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    Richard Bethlehem

    University Position
    Assistant Professor
    Dr Richard Bethlehem is pleased to consider applications from prospective PhD students.


    I am an assistant professor of neuroinfomatics and director of neuroimaging at the autism research centre. My work focuses on understanding lifespan changes in brain development and ageing from big data neuroimaging. In addition, my group develops tools to integrate large scale neuroimaging data with genetics and transcriptomics in an effort to better understand the biological mechanisms driving brain maturation. I collaborate closely with the BCG and Gandal labs at UPENN, the MICA lab at the MNI and the Cognitive Neurogenetics group at the MPI.

    Key Publications

    Cortical gene expression architecture links healthy neurodevelopment to the imaging, transcriptomics and genetics of autism and schizophrenia.

    Journal: Nat Neurosci
    E-pub date: 1 Jun 2024
    Authors: R Dear, K Wagstyl, J Seidlitz, RD Markello, A Arnatkevičiūtė, KM Anderson, RAI Bethlehem, Lifespan Brain Chart Consortium, A Raznahan, ET Bullmore, PE Vértes

    Genetic insights into human cortical organization and development through genome-wide analyses of 2,347 neuroimaging phenotypes.

    Journal: Nat Genet
    E-pub date: 1 Sep 2023
    Authors: V Warrier, E-M Stauffer, QQ Huang, EM Wigdor, EAW Slob, J Seidlitz, L Ronan, SL Valk, TT Mallard, AD Grotzinger, R Romero-Garcia, S Baron-Cohen, DH Geschwind, MA Lancaster, GK Murray, MJ Gandal, A Alexander-Bloch, H Won, HC Martin, ET Bullmore, RAI Bethlehem

    Identifying healthy individuals with Alzheimer’s disease neuroimaging phenotypes in the UK Biobank.

    Journal: Commun Med (Lond)
    E-pub date: 20 Jul 2023
    Authors: T Azevedo, RAI Bethlehem, DJ Whiteside, N Swaddiwudhipong, JB Rowe, P Lió, T Rittman, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative

    Three components of human brain gene expression reflect normative developmental programmes with specific links to neurodevelopmental disorders

    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2022
    Authors: R Dear, K Wagstyl, J Seidlitz, R Markello, A Arnatkevičiūtė, K Anderson, RAI Bethlehem, A Raznahan, E Bullmore, P Vértes, Lifespan Brain Chart Consortium

    Sexually divergent development of depression-related brain networks during healthy human adolescence.

    Journal: Sci Adv
    E-pub date: 27 May 2022
    Authors: L Dorfschmidt, RA Bethlehem, J Seidlitz, F Váša, SR White, R Romero-García, MG Kitzbichler, AR Aruldass, SE Morgan, IM Goodyer, P Fonagy, PB Jones, RJ Dolan, NSPN Consortium, NA Harrison, PE Vértes, ET Bullmore

