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    Thomas Cope MB BChir MClinRes MRCP(Neurology) PhD

    University Position
    Visiting Scientist


    I am a consultant neurologist, with clinical interests in cognition and epilepsy. I am Cambridge academic lead for epilepsy, and clinical lead for neuropsychiatry. I am particularly interested how the mind works, how we perceive the world, and how this goes wrong in patients with neurological pathology. My research examines how the brain makes predictions about the world, reconciles these predictions against the information from our senses, and learns to improve future perception. To do this, I manipulate sensory inputs and measure how this alters the coding of information in the brain; combining psychophysics, PET, magnetoencephalography ultra-high field (7T) functional MRI, and direct intracranial recordings in patients with rare dementias or undergoing surgery for epilepsy. I am also an Official Fellow of Murray Edwards College, where I teach neuroscience and direct studies for psychology.

    Focal cortical dysplasia at 7T

    Patient with epilepsy. 7T MRI demonstrates a focal cortical dysplasia causing seizures.

    Key Publications

    Temporal lobe perceptual predictions for speech are instantiated in motor cortex and reconciled by inferior frontal cortex.

    Journal: Cell Rep
    E-pub date: 30 May 2023
    Authors: TE Cope, E Sohoglu, KA Peterson, PS Jones, C Rua, L Passamonti, W Sedley, B Post, J Coebergh, CR Butler, P Garrard, K Abdel-Aziz, M Husain, TD Griffiths, K Patterson, MH Davis, JB Rowe

    Evidence for causal top-down frontal contributions to predictive processes in speech perception.

    Journal: Nat Commun
    E-pub date: 18 Dec 2017
    Authors: TE Cope, E Sohoglu, W Sedley, K Patterson, PS Jones, J Wiggins, C Dawson, M Grube, RP Carlyon, TD Griffiths, MH Davis, JB Rowe


    Peripheral inflammatory markers relate to central inflammation and survival in syndromes associated with frontotemporal lobar degeneration

    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2024
    Authors: M Malpetti, P Swann, KA Tsvetanov, L Chouliaras, A Strauss, T Chikaura, AG Murley, N Ashton, P Barker, PS Jones, TD Fryer, YT Hong, TE Cope, G Savulich, D Street, WR Bevan-Jones, T Rittman, K Blennow, H Zetterberg, FI Aigbirhio, JT O’Brien, JB Rowe

    Neurophysiological consequences of synapse loss in progressive supranuclear palsy

    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2022
    Authors: N Adams, A Jafarian, A Perry, M Rouse, A Shaw, A Murley, T Cope, R Bevan-Jones, L Passamonti, D Street, N Holland, D Nesbitt, L Hughes, K Friston, J Rowe

    Synaptic loss in behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia revealed by [11C]UCB-J PET

    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2022
    Authors: M Malpetti, S Jones, T Cope, N Holland, M Naessens, M Rouse, G Savulich, T Fryer, Y Hong, SM Sephton, F Aigbirhio, J O’Brien, J Rowe

    A modified Camel and Cactus Test detects presymptomatic semantic impairment in genetic frontotemporal dementia within the GENFI cohort.

    Journal: Appl Neuropsychol Adult
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2022
    Authors: K Moore, R Convery, M Bocchetta, M Neason, DM Cash, C Greaves, LL Russell, MTM Clarke, G Peakman, J van Swieten, L Jiskoot, F Moreno, M Barandiaran, R Sanchez-Valle, B Borroni, R Laforce, M-C Doré, M Masellis, MC Tartaglia, C Graff, D Galimberti, JB Rowe, E Finger, M Synofzik, H-O Karnath, R Vandenberghe, A de Mendonça, C Maruta, F Tagliavini, I Santana, S Ducharme, C Butler, A Gerhard, J Levin, A Danek, M Otto, JD Warren, JD Rohrer, Genetic FTD Initiative, GENFI*

    Parkinson’s disease impairs cortical sensori-motor decision-making cascades

    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2022
    Authors: A Tomassini, TE Cope, J Zhang, JB Rowe

    Are the UK genetic testing criteria for dementia too exclusive?

    Journal: J Neurol
    E-pub date: 1 Apr 2022
    Authors: A Christodoulidou, GE McKenna, ST Holden, JB Rowe, TE Cope

    GABAergic cortical network physiology in frontotemporal lobar degeneration.

