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    Dr Zhongzhao Teng

    University Position
    Senior Research Associate
    Dr Zhongzhao Teng is pleased to consider applications from prospective PhD students.


    Atherosclerotic plaques are multi-component structures composed of a lipid core, calcium or haemorrhage enclosed by a fibrous cap, which can be captured by MRI. The rupture of atherosclerotic plaques is responsible for most clinical symptoms of heart attack and stroke. Evidence has shown the correlation between compositional features and plaque vulnerability. Moreover, plaques are subject to mechanical loading due to blood pressure and flow. The rupture possibly occurs if such loading exceeds its material strength. Therefore, critical mechanical conditions should be integrated with compositional features for an accurate vulnerability assessment. We focus on: 1) development of MR sequences 2) mechanical analysis using structure-only, CFD and FSI simulation 3) image processing 4) clinical studies to assess the risk of various compositional features and critical mechanical conditions 5) the pathological impact of stress/stretch concentration at cellular, molecular and genetic levels.

    Imaging based radiomics and haemodynamics analyses

    Key Publications


    Association of Collagen, Elastin, Glycosaminoglycans, and Macrophages With Tissue Ultimate Material Strength and Stretch in Human Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms: A Uniaxial Tension Study.

    Journal: J Biomech Eng
    E-pub date: 1 Oct 2022
    Authors: A Tokgoz, S Wang, P Sastry, C Sun, NL Figg, Y Huang, MR Bennett, S Sinha, JH Gillard, MPF Sutcliffe, Z Teng

    Vessel structural stress mediates aortic media degeneration in bicuspid aortopathy: New insights based on patient-specific fluid-structure interaction analysis.

    Journal: J Biomech
    E-pub date: 2 Dec 2021
    Authors: F Li, S Wang, Q Gao, X Chen, G Yin, C Yu, Y Wang, X Wang, E Qiao, Z Meddings, W Wang, S Zhao, Z Teng

    Early Diastolic Longitudinal Strain Rate at MRI and Outcomes in Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction.

    Journal: Radiology
    E-pub date: 1 Dec 2021
    Authors: J He, W Yang, W Wu, S Li, G Yin, B Zhuang, J Xu, X Sun, D Zhou, B Wei, A Sirajuddin, Z Teng, S Zhao, F Kureshi, M Lu

    Identification of high risk clinical and imaging features for intracranial artery dissection using high-resolution cardiovascular magnetic resonance.

    Journal: J Cardiovasc Magn Reson
    E-pub date: 14 Jun 2021
    Authors: Z Shi, X Tian, B Tian, Z Meddings, X Zhang, J Li, D Saloner, Q Liu, Z Teng, J Lu

    Noninvasive imaging assessment of portal hypertension: where are we now and where does the future lie?

    Journal: Expert Rev Mol Diagn
    E-pub date: 1 Apr 2021
    Authors: S Wan, X Liu, H Jiang, Z Teng, B Song

    Study on the association of wall shear stress and vessel structural stress with atherosclerosis: An experimental animal study.

    Journal: Atherosclerosis
    E-pub date: 1 Mar 2021
    Authors: Z Teng, S Wang, A Tokgoz, V Taviani, J Bird, U Sadat, Y Huang, AJ Patterson, N Figg, MJ Graves, JH Gillard

    Common pitfalls and recommendations for using machine learning to detect and prognosticate for COVID-19 using chest radiographs and CT scans

    Journal: Nature Machine Intelligence
    E-pub date: 1 Mar 2021
    Authors: M Roberts, D Driggs, M Thorpe, J Gilbey, M Yeung, S Ursprung, AI Aviles-Rivero, C Etmann, C McCague, L Beer, JR Weir-McCall, Z Teng, E Gkrania-Klotsas, A Ruggiero, A Korhonen, E Jefferson, E Ako, G Langs, G Gozaliasl, G Yang, H Prosch, J Preller, J Stanczuk, J Tang, J Hofmanninger, J Babar, LE Sánchez, M Thillai, PM Gonzalez, P Teare, X Zhu, M Patel, C Cafolla, H Azadbakht, J Jacob, J Lowe, K Zhang, K Bradley, M Wassin, M Holzer, K Ji, MD Ortet, T Ai, N Walton, P Lio, S Stranks, T Shadbahr, W Lin, Y Zha, Z Niu, JHF Rudd, E Sala, CB Schönlieb

    The Prognostic Value of Myocardial Injury in COVID-19 Patients and Associated Characteristics.