    Brain charts for the human lifespan

    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2021
    Authors: RAI Bethlehem, J Seidlitz, SR White, JW Vogel, KM Anderson, C Adamson, S Adler, GS Alexopoulos, E Anagnostou, A Areces-Gonzalez, DE Astle, B Auyeung, M Ayub, G Ball, S Baron-Cohen, R Beare, SA Bedford, V Benegal, F Beyer, J Bin Bae, J Blangero, M Blesa Cábez, JP Boardman, M Borzage, JF Bosch-Bayard, N Bourke, VD Calhoun, MM Chakravarty, C Chen, C Chertavian, G Chetelat, YS Chong, JH Cole, A Corvin, M Costantino, E Courchesne, F Crivello, VL Cropley, J Crosbie, N Crossley, M Delarue, R Delorme, S Desrivieres, G Devenyi, MA Di Biase, R Dolan, KA Donald, G Donohoe, K Dunlop, AD Edwards, JT Elison, CT Ellis, JA Elman, L Eyler, DA Fair, E Feczko, PC Fletcher, P Fonagy, CE Franz, L Galan-Garcia, A Gholipour, J Giedd, JH Gilmore, DC Glahn, I Goodyer, PE Grant, NA Groenewold, FM Gunning, RE Gur, RC Gur, CF Hammill, O Hansson, T Hedden, A Heinz, RN Henson, K Heuer, J Hoare, B Holla, AJ Holmes, R Holt, H Huang, K Im, J Ipser, CR Jack, AP Jackowski, T Jia, KA Johnson, PB Jones, DT Jones, R Kahn, H Karlsson, L Karlsson, R Kawashima, EA Kelley, S Kern, K Kim, MG Kitzbichler, WS Kremen, F Lalonde, B Landeau, S Lee, J Lerch, JD Lewis, J Li, W Liao, C Liston, MV Lombardo, J Lv, C Lynch, TT Mallard, M Marcelis, RD Markello, SR Mathias, B Mazoyer, P McGuire, MJ Meaney, A Mechelli, N Medic, B Misic, SE Morgan, D Mothersill, J Nigg, MQW Ong, C Ortinau, C Ortinau, R Ossenkoppele, M Ouyang, L Palaniyappan, L Paly, PM Pan, C Pantelis, MM Park, T Paus, Z Pausova, D Paz-Linares, A Pichet Binette, K Pierce, X Qian, J Qiu, A Qiu, A Raznahan, T Rittman, A Rodrigue, CK Rollins, R Romero-Garcia, L Ronan, MD Rosenberg, DH Rowitch, GA Salum, TD Satterthwaite, HL Schaare, RJ Schachar, AP Schultz, G Schumann, M Schöll, D Sharp, RT Shinohara, I Skoog, CD Smyser, RA Sperling, DJ Stein, A Stolicyn, J Suckling, G Sullivan, Y Taki, B Thyreau, R Toro, N Traut, KA Tsvetanov, NB Turk-Browne, JJ Tuulari, C Tzourio, É Vachon-Presseau, MJ Valdes-Sosa, PA Valdes-Sosa, SL Valk, T van Amelsvoort, SN Vandekar, L Vasung, LW Victoria, S Villeneuve, A Villringer, A Villringer, PE Vértes, K Wagstyl, YS Wang, SK Warfield, V Warrier, E Westman, ML Westwater, HC Whalley, AV Witte, N Yang, B Yeo, H Yun, A Zalesky, HJ Zar, A Zettergren, JH Zhou, H Ziauddeen, A Zugman, XN Zuo, ET Bullmore, AF Alexander-Bloch, 3R-BRAIN, AIBL, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, Alzheimer’s Disease Repository Without Borders Investigators, UMN BCP, CALM Team, Cam-CAN, CCNP, COBRE, Developing Human Connectome Project, ENIGMA Developmental Brain Age working group, FinnBrain, Harvard Aging Brain Study, IMAGEN, KNE96, The Mayo Clinic Study of Aging, NSPN, POND, The PREVENT-AD Research Group, VETSA

    Synaptic and transcriptionally downregulated genes are associated with cortical thickness differences in autism.

    Journal: Mol Psychiatry
    E-pub date: 1 Jul 2019
    Authors: R Romero-Garcia, V Warrier, ET Bullmore, S Baron-Cohen, RAI Bethlehem


    Sex Differences in Human Brain Structure at Birth

    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2024
    Authors: YT Khan, A Tsompanidis, MA Radecki, L Dorfschmidt, T Austin, J Suckling, C Allison, M-C Lai, RAI Bethlehem, S Baron-Cohen

    Distinct alterations in probabilistic reversal learning across at-risk mental state, first episode psychosis and persistent schizophrenia.