    Journal: Brain
    E-pub date: 17 Aug 2021
    Authors: NE Adams, LE Hughes, MA Rouse, HN Phillips, AD Shaw, AG Murley, TE Cope, WR Bevan-Jones, L Passamonti, D Street, N Holland, D Nesbitt, K Friston, JB Rowe

    Disease-related cortical thinning in presymptomatic granulin mutation carriers.

    Journal: Neuroimage Clin
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2021
    Authors: S Borrego-Écija, R Sala-Llonch, J van Swieten, B Borroni, F Moreno, M Masellis, C Tartaglia, C Graff, D Galimberti, R Laforce, JB Rowe, E Finger, R Vandenberghe, F Tagliavini, A de Mendonça, I Santana, M Synofzik, S Ducharme, J Levin, A Danek, A Gerhard, M Otto, C Butler, G Frisoni, S Sorbi, C Heller, M Bocchetta, DM Cash, RS Convery, KM Moore, JD Rohrer, R Sanchez-Valle, Genetic FTD Initiative GENFI

    Differential early subcortical involvement in genetic FTD within the GENFI cohort.

    Journal: Neuroimage Clin
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2021
    Authors: M Bocchetta, EG Todd, G Peakman, DM Cash, RS Convery, LL Russell, DL Thomas, J Eugenio Iglesias, JC van Swieten, LC Jiskoot, H Seelaar, B Borroni, D Galimberti, R Sanchez-Valle, R Laforce, F Moreno, M Synofzik, C Graff, M Masellis, M Carmela Tartaglia, JB Rowe, R Vandenberghe, E Finger, F Tagliavini, A de Mendonça, I Santana, CR Butler, S Ducharme, A Gerhard, A Danek, J Levin, M Otto, S Sorbi, I Le Ber, F Pasquier, JD Rohrer, Genetic Frontotemporal dementia Initiative (GENFI)

    Impairment of episodic memory in genetic frontotemporal dementia: A GENFI study.

    Journal: Alzheimers Dement (Amst)
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2021
    Authors: JM Poos, LL Russell, G Peakman, M Bocchetta, CV Greaves, LC Jiskoot, EL van der Ende, H Seelaar, JM Papma, E van den Berg, YAL Pijnenburg, B Borroni, R Sanchez-Valle, F Moreno, R Laforce, C Graff, M Synofzik, D Galimberti, JB Rowe, M Masellis, C Tartaglia, E Finger, R Vandenberghe, A de Medonça, F Tagliavini, CR Butler, I Santana, IL Ber, A Gerhard, S Ducharme, J Levin, A Danek, M Otto, S Sorbi, F Pasquier, JC van Swieten, JD Rohrer, Genetic FTD Initiative, GENF

    Synaptic density in carriers of C9orf72 mutations: a [11 C]UCB-J PET study.

    Journal: Ann Clin Transl Neurol
    E-pub date: 1 Jul 2021
    Authors: M Malpetti, N Holland, PS Jones, R Ye, TE Cope, TD Fryer, YT Hong, G Savulich, T Rittman, L Passamonti, E Mak, FI Aigbirhio, JT O'Brien, JB Rowe

    In vivo PET imaging of neuroinflammation in familial frontotemporal dementia.

    Journal: J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry
    E-pub date: 1 Mar 2021
    Authors: M Malpetti, T Rittman, PS Jones, TE Cope, L Passamonti, WR Bevan-Jones, K Patterson, TD Fryer, YT Hong, FI Aigbirhio, JT O'Brien, JB Rowe

    Brain functional network integrity sustains cognitive function despite atrophy in presymptomatic genetic frontotemporal dementia.

    Journal: Alzheimers Dement
    E-pub date: 1 Mar 2021
    Authors: KA Tsvetanov, S Gazzina, PS Jones, J van Swieten, B Borroni, R Sanchez-Valle, F Moreno, R Laforce, C Graff, M Synofzik, D Galimberti, M Masellis, MC Tartaglia, E Finger, R Vandenberghe, A de Mendonça, F Tagliavini, I Santana, S Ducharme, C Butler, A Gerhard, A Danek, J Levin, M Otto, G Frisoni, R Ghidoni, S Sorbi, JD Rohrer, JB Rowe, Genetic FTD Initiative, GENFI

    Advances in neuroimaging to support translational medicine in dementia.