    Journal: Res Sq
    E-pub date: 19 Feb 2021
    Authors: J He, B Zhang, Q Zhou, W Yang, J Xu, T Liu, H Zhang, Z Wu, D Li, Q Zhou, J Yan, C Zhang, RG Weiss, G Liu, Z Teng, A Sirajuddin, H Qian, S Zhao, AE Arai, M Lu, X Zhou

    Cascaded residual U-net for fully automatic segmentation of 3D carotid artery in high-resolution multi-contrast MR images.

    Journal: Phys Med Biol
    E-pub date: 12 Feb 2021
    Authors: C Zhu, X Wang, Z Teng, S Chen, X Huang, M Xia, L Mao, C Bai

    A Bayesian Updating Scheme for Pandemics: Estimating the Infection Dynamics of COVID-19

    Journal: IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine
    E-pub date: 1 Nov 2020
    Authors: S Wang, X Yang, L Li, P Nadler, R Arcucci, Y Huang, Z Teng, Y Guo

    The role of imaging in 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19).

    Journal: Eur Radiol
    E-pub date: 1 Sep 2020
    Authors: W Yang, A Sirajuddin, X Zhang, G Liu, Z Teng, S Zhao, M Lu

    Greater aortic inflammation and calcification in abdominal aortic aneurysmal disease than atherosclerosis: a prospective matched cohort study.

    Journal: Open Heart
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2020
    Authors: NV Joshi, M Elkhawad, RO Forsythe, OMB McBride, NK Rajani, JM Tarkin, MM Chowdhury, E Donoghue, JMJ Robson, JR Boyle, TD Fryer, Y Huang, Z Teng, MR Dweck, AA Tawakol, JH Gillard, PA Coughlin, IB Wilkinson, DE Newby, JHF Rudd

    Quantitative Histogram Analysis on Intracranial Atherosclerotic Plaques: A High-Resolution Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study.

    Journal: Stroke
    E-pub date: 1 Jul 2020
    Authors: Z Shi, J Li, M Zhao, W Peng, Z Meddings, T Jiang, Q Liu, Z Teng, J Lu

    Heterogeneity of Plaque Structural Stress Is Increased in Plaques Leading to MACE: Insights From the PROSPECT Study.

    Journal: JACC Cardiovasc Imaging
    E-pub date: 1 May 2020
    Authors: C Costopoulos, A Maehara, Y Huang, AJ Brown, JH Gillard, Z Teng, GW Stone, MR Bennett

    The role of porosity and 3D cross-stent configuration of multiple overlapping uncovered stents in the management of complex aortic aneurysms – insights from haemodynamics

    Journal: Medicine in Novel Technology and Devices
    E-pub date: 1 Dec 2019
    Authors: S Wang, Y Zhang, J Feng, Y Huang, P Hui, JH Gillard, Q Lu, Z Teng

    Bayesian Inference-Based Estimation of Normal Aortic, Aneurysmal and Atherosclerotic Tissue Mechanical Properties: From Material Testing, Modeling and Histology.

    Journal: IEEE Trans Biomed Eng
    E-pub date: 31 Aug 2019
    Authors: S Wang, A Tokgoz, Y Huang, Y Zhang, J Feng, P Sastry, C Sun, N Figg, Q Lu, MPF Sutcliffe, Z Teng, JH Gillard

    MARK4 (Microtubule Affinity-Regulating Kinase 4)-Dependent Inflammasome Activation Promotes Atherosclerosis-Brief Report.

    Journal: Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol
    E-pub date: 31 Aug 2019
    Authors: M Clement, X Chen, HL Chenoweth, Z Teng, S Thome, SA Newland, J Harrison, X Yu, AJ Finigan, Z Mallat, X Li

    Impact of combined plaque structural stress and wall shear stress on coronary plaque progression, regression, and changes in composition.

    Journal: Eur Heart J
    E-pub date: 7 May 2019
    Authors: C Costopoulos, LH Timmins, Y Huang, OY Hung, DS Molony, AJ Brown, EL Davis, Z Teng, JH Gillard, H Samady, MR Bennett

    Automatic segmentation of MR depicted carotid arterial boundary based on local priors and constrained global optimisation

    Journal: IET Image Processing
    E-pub date: 28 Feb 2019
    Authors: J Zhang, Z Teng, Q Guan, J He, W Abutaleb, AJ Patterson, MJ Graves, J Gillard, S Chen

    Superficial and multiple calcifications and ulceration associate with intraplaque hemorrhage in the carotid atherosclerotic plaque.