    Journal: Sci Rep
    E-pub date: 30 Jul 2024
    Authors: JD Griffin, KMJ Diederen, J Haarsma, IC Jarratt Barnham, BRH Cook, E Fernandez-Egea, S Williamson, ED van Sprang, R Gaillard, F Vinckier, IM Goodyer, NSPN Consortium, GK Murray, PC Fletcher

    Cohort Profile Update: The Neuroscience in Psychiatry Network (NSPN) 2400 cohort during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Journal: Int J Epidemiol
    E-pub date: 25 Dec 2023
    Authors: A Wiedemann, J Bhatti, RW Hook, SAS Neufeld, NSPN Consortium, RJ Dolan, P Fonagy, I Goodyer, ET Bullmore, SR Chamberlain, PB Jones

    Brain-charting autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder reveals distinct and overlapping neurobiology.

    E-pub date: 7 Dec 2023
    Authors: SA Bedford, M-C Lai, MV Lombardo, B Chakrabarti, A Ruigrok, J Suckling, E Anagnostou, JP Lerch, M Taylor, R Nicolson, G Stelios, J Crosbie, R Schachar, E Kelley, J Jones, PD Arnold, E Courchesne, K Pierce, LT Eyler, K Campbell, CC Barnes, J Seidlitz, AF Alexander-Bloch, ET Bullmore, S Baron-Cohen, RAI Bethlehem, MRC AIMS Consortium and Lifespan Brain Chart Consortium

    The impact of quality control on cortical morphometry comparisons in autism

    Journal: Imaging Neurosci (Camb)
    E-pub date: 1 Oct 2023
    Authors: SA Bedford, A Ortiz-Rosa, JM Schabdach, M Costantino, S Tullo, T Piercy, M-C Lai, MV Lombardo, A Di Martino, GA Devenyi, M Mallar Chakravarty, AF Alexander-Bloch, J Seidlitz, S Baron-Cohen, RAI Bethlehem

    A longitudinal resource for population neuroscience of school-age children and adolescents in China.

    Journal: Sci Data
    E-pub date: 21 Aug 2023
    Authors: X-R Fan, Y-S Wang, D Chang, N Yang, M-J Rong, Z Zhang, Y He, X Hou, Q Zhou, Z-Q Gong, L-Z Cao, H-M Dong, J-J Nie, L-Z Chen, Q Zhang, J-X Zhang, L Zhang, H-J Li, M Bao, A Chen, J Chen, X Chen, J Ding, X Dong, Y Du, C Feng, T Feng, X Fu, L-K Ge, B Hong, X Hu, W Huang, C Jiang, L Li, Q Li, S Li, X Liu, F Mo, J Qiu, X-Q Su, G-X Wei, Y Wu, H Xia, C-G Yan, Z-X Yan, X Yang, W Zhang, K Zhao, L Zhu, Chinese Color Nest Consortium (CCNC), Lifespan Brain Chart Consortium (LBCC), X-N Zuo

    The impact of the initial COVID-19 outbreak on young adults’ mental health: a longitudinal study of risk and resilience factors.

    Journal: Sci Rep
    E-pub date: 5 Oct 2022
    Authors: A Wiedemann, J Stochl, SAS Neufeld, J Fritz, J Bhatti, RW Hook, NSPN Consortium, IM Goodyer, RJ Dolan, ET Bullmore, SR Chamberlain, P Fonagy, J Perez, PB Jones

    Oxytocin enhances basolateral amygdala activation and functional connectivity while processing emotional faces: preliminary findings in autistic vs non-autistic women.

    Journal: Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci
    E-pub date: 3 Oct 2022
    Authors: TL Procyshyn, MV Lombardo, M-C Lai, N Jassim, B Auyeung, SK Crockford, JB Deakin, S Soubramanian, A Sule, D Terburg, S Baron-Cohen, RAI Bethlehem

    The genetics of cortical organisation and development: a study of 2,347 neuroimaging phenotypes

    E-pub date: 8 Sep 2022
    Authors: V Warrier, E-M Stauffer, QQ Huang, EM Wigdor, EAW Slob, J Seidlitz, L Ronan, S Valk, TT Mallard, AD Grotzinger, R Romero-Garcia, S Baron-Cohen, DH Geschwind, M Lancaster, GK Murray, MJ Gandal, A Alexander-Bloch, H Won, HC Martin, ET Bullmore, RAI Bethlehem