    Journal: J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry
    E-pub date: 1 Mar 2021
    Authors: TE Cope, RS Weil, E Düzel, BC Dickerson, JB Rowe

    Progression of Behavioral Disturbances and Neuropsychiatric Symptoms in Patients With Genetic Frontotemporal Dementia.

    Journal: JAMA Netw Open
    E-pub date: 4 Jan 2021
    Authors: A Benussi, E Premi, S Gazzina, C Brattini, E Bonomi, A Alberici, L Jiskoot, JC van Swieten, R Sanchez-Valle, F Moreno, R Laforce, C Graff, M Synofzik, D Galimberti, M Masellis, C Tartaglia, JB Rowe, E Finger, R Vandenberghe, A de Mendonça, F Tagliavini, I Santana, S Ducharme, CR Butler, A Gerhard, J Levin, A Danek, M Otto, G Frisoni, R Ghidoni, S Sorbi, I Le Ber, F Pasquier, G Peakman, E Todd, M Bocchetta, JD Rohrer, B Borroni, Genetic FTD Initiative (GENFI)

    C9orf72, age at onset, and ancestry help discriminate behavioral from language variants in FTLD cohorts.

    Journal: Neurology
    E-pub date: 15 Dec 2020
    Authors: B Costa, C Manzoni, M Bernal-Quiros, DA Kia, M Aguilar, I Alvarez, V Alvarez, O Andreassen, M Anfossi, S Bagnoli, L Benussi, L Bernardi, G Binetti, D Blackburn, M Boada, B Borroni, L Bowns, G Bråthen, AC Bruni, H-H Chiang, J Clarimon, S Colville, ME Conidi, TE Cope, C Cruchaga, C Cupidi, ME Di Battista, J Diehl-Schmid, M Diez-Fairen, O Dols-Icardo, E Durante, D Flisar, F Frangipane, D Galimberti, M Gallo, M Gallucci, R Ghidoni, C Graff, JH Grafman, M Grossman, J Hardy, I Hernández, GJT Holloway, ED Huey, I Illán-Gala, A Karydas, B Khoshnood, MG Kramberger, M Kristiansen, PA Lewis, A Lleó, GK Madhan, R Maletta, A Maver, M Menendez-Gonzalez, G Milan, B Miller, MO Mol, P Momeni, S Moreno-Grau, CM Morris, B Nacmias, C Nilsson, V Novelli, L Öijerstedt, A Padovani, S Pal, Y Panchbhaya, P Pastor, B Peterlin, I Piaceri, S Pickering-Brown, YAL Pijnenburg, AA Puca, I Rainero, A Rendina, AMT Richardson, E Rogaeva, B Rogelj, S Rollinson, G Rossi, C Rossmeier, JB Rowe, E Rubino, A Ruiz, R Sanchez-Valle, SB Sando, AF Santillo, J Saxon, E Scarpini, M Serpente, N Smirne, S Sorbi, E Suh, F Tagliavini, JC Thompson, JQ Trojanowski, VM Van Deerlin, J Van der Zee, C Van Broeckhoven, J van Rooij, JC Van Swieten, A Veronesi, E Vitale, ML Waldö, C Woodward, J Yokoyama, V Escott-Price, JM Polke, R Ferrari, International FTD-Genetics Consortium

    Abnormal pain perception is associated with thalamo-cortico-striatal atrophy in C9orf72 expansion carriers in the GENFI cohort.

    Journal: J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry
    E-pub date: 1 Dec 2020
    Authors: RS Convery, M Bocchetta, CV Greaves, KM Moore, DM Cash, J Van Swieten, F Moreno, R Sánchez-Valle, B Borroni, R Laforce, M Masellis, MC Tartaglia, C Graff, D Galimberti, JB Rowe, E Finger, M Synofzik, R Vandenberghe, A de Mendonca, F Tagliavini, I Santana, S Ducharme, C Butler, A Gerhard, J Levin, A Danek, M Otto, JD Warren, JD Rohrer, Genetic FTD Initiative (GENFI)

    Social cognition impairment in genetic frontotemporal dementia within the GENFI cohort.