    Journal: Eur Radiol
    E-pub date: 1 Dec 2018
    Authors: J Yang, X Pan, B Zhang, Y Yan, Y Huang, AK Woolf, JH Gillard, Z Teng, P Hui

    Clinical Significance of Intraplaque Hemorrhage in Low- and High-Grade Basilar Artery Stenosis on High-Resolution MRI.

    Journal: AJNR Am J Neuroradiol
    E-pub date: 1 Jul 2018
    Authors: C Zhu, X Tian, AJ Degnan, Z Shi, X Zhang, L Chen, Z Teng, D Saloner, J Lu, Q Liu

    Neural network fusion: a novel CT-MR Aortic Aneurysm image segmentation method.

    Journal: Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng
    E-pub date: 2 Mar 2018
    Authors: D Wang, R Zhang, J Zhu, Z Teng, Y Huang, F Spiga, M Hong-Fei Du, JH Gillard, Q Lu, P Liò

    Relationship between carotid plaque surface morphology and perfusion: a 3D DCE-MRI study.

    Journal: MAGMA
    E-pub date: 1 Feb 2018
    Authors: J Yuan, G Makris, A Patterson, A Usman, T Das, A Priest, Z Teng, S Hilborne, D Prudencio, J Gillard, M Graves

    Plaque Rupture in Coronary Atherosclerosis Is Associated With Increased Plaque Structural Stress.

    Journal: JACC Cardiovasc Imaging
    E-pub date: 1 Dec 2017
    Authors: C Costopoulos, Y Huang, AJ Brown, PA Calvert, SP Hoole, NEJ West, JH Gillard, Z Teng, MR Bennett

    Stiffness Properties of Adventitia, Media, and Full Thickness Human Atherosclerotic Carotid Arteries in the Axial and Circumferential Directions.

    Journal: J Biomech Eng
    E-pub date: 1 Dec 2017
    Authors: AH Hoffman, Z Teng, J Zheng, Z Wu, PK Woodard, KL Billiar, L Wang, D Tang

    Identification and Quantitative Assessment of Different Components of Intracranial Atherosclerotic Plaque by Ex Vivo 3T High-Resolution Multicontrast MRI.

    Journal: AJNR Am J Neuroradiol
    E-pub date: 1 Sep 2017
    Authors: Y Jiang, W Peng, B Tian, C Zhu, L Chen, X Wang, Q Liu, Y Wang, Z Xiang, AJ Degnan, Z Teng, D Saloner, J Lu

    Carotid Intraplaque Hemorrhage: A Biomarker for Subsequent Ischemic Cerebrovascular Event?

    Journal: Cerebrovasc Dis
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2017
    Authors: Z Teng, AJ Brown, JH Gillard

    Influence of overlapping pattern of multiple overlapping uncovered stents on the local mechanical environment: A patient-specific parameter study.

    Journal: J Biomech
    E-pub date: 26 Jul 2017
    Authors: S Wang, Y Zhang, J Feng, Y Huang, A Tokgoz, U Sadat, JH Gillard, Q Lu, Z Teng

    Impact of Fiber Structure on the Material Stability and Rupture Mechanisms of Coronary Atherosclerotic Plaques.

    Journal: Ann Biomed Eng
    E-pub date: 1 Jun 2017
    Authors: GR Douglas, AJ Brown, JH Gillard, MR Bennett, MPF Sutcliffe, Z Teng

    Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Based Assessment of Carotid Atheroma: a Comparative Study of Patients with and without Coronary Artery Disease.

    Journal: J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis
    E-pub date: 1 Feb 2017
    Authors: A Usman, U Sadat, Z Teng, MJ Graves, JR Boyle, K Varty, PD Hayes, JH Gillard

    Cap inflammation leads to higher plaque cap strain and lower cap stress: An MRI-PET/CT-based FSI modeling approach.

    Journal: J Biomech
    E-pub date: 4 Jan 2017
    Authors: D Tang, C Yang, S Huang, V Mani, J Zheng, PK Woodard, P Robson, Z Teng, M Dweck, ZA Fayad

    High Structural Stress and Presence of Intraluminal Thrombus Predict Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm 18F-FDG Uptake: Insights From Biomechanics.