    Brain charts for the human lifespan

    Journal: Nature
    E-pub date: 1 Apr 2022
    Authors: RAI Bethlehem, J Seidlitz, SR White, JW Vogel, KM Anderson, C Adamson, S Adler, GS Alexopoulos, E Anagnostou, A Areces-Gonzalez, DE Astle, B Auyeung, M Ayub, G Ball, S Baron-Cohen, R Beare, SA Bedford, V Benegal, F Beyer, J Bin Bae, J Blangero, M Blesa Cábez, JP Boardman, M Borzage, JF Bosch-Bayard, N Bourke, VD Calhoun, MM Chakravarty, C Chen, C Chertavian, G Chetelat, YS Chong, JH Cole, A Corvin, E Courchesne, F Crivello, VL Cropley, J Crosbie, N Crossley, M Delarue, S Desrivieres, G Devenyi, MA Di Biase, R Dolan, KA Donald, G Donohoe, K Dunlop, AD Edwards, JT Elison, CT Ellis, JA Elman, L Eyler, DA Fair, PC Fletcher, P Fonagy, CE Franz, L Galan-Garcia, A Gholipour, J Giedd, JH Gilmore, DC Glahn, I Goodyer, PE Grant, NA Groenewold, FM Gunning, RE Gur, RC Gur, CF Hammill, O Hansson, T Hedden, A Heinz, R Henson, K Heuer, J Hoare, B Holla, AJ Holmes, R Holt, H Huang, K Im, J Ipser, CR Jack, AP Jackowski, T Jia, KA Johnson, PB Jones, DT Jones, R Kahn, H Karlsson, L Karlsson, R Kawashima, EA Kelley, S Kern, K Kim, MG Kitzbichler, WS Kremen, F Lalonde, B Landeau, S Lee, J Lerch, JD Lewis, J Li, W Liao, DP Linares, C Liston, MV Lombardo, J Lv, C Lynch, TT Mallard, M Marcelis, RD Markello, B Mazoyer, P McGuire, MJ Meaney, A Mechelli, N Medic, B Misic, SE Morgan, D Mothersill, J Nigg, MQW Ong, C Ortinau, R Ossenkoppele, M Ouyang, L Palaniyappan, L Paly, PM Pan, C Pantelis, MM Park, T Paus, Z Pausova, A Pichet Binette, K Pierce, X Qian, J Qiu, A Qiu, A Raznahan, T Rittman, CK Rollins, R Romero-Garcia, L Ronan, MD Rosenberg, DH Rowitch, GA Salum, TD Satterthwaite, HL Schaare, RJ Schachar, AP Schultz, G Schumann, M Schöll, D Sharp, RT Shinohara, I Skoog, CD Smyser, RA Sperling, DJ Stein, A Stolicyn, J Suckling, G Sullivan, Y Taki, B Thyreau, R Toro, KA Tsvetanov, NB Turk-Browne, JJ Tuulari, C Tzourio, É Vachon-Presseau, MJ Valdes-Sosa, PA Valdes-Sosa, SL Valk, T van Amelsvoort, SN Vandekar, L Vasung, LW Victoria, S Villeneuve, A Villringer, PE Vértes, K Wagstyl, YS Wang, SK Warfield, V Warrier, E Westman, ML Westwater, HC Whalley, AV Witte, N Yang, BTT Yeo, HJ Yun, A Zalesky, HJ Zar, A Zettergren, JH Zhou, H Ziauddeen, A Zugman, XN Zuo, AF Alexander-Bloch, AIBL, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, Alzheimer’s Disease Repository Without Borders Investigators, ASRB, CALM Team, Cam-CAN, CCNP, 3R-BRAIN, COBRE, ENIGMA Developmental Brain Age working group, FinnBrain, Harvard Aging Brain Study, IMAGEN, KNE96, NSPN, OASIS-3, OpenPain Project, POND, The PREVENT-AD Research Group, VETSA, Bullmore, E.T

    BOLD Coupling between Lesioned and Healthy Brain Is Associated with Glioma Patients’ Recovery.