    Journal: Cortex
    E-pub date: 1 Dec 2020
    Authors: LL Russell, CV Greaves, M Bocchetta, J Nicholas, RS Convery, K Moore, DM Cash, J van Swieten, L Jiskoot, F Moreno, R Sanchez-Valle, B Borroni, R Laforce, M Masellis, MC Tartaglia, C Graff, E Rotondo, D Galimberti, JB Rowe, E Finger, M Synofzik, R Vandenberghe, A de Mendonça, F Tagliavini, I Santana, S Ducharme, C Butler, A Gerhard, J Levin, A Danek, M Otto, JD Warren, JD Rohrer, Genetic FTD Initiative, GENFI

    In vivo PET imaging of neuroinflammation in familial frontotemporal dementia

    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2020
    Authors: M Malpetti, T Rittman, S Jones, T Cope, L Passamonti, R Bevan-Jones, K Patterson, T Fryer, Y Hong, F Aigbirhio, J O’Brien, J Rowe

    Cortical Complexity Analyses and Their Cognitive Correlate in Alzheimer’s Disease and Frontotemporal Dementia.

    Journal: J Alzheimers Dis
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2020
    Authors: N Nicastro, M Malpetti, TE Cope, WR Bevan-Jones, E Mak, L Passamonti, JB Rowe, JT O'Brien

    Faster Cortical Thinning and Surface Area Loss in Presymptomatic and Symptomatic C9orf72 Repeat Expansion Adult Carriers.

    Journal: Ann Neurol
    E-pub date: 1 Jul 2020
    Authors: G Le Blanc, V Jetté Pomerleau, J McCarthy, B Borroni, J van Swieten, D Galimberti, R Sanchez-Valle, R LaForce, F Moreno, M Synofzik, C Graff, M Masellis, MC Tartaglia, JB Rowe, R Vandenberghe, E Finger, F Tagliavini, A de Mendonça, I Santana, C Butler, A Gerhard, A Danek, J Levin, M Otto, G Frisoni, S Sorbi, JD Rohrer, S Ducharme, Genetic Frontotemporal Dementia Initiative (GENFI)

    Anterior temporal lobe is necessary for efficient lateralised processing of spoken word identity.

    Journal: Cortex
    E-pub date: 1 May 2020
    Authors: TE Cope, Y Shtyrov, LJ MacGregor, R Holland, F Pulvermüller, JB Rowe, K Patterson

    Plasma glial fibrillary acidic protein is raised in progranulin-associated frontotemporal dementia.

    Journal: J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry
    E-pub date: 1 Mar 2020
    Authors: C Heller, MS Foiani, K Moore, R Convery, M Bocchetta, M Neason, DM Cash, D Thomas, CV Greaves, IO Woollacott, R Shafei, JC Van Swieten, F Moreno, R Sanchez-Valle, B Borroni, R Laforce, M Masellis, MC Tartaglia, C Graff, D Galimberti, JB Rowe, E Finger, M Synofzik, R Vandenberghe, A de Mendonca, F Tagliavini, I Santana, S Ducharme, CR Butler, A Gerhard, J Levin, A Danek, G Frisoni, S Sorbi, M Otto, AJ Heslegrave, H Zetterberg, JD Rohrer, GENFI

    Neuroinflammation and protein aggregation co-localize across the frontotemporal dementia spectrum.

    Journal: Brain
    E-pub date: 1 Mar 2020
    Authors: WR Bevan-Jones, TE Cope, PS Jones, SS Kaalund, L Passamonti, K Allinson, O Green, YT Hong, TD Fryer, R Arnold, JP Coles, FI Aigbirhio, AJ Larner, K Patterson, JT O'Brien, JB Rowe

    GABA-ergic Dynamics in Human Frontotemporal Networks Confirmed by Pharmaco-Magnetoencephalography.

    Journal: J Neurosci
    E-pub date: 19 Feb 2020
    Authors: NE Adams, LE Hughes, HN Phillips, AD Shaw, AG Murley, D Nesbitt, TE Cope, WR Bevan-Jones, L Passamonti, JB Rowe

    Age at symptom onset and death and disease duration in genetic frontotemporal dementia: an international retrospective cohort study.