    Journal: Circ Cardiovasc Imaging
    E-pub date: 1 Nov 2016
    Authors: Y Huang, Z Teng, M Elkhawad, JM Tarkin, N Joshi, JR Boyle, JR Buscombe, TD Fryer, Y Zhang, AY Park, IB Wilkinson, DE Newby, JH Gillard, JHF Rudd

    TCT-598 Plaque rupture in coronary atherosclerosis is associated with increased plaque structural stress.

    Journal: J Am Coll Cardiol
    E-pub date: 1 Nov 2016
    Authors: C Costopoulos, Y Huang, A Brown, P Calvert, S Hoole, N West, J Gillard, Z Teng, M Bennett

    Protective or destructive: High wall shear stress and atherosclerosis.

    Journal: Atherosclerosis
    E-pub date: 31 Aug 2016
    Authors: P Eshtehardi, Z Teng

    Gadolinium Enhancement in Intracranial Atherosclerotic Plaque and Ischemic Stroke: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.

    Journal: J Am Heart Assoc
    E-pub date: 15 Aug 2016
    Authors: A Gupta, H Baradaran, K Al-Dasuqi, A Knight-Greenfield, AE Giambrone, D Delgado, D Wright, Z Teng, JK Min, BB Navi, C Iadecola, H Kamel

    An assessment on the incremental value of high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging to identify culprit plaques in atherosclerotic disease of the middle cerebral artery.

    Journal: Eur Radiol
    E-pub date: 1 Jul 2016
    Authors: Z Teng, W Peng, Q Zhan, X Zhang, Q Liu, S Chen, X Tian, L Chen, AJ Brown, MJ Graves, JH Gillard, J Lu

    Local blood pressure associates with the degree of luminal stenosis in patients with atherosclerotic disease in the middle cerebral artery.

    Journal: Biomed Eng Online
    E-pub date: 27 Jun 2016
    Authors: Y Jiang, W Peng, Z Teng, JH Gillard, B Hong, Q Liu, J Lu

    Plaque Structural Stress Estimations Improve Prediction of Future Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events After Intracoronary Imaging.

    Journal: Circ Cardiovasc Imaging
    E-pub date: 1 Jun 2016
    Authors: AJ Brown, Z Teng, PA Calvert, NK Rajani, O Hennessy, N Nerlekar, DR Obaid, C Costopoulos, Y Huang, SP Hoole, M Goddard, NEJ West, JH Gillard, MR Bennett

    Ex-vivo imaging and plaque type classification of intracranial atherosclerotic plaque using high resolution MRI.

    Journal: Atherosclerosis
    E-pub date: 1 Jun 2016
    Authors: Y Jiang, C Zhu, W Peng, AJ Degnan, L Chen, X Wang, Q Liu, Y Wang, Z Xiang, Z Teng, D Saloner, J Lu

    Role of biomechanical forces in the natural history of coronary atherosclerosis.

    Journal: Nat Rev Cardiol
    E-pub date: 1 Apr 2016
    Authors: AJ Brown, Z Teng, PC Evans, JH Gillard, H Samady, MR Bennett

    MRI-based biomechanical parameters for carotid artery plaque vulnerability assessment.

    Journal: Thromb Haemost
    E-pub date: 1 Mar 2016
    Authors: L Speelman, Z Teng, AJ Nederveen, A van der Lugt, JH Gillard

    Intravascular ultrasound and optical coherence tomography imaging of coronary atherosclerosis.

    Journal: Int J Cardiovasc Imaging
    E-pub date: 1 Jan 2016
    Authors: C Costopoulos, AJ Brown, Z Teng, SP Hoole, NEJ West, H Samady, MR Bennett

    A summary of results in modeling plaque formation and development, cochlea mechanics and vestibular disorders

    Journal: Journal of the Serbian Society for Computational Mechanics
    E-pub date: 1 Jan 2016
    Authors: N Filipovic, M Radovic, V Isailovic, Z Milosevic, D Nikolic, I Saveljic, M Nikolic, T Djukic, B Andjelkovic-Cirkovic, T Exarchos, N Meunier, Z Teng, D Fotiadis, F Böhnke, O Parodi

    Endovascular repair by customized branched stent-graft: A promising treatment for chronic aortic dissection involving the arch branches.

