GENFI

Neuroinflammation and protein aggregation co-localize across the frontotemporal dementia spectrum.: weak correlations were observed between our cohorts of controls for each ligand (supplementary figure 1)

E-pub date: 1 Aug 2019
Authors: WR Bevan-Jones, TE Cope, PS Jones, L Passamonti, Y Hong, T Fryer, R Arnold, J Coles, F Aigbirhio, A Larner, K Patterson, J O'Brien, J Rowe

GABA-ergic dynamics in human frontotemporal networks confirmed by pharmaco-magnetoencephalography

E-pub date: 1 Aug 2019
Authors: N Adams, L Hughes, H Phillips, A Shaw, A Murley, T Cope, R Bevan-Jones, L Passamonti, J Rowe

18F-AV1451 PET imaging and white matter changes in progressive supranuclear palsy

E-pub date: 1 Aug 2019
Authors: N Nicastro, P Vazquez Rodriguez, M Malpetti, WR Bevan-Jones, S Jones, L Passamonti, F Aigbirhio, J O’brien, J Rowe

PET markers of tau and neuroinflammation are co-localized in progressive supranuclear palsy

E-pub date: 1 Aug 2019
Authors: M Malpetti, L Passamonti, T Rittman, S Jones, P Vázquez Rodríguez, R Bevan-Jones, Y Hong, T Fryer, F Aigbirhio, J O’Brien, J Rowe

Microglial activation and tau burden predict cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s Disease

E-pub date: 1 Aug 2019
Authors: M Malpetti, R Kievit, L Passamonti, S Jones, K Tsvetanov, T Rittman, E Mak, N Nicastro, WR Bevan-Jones, L Su, Y Hong, T Fryer, F Aigbirhio, J O'Brien, J Rowe

Redefining the multidimensional clinical phenotypes of frontotemporal lobar degeneration syndromes

E-pub date: 1 Aug 2019
Authors: A Murley, I Coyle-Gilchrist, M Rouse, S Jones, W Li, J Wiggins, C Lansdall, PV Rodríguez, A Wilcox, K Tsvetanov, K Patterson, M Lambon Ralph, J Rowe

Atomoxetine and citalopram alter brain network organization in Parkinson’s disease.

Journal: Brain Commun
E-pub date: 1 Aug 2019
Authors: RJ Borchert, T Rittman, CL Rae, L Passamonti, SP Jones, D Vatansever, P Vázquez Rodríguez, Z Ye, C Nombela, LE Hughes, TW Robbins, JB Rowe


Journal: Alzheimer's & Dementia
E-pub date: 1 Jul 2019
Authors: M Malpetti, RA Kievit, PS Jones, T Rittman, KA Tsvetanov, JC van Swieten, B Borroni, D Galimberti, R Sanchez-Valle, R Laforce, F Moreno, M Synofzik, C Graff, M Masellis, C Tartaglia, R Vandenberghe, E Finger, F Tagliavini, A Mendonca, I Santana, CR Butler, S Ducharme, A Gerhard, A Danek, J Levin, M Otto, GB Frisoni, S Cappa, C Heller, RS Convery, KM Dick, JD Rohrer, JB Rowe

Functional network resilience to pathology in presymptomatic genetic frontotemporal dementia.

Journal: Neurobiol Aging
E-pub date: 1 May 2019
Authors: T Rittman, R Borchert, S Jones, J van Swieten, B Borroni, D Galimberti, M Masellis, MC Tartaglia, C Graff, F Tagliavini, GB Frisoni, R Laforce, E Finger, A Mendonça, S Sorbi, JD Rohrer, JB Rowe, Genetic Frontotemporal Dementia Initiative (GENFI)

The inner fluctuations of the brain in presymptomatic Frontotemporal Dementia: The chronnectome fingerprint.

Journal: Neuroimage
E-pub date: 1 Apr 2019
Authors: E Premi, VD Calhoun, M Diano, S Gazzina, M Cosseddu, A Alberici, S Archetti, D Paternicò, R Gasparotti, J van Swieten, D Galimberti, R Sanchez-Valle, R Laforce, F Moreno, M Synofzik, C Graff, M Masellis, MC Tartaglia, J Rowe, R Vandenberghe, E Finger, F Tagliavini, A de Mendonça, I Santana, C Butler, S Ducharme, A Gerhard, A Danek, J Levin, M Otto, G Frisoni, S Cappa, S Sorbi, A Padovani, JD Rohrer, B Borroni, Genetic FTD Initiative, GENFI

In vivo evidence for pre-symptomatic neuroinflammation in a MAPT mutation carrier.