    Journal: Cancers (Basel)
    E-pub date: 6 Oct 2021
    Authors: R Romero-Garcia, MG Hart, RAI Bethlehem, A Mandal, M Assem, B Crespo-Facorro, JM Gorriz, GAA Burke, SJ Price, T Santarius, Y Erez, J Suckling

    Grey and white matter micro-structure is associated with polygenic risk for schizophrenia

    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2021
    Authors: E-M Stauffer, RAI Bethlehem, V Warrier, G Murray, R Romero-Garcia, J Seidlitz, E Bullmore

    Oxytocin enhances basolateral amygdala activation and functional connectivity in autistic women while processing emotional faces

    E-pub date: 25 Jun 2021
    Authors: T Procyshyn, M Lombardo, M-C Lai, N Jassim, B Auyeung, S Crockford, J Deakin, S Soubramanian, A Sule, D Terburg, S Baron-Cohen, RAI Bethlehem

    Imbalanced social-communicative and restricted repetitive behavior subtypes of autism spectrum disorder exhibit different neural circuitry.

    Journal: Commun Biol
    E-pub date: 14 May 2021
    Authors: N Bertelsen, I Landi, RAI Bethlehem, J Seidlitz, EM Busuoli, V Mandelli, E Satta, S Trakoshis, B Auyeung, P Kundu, E Loth, G Dumas, S Baumeister, CF Beckmann, S Bölte, T Bourgeron, T Charman, S Durston, C Ecker, RJ Holt, MH Johnson, EJH Jones, L Mason, A Meyer-Lindenberg, C Moessnang, M Oldehinkel, AM Persico, J Tillmann, SCR Williams, W Spooren, DGM Murphy, JK Buitelaar, EU-AIMS LEAP group, S Baron-Cohen, M-C Lai, MV Lombardo

    Sex-specific impact of prenatal androgens on social brain default mode subsystems.

    Journal: Mol Psychiatry
    E-pub date: 1 Sep 2020
    Authors: MV Lombardo, B Auyeung, T Pramparo, A Quartier, J Courraud, RJ Holt, J Waldman, ANV Ruigrok, N Mooney, RAI Bethlehem, M-C Lai, P Kundu, ET Bullmore, J-L Mandel, A Piton, S Baron-Cohen

    Differential neural circuitry behind autism subtypes with imbalanced social-communicative and restricted repetitive behavior symptoms

    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2020
    Authors: N Bertelsen, I Landi, R Bethlehem, J Seidlitz, EM Busuoli, V Mandelli, E Satta, S Trakoshis, B Auyeung, P Kundu, E Loth, G Dumas, S Baumeister, C Beckmann, S Bölte, T Bourgeron, T Charman, S Durston, C Ecker, R Holt, M Johnson, E Jones, L Mason, A Meyer-Lindenberg, C Moessnang, M Oldehinkel, A Persico, J Tillmann, S Williams, W Spooren, D Murphy, J Buitelaar, S Baron-Cohen, M-C Lai, M Lombardo, the EU-AIMS LEAP group

    Assessing the relationship between cognitive empathy, age, and face perception using a sequential Bayesian analysis

    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2020
    Authors: JD Kist, RAI Bethlehem, B Stonier, O Sluijters, SK Crockford, E de Jonge, J Freyberg, S Baron-Cohen, OE Parsons

    Effects of oxytocin administration on salivary sex hormone levels in autistic and neurotypical women.

    Journal: Mol Autism
    E-pub date: 18 Mar 2020
    Authors: TL Procyshyn, MV Lombardo, M-C Lai, B Auyeung, SK Crockford, J Deakin, S Soubramanian, A Sule, S Baron-Cohen, RAI Bethlehem

    The oxytocin receptor gene predicts brain activity during an emotion recognition task in autism

    Journal: Mol Autism
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2019
    Authors: F Uzefovsky, R Bethlehem, S Shamay-Tsoory, A Ruigrok, R Holt, M Spencer, L Chura, V Warrier, B Chakrabarti, E Bullmore, J Suckling, D Floris, S Baron-Cohen, J Davis

    Autistic traits, resting-state connectivity, and absolute pitch in professional musicians: shared and distinct neural features.