    Journal: Lancet Neurol
    E-pub date: 1 Feb 2020
    Authors: KM Moore, J Nicholas, M Grossman, CT McMillan, DJ Irwin, L Massimo, VM Van Deerlin, JD Warren, NC Fox, MN Rossor, S Mead, M Bocchetta, BF Boeve, DS Knopman, NR Graff-Radford, LK Forsberg, R Rademakers, ZK Wszolek, JC van Swieten, LC Jiskoot, LH Meeter, EG Dopper, JM Papma, JS Snowden, J Saxon, M Jones, S Pickering-Brown, I Le Ber, A Camuzat, A Brice, P Caroppo, R Ghidoni, M Pievani, L Benussi, G Binetti, BC Dickerson, D Lucente, S Krivensky, C Graff, L Öijerstedt, M Fallström, H Thonberg, N Ghoshal, JC Morris, B Borroni, A Benussi, A Padovani, D Galimberti, E Scarpini, GG Fumagalli, IR Mackenzie, G-YR Hsiung, P Sengdy, AL Boxer, H Rosen, JB Taylor, M Synofzik, C Wilke, P Sulzer, JR Hodges, G Halliday, J Kwok, R Sanchez-Valle, A Lladó, S Borrego-Ecija, I Santana, MR Almeida, M Tábuas-Pereira, F Moreno, M Barandiaran, B Indakoetxea, J Levin, A Danek, JB Rowe, TE Cope, M Otto, S Anderl-Straub, A de Mendonça, C Maruta, M Masellis, SE Black, P Couratier, G Lautrette, ED Huey, S Sorbi, B Nacmias, R Laforce, M-PL Tremblay, R Vandenberghe, PV Damme, EJ Rogalski, S Weintraub, A Gerhard, CU Onyike, S Ducharme, SG Papageorgiou, ASL Ng, A Brodtmann, E Finger, R Guerreiro, J Bras, JD Rohrer, FTD Prevention Initiative

    Serum neurofilament light chain in genetic frontotemporal dementia: a longitudinal, multicentre cohort study.

    Journal: Lancet Neurol
    E-pub date: 1 Dec 2019
    Authors: EL van der Ende, LH Meeter, JM Poos, JL Panman, LC Jiskoot, EGP Dopper, JM Papma, FJ de Jong, IMW Verberk, C Teunissen, D Rizopoulos, C Heller, RS Convery, KM Moore, M Bocchetta, M Neason, DM Cash, B Borroni, D Galimberti, R Sanchez-Valle, R Laforce, F Moreno, M Synofzik, C Graff, M Masellis, M Carmela Tartaglia, JB Rowe, R Vandenberghe, E Finger, F Tagliavini, A de Mendonça, I Santana, C Butler, S Ducharme, A Gerhard, A Danek, J Levin, M Otto, GB Frisoni, S Cappa, YAL Pijnenburg, JD Rohrer, JC van Swieten, Genetic Frontotemporal dementia Initiative (GENFI)

    GABA-ergic dynamics in human frontotemporal networks confirmed by pharmaco-magnetoencephalography

    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2019
    Authors: N Adams, L Hughes, H Phillips, A Shaw, A Murley, T Cope, R Bevan-Jones, L Passamonti, J Rowe

    Neuroinflammation and protein aggregation co-localize across the frontotemporal dementia spectrum.: weak correlations were observed between our cohorts of controls for each ligand (supplementary figure 1)

    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2019
    Authors: WR Bevan-Jones, TE Cope, PS Jones, L Passamonti, Y Hong, T Fryer, R Arnold, J Coles, F Aigbirhio, A Larner, K Patterson, J O'Brien, J Rowe

    White matter hyperintensities in progranulin-associated frontotemporal dementia: A longitudinal GENFI study.

    Journal: Neuroimage Clin
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2019
    Authors: CH Sudre, M Bocchetta, C Heller, R Convery, M Neason, KM Moore, DM Cash, DL Thomas, IOC Woollacott, M Foiani, A Heslegrave, R Shafei, C Greaves, J van Swieten, F Moreno, R Sanchez-Valle, B Borroni, R Laforce, M Masellis, MC Tartaglia, C Graff, D Galimberti, JB Rowe, E Finger, M Synofzik, R Vandenberghe, A de Mendonça, F Tagliavini, I Santana, S Ducharme, C Butler, A Gerhard, J Levin, A Danek, GB Frisoni, S Sorbi, M Otto, H Zetterberg, S Ourselin, MJ Cardoso, JD Rohrer, On behalf of, GENFI

    Cortical complexity analyses and their cognitive correlate in Alzheimer’s disease and frontotemporal dementia

    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2019
    Authors: N Nicastro, M Malpetti, T Cope, WR Bevan-Jones, E Mak, L Passamonti, J Rowe, J O’brien

    Functional network resilience to pathology in presymptomatic genetic frontotemporal dementia.