Journal: Ann Clin Transl Neurol
E-pub date: 1 Feb 2019
Authors: WR Bevan-Jones, TE Cope, PS Jones, L Passamonti, YT Hong, T Fryer, R Arnold, JP Coles, FI Aigbirhio, JT O'Brien, JB Rowe

Meta-analytic Evidence for the Plurality of Mechanisms in Transdiagnostic Structural MRI Studies of Hallucination Status.

Journal: EClinicalMedicine
E-pub date: 1 Feb 2019
Authors: CPE Rollins, JR Garrison, JS Simons, JB Rowe, C O'Callaghan, GK Murray, J Suckling

Early microglial activation and peripheral inflammation in dementia with Lewy bodies.

Journal: Brain
E-pub date: 1 Dec 2018
Authors: A Surendranathan, L Su, E Mak, L Passamonti, YT Hong, R Arnold, P Vázquez Rodríguez, WR Bevan-Jones, SAE Brain, TD Fryer, FI Aigbirhio, JB Rowe, JT O'Brien

[18F]AV-1451 binding is increased in frontotemporal dementia due to C9orf72 expansion.

Journal: Ann Clin Transl Neurol
E-pub date: 1 Oct 2018
Authors: RW Bevan-Jones, TE Cope, SP Jones, L Passamonti, YT Hong, T Fryer, R Arnold, JP Coles, FA Aigbirhio, K Patterson, JT O'Brien, JB Rowe

[18F]AV-1451 binding in vivo mirrors the expected distribution of TDP-43 pathology in the semantic variant of primary progressive aphasia.

Journal: J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry
E-pub date: 1 Oct 2018
Authors: WR Bevan-Jones, TE Cope, PS Jones, L Passamonti, YT Hong, TD Fryer, R Arnold, KSJ Allinson, JP Coles, FI Aigbirhio, K Patterson, JT O'Brien, JB Rowe

In vivo coupling of tau pathology and cortical thinning in Alzheimer’s disease.

Journal: Alzheimers Dement (Amst)
E-pub date: 1 Aug 2018
Authors: E Mak, RAI Bethlehem, R Romero-Garcia, S Cervenka, T Rittman, S Gabel, A Surendranathan, RW Bevan-Jones, L Passamonti, P Vázquez Rodríguez, L Su, R Arnold, GB Williams, YT Hong, TD Fryer, FI Aigbirhio, JB Rowe, JT O'Brien

Neurophysiological signatures of Alzheimer’s disease and frontotemporal lobar degeneration: pathology versus phenotype.

Journal: Brain
E-pub date: 1 Aug 2018
Authors: S Sami, N Williams, LE Hughes, TE Cope, T Rittman, ITS Coyle-Gilchrist, RN Henson, JB Rowe

Reorganization of cortical oscillatory dynamics underlying disinhibition in frontotemporal dementia.

Journal: Brain
E-pub date: 1 Aug 2018
Authors: LE Hughes, T Rittman, TW Robbins, JB Rowe

[11C]PK11195 binding in Alzheimer disease and progressive supranuclear palsy.

Journal: Neurology
E-pub date: 29 May 2018
Authors: L Passamonti, PV Rodríguez, YT Hong, KSJ Allinson, WR Bevan-Jones, D Williamson, PS Jones, R Arnold, RJ Borchert, A Surendranathan, E Mak, L Su, TD Fryer, FI Aigbirhio, JT O'Brien, JB Rowe

Monitoring the past and choosing the future: the prefrontal cortical influences on voluntary action.

Journal: Sci Rep
E-pub date: 8 May 2018
Authors: HN Phillips, TE Cope, LE Hughes, J Zhang, JB Rowe

Neurotransmitter deficits from frontotemporal lobar degeneration.

Journal: Brain
E-pub date: 1 May 2018
Authors: AG Murley, JB Rowe

White matter change with apathy and impulsivity in frontotemporal lobar degeneration syndromes.

Journal: Neurology
E-pub date: 20 Mar 2018
Authors: CJ Lansdall, ITS Coyle-Gilchrist, PS Jones, P Vázquez Rodríguez, A Wilcox, E Wehmann, KM Dick, TW Robbins, JB Rowe

Tau burden and the functional connectome in Alzheimer’s disease and progressive supranuclear palsy.

Journal: Brain
E-pub date: 1 Feb 2018
Authors: TE Cope, T Rittman, RJ Borchert, PS Jones, D Vatansever, K Allinson, L Passamonti, P Vazquez Rodriguez, WR Bevan-Jones, JT O'Brien, JB Rowe

An open-label study to assess the feasibility and tolerability of rilmenidine for the treatment of Huntington’s disease.