    Journal: J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg
    E-pub date: 1 Dec 2015
    Authors: Q Lu, J Feng, J Zhou, Z Zhao, H Li, Z Teng, Z Jing

    A uni-extension study on the ultimate material strength and extreme extensibility of atherosclerotic tissue in human carotid plaques.

    Journal: J Biomech
    E-pub date: 5 Nov 2015
    Authors: Z Teng, J Feng, Y Zhang, MPF Sutcliffe, Y Huang, AJ Brown, Z Jing, Q Lu, JH Gillard

    Layer- and Direction-Specific Material Properties, Extreme Extensibility and Ultimate Material Strength of Human Abdominal Aorta and Aneurysm: A Uniaxial Extension Study.

    Journal: Ann Biomed Eng
    E-pub date: 1 Nov 2015
    Authors: Z Teng, J Feng, Y Zhang, Y Huang, MPF Sutcliffe, AJ Brown, Z Jing, JH Gillard, Q Lu

    Direct Comparison of Virtual-Histology Intravascular Ultrasound and Optical Coherence Tomography Imaging for Identification of Thin-Cap Fibroatheroma.

    Journal: Circ Cardiovasc Imaging
    E-pub date: 1 Oct 2015
    Authors: AJ Brown, DR Obaid, C Costopoulos, RA Parker, PA Calvert, Z Teng, SP Hoole, NEJ West, M Goddard, MR Bennett

    Error propagation in the characterization of atheromatic plaque types based on imaging.

    Journal: Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine
    E-pub date: 1 Oct 2015
    Authors: LS Athanasiou, G Rigas, A Sakellarios, CV Bourantas, K Stefanou, E Fotiou, TP Exarchos, P Siogkas, KK Naka, O Parodi, F Vozzi, Z Teng, VEL Young, JH Gillard, F Prati, LK Michalis, DI Fotiadis

    Advances in MRI for the evaluation of carotid atherosclerosis.

    Journal: Br J Radiol
    E-pub date: 31 Aug 2015
    Authors: GC Makris, Z Teng, AJ Patterson, J-M Lin, V Young, MJ Graves, JH Gillard

    Influence of material property variability on the mechanical behaviour of carotid atherosclerotic plaques: a 3D fluid-structure interaction analysis.

    Journal: Int J Numer Method Biomed Eng
    E-pub date: 31 Aug 2015
    Authors: J Yuan, Z Teng, J Feng, Y Zhang, AJ Brown, JH Gillard, Z Jing, Q Lu

    Scan-Rescan Reproducibility of High Resolution Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Atherosclerotic Plaque in the Middle Cerebral Artery.

    Journal: PLoS One
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2015
    Authors: X Zhang, C Zhu, W Peng, B Tian, L Chen, Z Teng, J Lu, U Sadat, D Saloner, Q Liu

    Management of complicated aortic aneurysms using multiple overlapping uncovered stents: mid-term outcome from a cohort study.

    Journal: Medicine (Baltimore)
    E-pub date: 1 Dec 2014
    Authors: Y Zhang, Z Teng, Q Lu, Z Zhao, J Bao, X Feng, R Feng, Z Chen, Y Huang, U Sadat, JH Gillard, Z Jing

    Material properties of components in human carotid atherosclerotic plaques: a uniaxial extension study.

    Journal: Acta Biomater
    E-pub date: 1 Dec 2014
    Authors: Z Teng, Y Zhang, Y Huang, J Feng, J Yuan, Q Lu, MPF Sutcliffe, AJ Brown, Z Jing, JH Gillard


    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2014
    Authors: AJ Brown, Z Teng, P Calvert, Y Huang, DR Obaid, S Hoole, N West, JH Gillard, M Bennett

    A pilot study exploring the mechanisms involved in the longitudinal propagation of acute aortic dissection through computational fluid dynamic analysis.

    Journal: Cardiology
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2014
    Authors: Y Zhang, Q Lu, J Feng, P Yu, S Zhang, Z Teng, JH Gillard, R Song, Z Jing

    Compounding local invariant features and global deformable geometry for medical image registration.

    Journal: PLoS One
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2014
    Authors: J Zhang, L Chen, X Wang, Z Teng, AJ Brown, JH Gillard, Q Guan, S Chen

    3D high-resolution contrast enhanced MRI of carotid atheroma – a technical update

    Journal: Magn Reson Imaging
    E-pub date: 1 Jun 2014
    Authors: C Zhu, U Sadat, AJ Patterson, Z Teng, JH Gillard, MJ Graves

    Coronary plaque structural stress is associated with plaque composition and subtype and higher in acute coronary syndrome: the BEACON I (Biomechanical Evaluation of Atheromatous Coronary Arteries) study.