    Journal: Neurobiol Aging
    E-pub date: 1 May 2019
    Authors: T Rittman, R Borchert, S Jones, J van Swieten, B Borroni, D Galimberti, M Masellis, MC Tartaglia, C Graff, F Tagliavini, GB Frisoni, R Laforce, E Finger, A Mendonça, S Sorbi, JD Rohrer, JB Rowe, Genetic Frontotemporal Dementia Initiative (GENFI)

    The inner fluctuations of the brain in presymptomatic Frontotemporal Dementia: The chronnectome fingerprint.

    Journal: Neuroimage
    E-pub date: 1 Apr 2019
    Authors: E Premi, VD Calhoun, M Diano, S Gazzina, M Cosseddu, A Alberici, S Archetti, D Paternicò, R Gasparotti, J van Swieten, D Galimberti, R Sanchez-Valle, R Laforce, F Moreno, M Synofzik, C Graff, M Masellis, MC Tartaglia, J Rowe, R Vandenberghe, E Finger, F Tagliavini, A de Mendonça, I Santana, C Butler, S Ducharme, A Gerhard, A Danek, J Levin, M Otto, G Frisoni, S Cappa, S Sorbi, A Padovani, JD Rohrer, B Borroni, Genetic FTD Initiative, GENFI

    In vivo evidence for pre-symptomatic neuroinflammation in a MAPT mutation carrier.

    Journal: Ann Clin Transl Neurol
    E-pub date: 1 Feb 2019
    Authors: WR Bevan-Jones, TE Cope, PS Jones, L Passamonti, YT Hong, T Fryer, R Arnold, JP Coles, FI Aigbirhio, JT O'Brien, JB Rowe

    [18F]AV-1451 binding in vivo mirrors the expected distribution of TDP-43 pathology in the semantic variant of primary progressive aphasia.

    Journal: J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry
    E-pub date: 1 Oct 2018
    Authors: WR Bevan-Jones, TE Cope, PS Jones, L Passamonti, YT Hong, TD Fryer, R Arnold, KSJ Allinson, JP Coles, FI Aigbirhio, K Patterson, JT O'Brien, JB Rowe

    [18F]AV-1451 binding is increased in frontotemporal dementia due to C9orf72 expansion.

    Journal: Ann Clin Transl Neurol
    E-pub date: 1 Oct 2018
    Authors: RW Bevan-Jones, TE Cope, SP Jones, L Passamonti, YT Hong, T Fryer, R Arnold, JP Coles, FA Aigbirhio, K Patterson, JT O'Brien, JB Rowe

    Neurophysiological signatures of Alzheimer’s disease and frontotemporal lobar degeneration: pathology versus phenotype.

    Journal: Brain
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2018
    Authors: S Sami, N Williams, LE Hughes, TE Cope, T Rittman, ITS Coyle-Gilchrist, RN Henson, JB Rowe

    Monitoring the past and choosing the future: the prefrontal cortical influences on voluntary action.

    Journal: Sci Rep
    E-pub date: 8 May 2018
    Authors: HN Phillips, TE Cope, LE Hughes, J Zhang, JB Rowe

    Tau burden and the functional connectome in Alzheimer’s disease and progressive supranuclear palsy.

    Journal: Brain
    E-pub date: 1 Feb 2018
    Authors: TE Cope, T Rittman, RJ Borchert, PS Jones, D Vatansever, K Allinson, L Passamonti, P Vazquez Rodriguez, WR Bevan-Jones, JT O'Brien, JB Rowe

    Artificial grammar learning in vascular and progressive non-fluent aphasias.

    Journal: Neuropsychologia
    E-pub date: 1 Sep 2017
    Authors: TE Cope, B Wilson, H Robson, R Drinkall, L Dean, M Grube, PS Jones, K Patterson, TD Griffiths, JB Rowe, CI Petkov

    18F-AV-1451 positron emission tomography in Alzheimer’s disease and progressive supranuclear palsy.

