Pybrain workshop: The python for brain imaging online workshop series
Dr Johan Carlin, MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit
The python for brain imaging (pybrain) workshop series is for practicing neuroimagers who want to learn more about how to work with data in Python. We assume no previous Python background, and provide a comprehensive hands-on introduction to state of the art libraries for experiment building, statistical modelling, machine learning, and multimodal neuroimaging analysis.
The workshops are hosted by the MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit at the University of Cambridge.
Workshop 1: Introductory python, basic data analysis, experiment coding
Edwin Dalmaijer, MRC CBU
Workshop 2: MRI analysis in Python using Nipype, Nilearn and more
Michael Notter, Lausanne, and Peer Herholz, MNI
Workshop 3: M/EEG analysis with MNE Python
Richard Höchenberger, INRIA
Workshop 4: Diffusion MRI with DIPY
Rafael Henriques, Champalimaud
For more information, please see
For more details, please email Johan Carlin (