    Journal: Circ Cardiovasc Imaging
    E-pub date: 1 May 2014
    Authors: Z Teng, AJ Brown, PA Calvert, RA Parker, DR Obaid, Y Huang, SP Hoole, NEJ West, JH Gillard, MR Bennett

    Plaque hemorrhage in carotid artery disease: Pathogenesis, clinical and biomechanical considerations

    Journal: J Biomech
    E-pub date: 3 Mar 2014
    Authors: Z Teng, U Sadat, AJ Brown, JH Gillard

    How does juxtaluminal calcium affect critical mechanical conditions in carotid atherosclerotic plaque? An exploratory study.

    Journal: IEEE Trans Biomed Eng
    E-pub date: 1 Jan 2014
    Authors: Zhongzhao Teng, Jing He, U Sadat, JR Mercer, Xiaoyan Wang, NS Bahaei, OM Thomas, JH Gillard

    Intraplaque stretch in carotid atherosclerotic plaque–an effective biomechanical predictor for subsequent cerebrovascular ischemic events.

    Journal: PLoS One
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2013
    Authors: Z Teng, U Sadat, W Wang, NS Bahaei, S Chen, VE Young, MJ Graves, JH Gillard

    Higher-risk plaque features are associated with increased structural stresses in patients that present with an acute coronary syndrome

    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2013
    Authors: AJ Brown, Z Teng, PA Calvert, Y Huang, DR Obaid, NE West, JH Gillard, MR Bennett

    In vivo MRI-based simulation of fatigue process: a possible trigger for human carotid atherosclerotic plaque rupture.

    Journal: Biomed Eng Online
    E-pub date: 23 Apr 2013
    Authors: Y Huang, Z Teng, U Sadat, J He, MJ Graves, JH Gillard

    Modeling and correlation of plaque size with histological and blood analysis data for animal rabbit experiments

    Journal: ECCOMAS Special Interest Conference - SEECCM 2013: 3rd South-East European Conference on Computational Mechanics, Proceedings - An IACM Special Interest Conference
    E-pub date: 1 Jan 2013
    Authors: M Radovic, Z Milosevic, D Nikolic, I Saveljic, M Obradovic, D Petrovic, N Zdravkovic, Z Teng, J Bird, N Filipovic

    Microcalcification acts as a stress and stretch amplifier in the coronary atherosclerotic plaque affecting its vulnerability – An ivus-based finite element study

    Journal: ASME 2012 Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC 2012
    E-pub date: 1 Dec 2012
    Authors: Y Huang, W Wang, Z Teng, DR Obaid, J He, PA Calvert, MR Bennett, JH Gillard

    MR angiography and imaging for the evaluation of middle cerebral artery atherosclerotic disease.

    Journal: AJNR Am J Neuroradiol
    E-pub date: 1 Sep 2012
    Authors: AJ Degnan, G Gallagher, Z Teng, J Lu, Q Liu, JH Gillard

    Critical mechanical conditions around neovessels in carotid atherosclerotic plaque may promote intraplaque hemorrhage

    Journal: Atherosclerosis
    E-pub date: 31 Aug 2012
    Authors: Z Teng, J He, AJ Degnan, S Chen, U Sadat, NS Bahaei, JHF Rudd, JH Gillard

    Anisotropic material behaviours of soft tissues in human trachea: an experimental study.

    Journal: J Biomech
    E-pub date: 1 Jun 2012
    Authors: Z Teng, O Trabelsi, I Ochoa, J He, JH Gillard, M Doblare

    Stress-strain profile of carotid plaque with and without juxtaluminal hemorrhage/thrombus: A possible mechanism for subsequent cerebrovascular events

    Journal: ASME 2011 Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC 2011
    E-pub date: 1 Dec 2011
    Authors: Z Teng, U Sadat, JH Gillard

    Characterization of healing following atherosclerotic carotid plaque rupture in acutely symptomatic patients: an exploratory study using in vivo cardiovascular magnetic resonance.