    Journal: Brain
    E-pub date: 1 Mar 2017
    Authors: L Passamonti, P Vázquez Rodríguez, YT Hong, KSJ Allinson, D Williamson, RJ Borchert, S Sami, TE Cope, WR Bevan-Jones, PS Jones, R Arnold, A Surendranathan, E Mak, L Su, TD Fryer, FI Aigbirhio, JT O'Brien, JB Rowe

    The Brain Basis for Misophonia.

    Journal: Curr Biol
    E-pub date: 20 Feb 2017
    Authors: S Kumar, O Tansley-Hancock, W Sedley, JS Winston, MF Callaghan, M Allen, TE Cope, PE Gander, D-E Bamiou, TD Griffiths

    [18F]AV-1451 PET in behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia due to MAPT mutation.

    Journal: Ann Clin Transl Neurol
    E-pub date: 1 Dec 2016
    Authors: WR Bevan Jones, TE Cope, L Passamonti, TD Fryer, YT Hong, F Aigbirhio, JJ Kril, SL Forrest, K Allinson, JP Coles, P Simon Jones, MG Spillantini, JR Hodges, JT O'Brien, JB Rowe

    Anti-collapsin response mediator protein 5 encephalitis masquerading as a low-grade brain tumour.

    Journal: Pract Neurol
    E-pub date: 1 Oct 2016
    Authors: TE Cope, DP Breen, S Chawda, A Cifelli

    The Beat to Read: A Cross-Lingual Link between Rhythmic Regularity Perception and Reading Skill.

    Journal: Front Hum Neurosci
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2016
    Authors: A Bekius, TE Cope, M Grube

    Functional auditory disorders.

    Journal: Handb Clin Neurol
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2016
    Authors: DM Baguley, TE Cope, DJ McFerran

    The functional anatomy of central auditory processing.

    Journal: Pract Neurol
    E-pub date: 31 Aug 2015
    Authors: TE Cope, DM Baguley, TD Griffiths

    Disorders of Audition

    E-pub date: 14 Feb 2015
    Authors: TE Cope, W Sedley, TD Griffiths

    Subthalamic deep brain stimulation in Parkinson׳s disease has no significant effect on perceptual timing in the hundreds of milliseconds range.

    Journal: Neuropsychologia
    E-pub date: 1 May 2014
    Authors: TE Cope, M Grube, A Mandal, FE Cooper, U Brechany, DJ Burn, TD Griffiths

    The basal ganglia in perceptual timing: timing performance in Multiple System Atrophy and Huntington’s disease.

    Journal: Neuropsychologia
    E-pub date: 1 Jan 2014
    Authors: TE Cope, M Grube, B Singh, DJ Burn, TD Griffiths

    Thyrotoxic periodic paralysis: correct hypokalemia with caution.

    Journal: J Emerg Med
    E-pub date: 1 Sep 2013
    Authors: TE Cope, APR Samaraweera, DJ Burn

    Auditory temporal-envelope processing in high-functioning children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

    Journal: Neuropsychologia
    E-pub date: 1 Jun 2012
    Authors: JI Alcántara, TE Cope, W Cope, EJ Weisblatt

    Temporal predictions based on a gradual change in tempo.

    Journal: J Acoust Soc Am
    E-pub date: 1 May 2012
    Authors: TE Cope, M Grube, TD Griffiths

    Rapid-onset, linezolid-induced lactic acidosis in MELAS.

    Journal: Mitochondrion
    E-pub date: 1 Nov 2011
    Authors: TE Cope, R McFarland, A Schaefer

    Tinnitus loudness in quiet and noise after resection of vestibular schwannoma.

    Journal: Otol Neurotol
    E-pub date: 1 Apr 2011
    Authors: TE Cope, DM Baguley, BCJ Moore

    Is musical hallucination an otological phenomenon? a review of the literature.

    Journal: Clin Otolaryngol
    E-pub date: 1 Oct 2009
    Authors: TE Cope, DM Baguley

    How does age affect the success of total replacement of the hip joint?

    Journal: Reviews in Clinical Gerontology
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2008
    Authors: TE Cope

    Effects of level and frequency on the audibility of partials in inharmonic complex tones.

    Journal: Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
    E-pub date: 1 Aug 2006
    Authors: BCJ Moore, BR Glasberg, KE Low, T Cope, W Cope