    Journal: Mol Autism
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2019
    Authors: T Wenhart, RAI Bethlehem, S Baron-Cohen, E Altenmüller

    Salivary sex hormone levels following oxytocin administration in autistic and typical women

    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2019
    Authors: T Procyshyn, M Lombardo, M-C Lai, B Auyeung, S Crockford, J Deakin, S Soubramanian, A Sule, S Baron-Cohen, R Bethlehem

    In vivo coupling of tau pathology and cortical thinning in Alzheimer’s disease.

    Journal: Alzheimers Dement (Amst)
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2018
    Authors: E Mak, RAI Bethlehem, R Romero-Garcia, S Cervenka, T Rittman, S Gabel, A Surendranathan, RW Bevan-Jones, L Passamonti, P Vázquez Rodríguez, L Su, R Arnold, GB Williams, YT Hong, TD Fryer, FI Aigbirhio, JB Rowe, JT O'Brien

    Autistic traits, resting-state connectivity and absolute pitch in professional musicians: shared and distinct neural features

    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2018
    Authors: T Wenhart, RAI Bethlehem, S Baron-Cohen, E Altenmüller

    Does empathy predict altruism in the wild?

    Journal: Soc Neurosci
    E-pub date: 1 Dec 2017
    Authors: RAI Bethlehem, C Allison, EM van Andel, AI Coles, K Neil, S Baron-Cohen


    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2017
    Authors: F Uzefovsky, R Bethlehem, S Shamay-Tsoory, A Ruigrok, R Holt, M Spencer, L Chura, V Warrier, B Chakrabarti, E Bullmore, J Suckling, D Floris, S Baron-Cohen

    Synaptic and transcriptionally downregulated genes are associated with cortical thickness differences in autism

    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2017
    Authors: R Romero-Garcia, V Warrier, E Bullmore, S Baron-Cohen, RAI Bethlehem

    Structural Covariance Networks in Children with Autism or ADHD.

    Journal: Cereb Cortex
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2017
    Authors: RAI Bethlehem, R Romero-Garcia, E Mak, ET Bullmore, S Baron-Cohen

    Structural covariance networks in children with autism or ADHD

    E-pub date: 21 Feb 2017
    Authors: RAI Bethlehem, R Romero-Garcia, E Mak, ET Bullmore, S Baron-Cohen

    Intranasal oxytocin enhances intrinsic corticostriatal functional connectivity in women

    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2016
    Authors: R Bethlehem, M Lombardo, M-C Lai, B Auyeung, S Crockford, J Deakin, S Soubramanian, A Sule, P Kundu, V Voon, S Baron-Cohen

    Genetic overlap between educational attainment, schizophrenia and autism

    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2016
    Authors: V Warrier, RAI Bethlehem, D Geschwind, S Baron-Cohen

    Oxytocin increases eye contact during a real-time, naturalistic social interaction in males with and without autism.

    Journal: Transl Psychiatry
    E-pub date: 10 Feb 2015
    Authors: B Auyeung, MV Lombardo, M Heinrichs, B Chakrabarti, A Sule, JB Deakin, RAI Bethlehem, L Dickens, N Mooney, JAN Sipple, P Thiemann, S Baron-Cohen

    The oxytocin paradox.

    Journal: Front Behav Neurosci
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2014
    Authors: RAI Bethlehem, S Baron-Cohen, J van Honk, B Auyeung, PA Bos

    Oxytocin, brain physiology, and functional connectivity: a review of intranasal oxytocin fMRI studies.

    Journal: Psychoneuroendocrinology
    E-pub date: 1 Jul 2013
    Authors: RAI Bethlehem, J van Honk, B Auyeung, S Baron-Cohen