    Journal: J Cardiovasc Magn Reson
    E-pub date: 27 Oct 2011
    Authors: Z Teng, AJ Degnan, U Sadat, F Wang, VE Young, MJ Graves, S Chen, JH Gillard

    Non-uniform shrinkage for obtaining computational start shape for in-vivo MRI-based plaque vulnerability assessment.

    Journal: J Biomech
    E-pub date: 11 Aug 2011
    Authors: Y Huang, Z Teng, U Sadat, S Hilborne, VE Young, MJ Graves, JH Gillard

    Impact of plaque haemorrhage and its age on structural stresses in atherosclerotic plaques of patients with carotid artery disease: an MR imaging-based finite element simulation study.

    Journal: International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging
    E-pub date: 1 Mar 2011
    Authors: U Sadat, Z Teng, VE Young, C Zhu, TY Tang, MJ Graves, JH Gillard

    Lumen irregularity dominates the relationship between mechanical stress condition, fibrous-cap thickness, and lumen curvature in carotid atherosclerotic plaque.

    Journal: Journal of Biomechanical Engineering
    E-pub date: 4 Feb 2011
    Authors: Z Teng, U Sadat, G Ji, C Zhu, VE Young, MJ Graves, JH Gillard

    Ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of abdominal aortic aneurysms–a feasibility study.

    Journal: Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg
    E-pub date: 1 Feb 2011
    Authors: U Sadat, V Taviani, AJ Patterson, VE Young, MJ Graves, Z Teng, TY Tang, JH Gillard

    Multi-scale segmentation of carotid artery wall in MRI images

    Journal: 2nd International Conference on Information Science and Engineering, ICISE2010 - Proceedings
    E-pub date: 1 Dec 2010
    Authors: W Fang, G Qiu, SY Chen, T Zhongzhao, U Sadat, J Gillard

    Predicting human carotid plaque site of rupture using 3D critical plaque wall stress and flow shear stress: A 3D multi-patient FSI study based on in VIVO MRI of plaques with and without prior rupture

    Journal: ASME 2010 Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC 2010
    E-pub date: 1 Dec 2010
    Authors: Z Teng, G Canton, C Yuan, M Ferguson, C Yang, X Huang, J Zheng, PK Woodard, D Tang

    Stress analysis of carotid plaque based on in vivo MRI of acute symptomatic and asymptomatic patients

    Journal: IFMBE Proceedings
    E-pub date: 22 Oct 2010
    Authors: ZY Li, C Zhu, Z Teng, JH Gillard

    Biomechanical structural stresses of atherosclerotic plaques.

    Journal: Expert Rev Cardiovasc Ther
    E-pub date: 1 Oct 2010
    Authors: U Sadat, Z Teng, JH Gillard

    3D critical plaque wall stress is a better predictor of carotid plaque rupture sites than flow shear stress: An in vivo MRI-based 3D FSI study.

    Journal: J Biomech Eng
    E-pub date: 1 Mar 2010
    Authors: Z Teng, G Canton, C Yuan, M Ferguson, C Yang, X Huang, J Zheng, PK Woodard, D Tang

    Association between biomechanical structural stresses of atherosclerotic carotid plaques and subsequent ischaemic cerebrovascular events–a longitudinal in vivo magnetic resonance imaging-based finite element study.

    Journal: European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
    E-pub date: 1 Jan 2010
    Authors: U Sadat, Z Teng, VE Young, SR Walsh, ZY Li, MJ Graves, K Varty, JH Gillard

    Atherosclerotic carotid plaques with prior rupture are associated with higher structural stresseS: In vivo MRI-based 3D FSI studies

    Journal: Proceedings of the ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference 2009, SBC2009
    E-pub date: 1 Dec 2009
    Authors: Z Teng, JD Petruccelli, X Huang, C Yang, Z Liao, C Yuan, T Hatsukami, G Canton, M Ferguson, J Zheng, PK Woodard, D Tang

    Ultimate strength of the adventitia and media of human atherosclerotic carotid arteries in the axial and circumferential directions

    Journal: Proceedings of the ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference 2009, SBC2009
    E-pub date: 1 Dec 2009
    Authors: Z Teng, AH Hoffman, J Zheng, PK Woodard, D Tang

    Stiffness comparisons between adventitia, media and full thickness specimens from human atherosclerotic carotid arteries

    Journal: Proceedings of the ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference 2009, SBC2009
    E-pub date: 1 Dec 2009
    Authors: AH Hoffman, Z Teng, C Mui, J Zheng, PK Woodard, D Tang

    Study on tracheal collapsibility, compliance, and stress by considering nonlinear mechanical property of cartilage.