Journal: J Neurol
E-pub date: 1 Dec 2017
Authors: BR Underwood, ZW Green-Thompson, PJ Pugh, SE Lazic, SL Mason, J Griffin, PS Jones, JB Rowe, DC Rubinsztein, RA Barker

Artificial grammar learning in vascular and progressive non-fluent aphasias.

Journal: Neuropsychologia
E-pub date: 1 Sep 2017
Authors: TE Cope, B Wilson, H Robson, R Drinkall, L Dean, M Grube, PS Jones, K Patterson, TD Griffiths, JB Rowe, CI Petkov

Stability of mild cognitive impairment in newly diagnosed Parkinson’s disease.

Journal: J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry
E-pub date: 31 Aug 2017
Authors: RA Lawson, AJ Yarnall, GW Duncan, DP Breen, TK Khoo, CH Williams-Gray, RA Barker, DJ Burn, ICICLE-PD study group

The role of high-field magnetic resonance imaging in parkinsonian disorders: Pushing the boundaries forward.

Journal: Mov Disord
E-pub date: 1 Apr 2017
Authors: S Lehericy, DE Vaillancourt, K Seppi, O Monchi, I Rektorova, A Antonini, MJ McKeown, M Masellis, D Berg, JB Rowe, SJG Lewis, CH Williams-Gray, A Tessitore, HR Siebner, International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society (IPMDS)-Neuroimaging Study Group

18F-AV-1451 positron emission tomography in Alzheimer’s disease and progressive supranuclear palsy.

Journal: Brain
E-pub date: 1 Mar 2017
Authors: L Passamonti, P Vázquez Rodríguez, YT Hong, KSJ Allinson, D Williamson, RJ Borchert, S Sami, TE Cope, WR Bevan-Jones, PS Jones, R Arnold, A Surendranathan, E Mak, L Su, TD Fryer, FI Aigbirhio, JT O'Brien, JB Rowe

Neuroimaging of Inflammation in Memory and Related Other Disorders (NIMROD) study protocol: a deep phenotyping cohort study of the role of brain inflammation in dementia, depression and other neurological illnesses.

Journal: BMJ Open
E-pub date: 7 Jan 2017
Authors: WR Bevan-Jones, A Surendranathan, L Passamonti, P Vázquez Rodríguez, R Arnold, E Mak, L Su, JP Coles, TD Fryer, YT Hong, G Williams, F Aigbirhio, JB Rowe, JT O'Brien

[18F]AV-1451 PET in behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia due to MAPT mutation.

Journal: Ann Clin Transl Neurol
E-pub date: 1 Dec 2016
Authors: WR Bevan Jones, TE Cope, L Passamonti, TD Fryer, YT Hong, F Aigbirhio, JJ Kril, SL Forrest, K Allinson, JP Coles, P Simon Jones, MG Spillantini, JR Hodges, JT O'Brien, JB Rowe

Managing cognition in progressive supranuclear palsy.

Journal: Neurodegener Dis Manag
E-pub date: 1 Dec 2016
Authors: T Rittman, IT Coyle-Gilchrist, JB Rowe

Regional expression of the MAPT gene is associated with loss of hubs in brain networks and cognitive impairment in Parkinson disease and progressive supranuclear palsy.

Journal: Neurobiol Aging
E-pub date: 1 Dec 2016
Authors: T Rittman, M Rubinov, PE Vértes, AX Patel, CE Ginestet, BCP Ghosh, RA Barker, MG Spillantini, ET Bullmore, JB Rowe

Neuroinflammatory and morphological changes in late-life depression: the NIMROD study.

E-pub date: 1 Dec 2016
Authors: L Su, YO Faluyi, YT Hong, TD Fryer, E Mak, S Gabel, L Hayes, S Soteriades, GB Williams, R Arnold, L Passamonti, PV Rodríguez, A Surendranathan, RW Bevan-Jones, J Coles, F Aigbirhio, JB Rowe, JT O'Brien

Atomoxetine restores the response inhibition network in Parkinson’s disease.

Journal: Brain
E-pub date: 31 Aug 2016
Authors: CL Rae, C Nombela, PV Rodríguez, Z Ye, LE Hughes, PS Jones, T Ham, T Rittman, I Coyle-Gilchrist, R Regenthal, BJ Sahakian, RA Barker, TW Robbins, JB Rowe

Hypothalamic volume loss is associated with reduced melatonin output in Parkinson’s disease.