    Journal: Ann Biomed Eng
    E-pub date: 1 Nov 2009
    Authors: Z Teng, I Ochoa, Z Li, Z Liao, Y Lin, M Doblare

    In vivo IVUS-based 3-D fluid-structure interaction models with cyclic bending and anisotropic vessel properties for human atherosclerotic coronary plaque mechanical analysis.

    Journal: IEEE Trans Biomed Eng
    E-pub date: 1 Oct 2009
    Authors: C Yang, RG Bach, J Zheng, IE Naqa, PK Woodard, Z Teng, K Billiar, D Tang

    Sites of rupture in human atherosclerotic carotid plaques are associated with high structural stresses: an in vivo MRI-based 3D fluid-structure interaction study.

    Journal: Stroke
    E-pub date: 1 Oct 2009
    Authors: D Tang, Z Teng, G Canton, C Yang, M Ferguson, X Huang, J Zheng, PK Woodard, C Yuan

    3D MRI-based anisotropic FSI models with cyclic bending for human coronary atherosclerotic plaque mechanical analysis.

    Journal: J Biomech Eng
    E-pub date: 1 Jun 2009
    Authors: D Tang, C Yang, S Kobayashi, J Zheng, PK Woodard, Z Teng, K Billiar, R Bach, DN Ku

    Study of tracheal collapsibility, compliance and stress by considering its asymmetric geometry.

    Journal: Med Eng Phys
    E-pub date: 1 Apr 2009
    Authors: Z Teng, I Ochoa, Z Li, M Doblare

    Computational plaque vulnerability index for atherosclerotic carotid plaque assessment based on in vivo MR-image

    Journal: ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings
    E-pub date: 1 Jan 2009
    Authors: Z Teng, X Huang, C Yuan, G Canton, F Liu, M Ferguson, TS Hatsukami, D Tang

    3D in vivo ivus-based anisotropic fsi models with cyclic bending for human coronary atherosclerotic plaque mechanical analysis

    Journal: Proceedings of the ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference 2009, SBC2009
    E-pub date: 1 Jan 2009
    Authors: D Tang, C Yang, J Zheng, PK Woodard, K Billiar, Z Teng, R Bach

    Human carotid atherosclerotic plaque growth function and progression simulation using meshless GFD and statistical methods based on multi-year in vivo MRI

    Journal: ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings
    E-pub date: 1 Jan 2009
    Authors: C Yang, JD Petruccelli, Z Teng, C Yuan, G Canton, F Liu, TS Hatsukami, D Tang

    Tracheal compliance and limit flow rate changes in a murine model of asthma.

    Journal: Sci China C Life Sci
    E-pub date: 1 Oct 2008
    Authors: Z Teng, Y Wang, F Li, H Yan, Z Liu

    Nonlinear mechanical property of tracheal cartilage: a theoretical and experimental study.

    Journal: J Biomech
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2008
    Authors: Z Teng, I Ochoa, Z Li, Y Lin, JF Rodriguez, JA Bea, M Doblare

    Theoretical and experimental studies on the nonlinear mechanical property of tracheal cartilage

    Journal: Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2007
    Authors: Z Teng, I Ochoa, JA Bea, M Doblare

    Does PGA external stenting reduce compliance mismatch in venous grafts?

    Journal: Biomed Eng Online
    E-pub date: 16 Apr 2007
    Authors: Z-Z Teng, G-Y Ji, H-J Chu, Z-Y Li, L-J Zou, Z-Y Xu, S-D Huang

    Effect of hyperlipemia on endothelial function and histomorphology of venous conduit in rabbits before grafting

    Journal: Academic Journal of Second Military Medical University
    E-pub date: 1 Jan 2007
    Authors: HJ Chu, WW Yu, GY Ji, LJ Zou, ZY Xu, ZZ Teng

    Study on cartilaginous and muscular strains of rat trachea.

    Journal: Sci China C Life Sci
    E-pub date: 1 Dec 2004
    Authors: Z Teng, Z Liu, Y Lin, Y Wang, F Li, K Gong

    Opening angles and residual strains in normal rat trachea.

    Journal: Sci China C Life Sci
    E-pub date: 1 Apr 2002
    Authors: Z Liu, Y Wang, Z Teng, G Xu, W Tang