Journal: Mov Disord
E-pub date: 1 Jul 2016
Authors: DP Breen, C Nombela, R Vuono, PS Jones, K Fisher, DJ Burn, DJ Brooks, AB Reddy, JB Rowe, RA Barker

Atomoxetine Enhances Connectivity of Prefrontal Networks in Parkinson’s Disease.

Journal: Neuropsychopharmacology
E-pub date: 1 Jul 2016
Authors: RJ Borchert, T Rittman, L Passamonti, Z Ye, S Sami, SP Jones, C Nombela, P Vázquez Rodríguez, D Vatansever, CL Rae, LE Hughes, TW Robbins, JB Rowe

Atomoxetine Enhances Connectivity of Prefrontal Networks in Parkinson’s Disease.

Journal: Neuropsychopharmacology
E-pub date: 1 Jul 2016
Authors: RJ Borchert, T Rittman, L Passamonti, Z Ye, S Sami, SP Jones, C Nombela, PV Rodríguez, D Vatansever, CL Rae, LE Hughes, TW Robbins, JB Rowe

Cognitive decline and quality of life in incident Parkinson’s disease: The role of attention.

Journal: Parkinsonism Relat Disord
E-pub date: 1 Jun 2016
Authors: RA Lawson, AJ Yarnall, GW Duncan, DP Breen, TK Khoo, CH Williams-Gray, RA Barker, D Collerton, J-P Taylor, DJ Burn, ICICLE-PD study group

The basal ganglia in cognitive disorders

E-pub date: 1 Jun 2016
Authors: J Rowe, T Rittman

Predicting beneficial effects of atomoxetine and citalopram on response inhibition in Parkinson’s disease with clinical and neuroimaging measures.

Journal: Hum Brain Mapp
E-pub date: 1 Mar 2016
Authors: Z Ye, CL Rae, C Nombela, T Ham, T Rittman, PS Jones, PV Rodríguez, I Coyle-Gilchrist, R Regenthal, E Altena, CR Housden, H Maxwell, BJ Sahakian, RA Barker, TW Robbins, JB Rowe

Improving response inhibition systems in frontotemporal dementia with citalopram.

Journal: Brain
E-pub date: 1 Jul 2015
Authors: LE Hughes, T Rittman, R Regenthal, TW Robbins, JB Rowe

Distinct aspects of frontal lobe structure mediate age-related differences in fluid intelligence and multitasking.

Journal: Nat Commun
E-pub date: 18 Dec 2014
Authors: RA Kievit, SW Davis, DJ Mitchell, JR Taylor, J Duncan, Cam-CAN Research Team, RNA Henson, Cam-CAN Research Team

Validation of the new consensus criteria for the diagnosis of corticobasal degeneration.

Journal: J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry
E-pub date: 31 Aug 2014
Authors: SK Alexander, T Rittman, JH Xuereb, TH Bak, JR Hodges, JB Rowe

Multiple modes of impulsivity in Parkinson’s disease.

Journal: PLoS One
E-pub date: 1 Aug 2014
Authors: C Nombela, T Rittman, TW Robbins, JB Rowe

Direct gaze elicits atypical activation of the theory-of-mind network in autism spectrum conditions.

Journal: Cereb Cortex
E-pub date: 1 Jun 2014
Authors: EAH von dem Hagen, RS Stoyanova, JB Rowe, S Baron-Cohen, AJ Calder

The medial frontal-prefrontal network for altered awareness and control of action in corticobasal syndrome.

Journal: Brain
E-pub date: 1 Jan 2014
Authors: N Wolpe, JW Moore, CL Rae, T Rittman, E Altena, P Haggard, JB Rowe

The Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination for the differential diagnosis and longitudinal assessment of patients with parkinsonian disorders.

Journal: J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry
E-pub date: 1 May 2013
Authors: T Rittman, BC Ghosh, P McColgan, DP Breen, J Evans, CH Williams-Gray, RA Barker, JB Rowe


E-pub date: 1 Mar 2012
Authors: P McColgan, J Evans, DP Breen, SL Mason, B Ghosh, T Rittman, J Rowe, P Nestor, RA Barker, CH Williams-Gray

The val158met COMT polymorphism’s effect on atrophy in healthy aging and Parkinson’s disease.

Journal: Neurobiol Aging
E-pub date: 1 Jun 2010
Authors: JB Rowe, L Hughes, CH Williams-Gray, S Bishop, S Fallon, RA Barker, AM Owen

Parkinson’s disease and dopaminergic therapy–differential effects on movement, reward and cognition.

Journal: Brain
E-pub date: 31 Aug 2008
Authors: JB Rowe, L Hughes, BCP Ghosh, D Eckstein, CH Williams-Gray, S Fallon, RA Barker, AM Owen